Director of The University of Utah School of Computing
Professor of Computer Science
SCI Faculty Member
MEB 3190
mb [at] cs.utah.edu
My firm belief is that it is the close coupling between teaching and learning and research that is one of the defining
characteristics of a research-led University. Given this view it is perhaps not surprising that as a result of fifteen
years of teaching Scientific Computing and Computer Science both Science and Engineering students I have evolved
a teaching philosophy based on incorporating research ideas into course content.
Practical Parallel Programming - this new course in practical parallel programming which gives the students
experience in writing parallel programs using a variety of approaches including the message passing standard
MPI. The course started in Spring of 2001 made use of a Beowolf cluster and has run for two more years.
Ph.D Students: An important part of my teaching effort has been directed towards the training of a dozen or so
Ph.D students. The success of this has been reflected by the their successful research and their Ph.D. degrees.