In this page you can find and download the code for LDNN, CHM and semi-supervised learning algorithms. If you use any of these packages please cite the following:
— "Regularization With Stochastic Transformations and Perturbations for Deep Semi-Supervised Learning" M. Sajjadi, M. Javanmardi, and T. Tasdizen, NIPS 2016
— "Image Segmentation with Cascaded Hierarchical Models and Logistic Disjunctive Normal Networks" M. Seyedhosseini, M. Sajjadi, and T. Tasdizen, ICCV 2013 [pdf, bibtex]
— "Disjunctive Normal Networks" M. Sajjadi, M. Seyedhosseini, and T. Tasdizen, Neurocomputing 2016
Semi-Supervised Learning
— The source code for both unsupervised loss functions are available here.
— This code is based on 'Spatially Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks' framework.
— Please refer to the '' file for instructions and installations.
— The source code and precompiled binaries for different platforms are available here.
— If you want to compile the mex files use “compile.m” script available in the package.
— We integrated the kmeans function of the berkeley vision group for clustering.
— ”LDNN_train.m” is the main function for training the classifier.
— “LDNN_predict.m” is the main function for testing the classifier.
— You can use “demo.m” to run some examples.
— The source code and precompiled binaries for 64-bit linux are available here.
— If you want to compile the mex files, use “compile.m” script available in the package.
— You should start with “TrainScript.m”.
— This code was written from scratch for the purpose of sharing.
— The results are not exactly the same as the reported numbers in the paper
(fortunately they are slightly better)