The ImageVis3D development team is proud to announce the release of ImageVis3D (IV3D) Mobile 3.0! IV3D Mobile is a mobile visualization application designed to visualize and share volume and surface data while you are on the go. With ImageVis3D (available for free at and ImageVis3D Mobile you can transfer your own data directly from the desktop to your mobile device. ImageVis3D supports all iPads, iPod touches and iPhones (older devices have a more limited feature set). Version 3.0 adds support for server based rendering, when connected to a render server the application can generate images of much higher quality that it would be possible with client based rendering alone.
This project was made possible in part by the NIH/NIGMS Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing, P41-RR12553-10 and by Award Number R01EB007688 from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering as well as the Intel Visual Computing Institute and the Cluster of Excellence "Multimodal Computing and Interaction" at the Saarland University.