Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing

SCI Publications


R.T. Whitaker. “Isosurfaces and Level-Sets,” In The Visualization Handbook, Edited by C.D. Hansen and C.R. Johnson, Elsevier, pp. 97--123. 2005.
ISBN: 0-12-387582-X

C. H. Wolters, A. Anwander, X. Tricoche, S. Lew, C.R. Johnson. “Influence of Local and Remote White Matter Conductivity Anisotropy for a Thalamic Source on EEG/MEG Field and Return Current Computation,” In Int.Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 203--206. 2005.

B. Yilmaz, R.S. MacLeod, B.B. Punske, B. Taccardi, D.H. Brooks. “Training Set Selection for Statistical Estimation of Epicardial Activation Mapping from Intravenous Multielectrode Catheters,” In IEEE Trans Biomed. Eng., pp. (in press). 2005.

B. Yilmaz, R.S. MacLeod, B.B. Punske, B. Taccardi, D.H. Brooks. “Venous Catheter Based Mapping of Ectopic Epicardial Activation: Training Data Set Selection for Statistical Estimation,” In IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, Vol. 52, No. 11, pp. 1823--1831. November, 2005.

S. Zhang, D.H. Laidlaw, G. Kindlmann. “Diffusion Tensor MRI Visualization,” In The Visualization Handbook, Edited by C.D. Hansen and C.R. Johnson, Elsevier, pp. 327--340. 2005.
ISBN: 0-12-387582-X


D.H. Brooks, A. Ghodrati, Y. Zhang, G. Tadmor, R.S. MacLeod. “Inverse Electrocardiography in the Framework of Dynamic Imaging Problems,” In Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 26th Annual International Conference, San Francisco, CA, pp. 3565--3568. September, 2004.

J. Cates, R.T. Whitaker, G.M. Jones. “Case Study: An Evaluation of User-Assisted Hierarchical Watershed Segmentation,” No. UUCS-04-006, University of Utah School of Computing, 2004.

J. Cates, A. Lefohn, R.T. Whitaker. “GIST: An Interactive, GPU-Based Level Set Segmentation Tool for 3D Medical Images,” In Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 217--231. September, 2004.

A.B. Cheryauka, J.N. Lee, A.A. Samsonov, M. Defrise, G.T. Gullberg. “MRI Diffusion Tensor Reconstruction with PROPELLER Data Acquisition,” In J. Mag. Res. Imag., Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 139--148. 2004.

C. Garth, X. Tricoche, G. Scheuermann. “Tracking of Vector Field Singularities in Unstructured 3D Time-Dependent Datasets,” In Proceeding of IEEE Visualization 2004, pp. 329--336. 2004.

C. Garth, X. Tricoche, T. Salzbrunn, T. Bobach, G. Scheuermann. “Surface Techniques for Vortex Visualization,” In Proceedings of Joint Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization, pp. 155--164. May, 2004.

A. Ghodrati, D.H. Brooks, R.S. MacLeod. “On Selecting and Using Reduced Sets of Leads for Electrocardiographic Imaging Using Reconstruction-Quality Criteria,” In Proceedings of The SIAM Conference on Imaging Science 2004, Salt Lake City, UT, Note: abstract., May, 2004.

A. Ghodrati, F. Calderero, D.H. Brooks, G. Tadmor, R.S. MacLeod. “A Level Sets Algorithm for the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography,” In Proceedings of the Asilomar Conf. on Sig. and Sys., Vol. 2, pp. 1590--1594. November, 2004.

C.S. Henriquez, J.V. Tranquillo, D.M. Weinstein, E.W. Hsu, C.R. Johnson. “Three-dimensional Propagation in Mathematic Models: Integrative Model of the Mouse Heart,” In Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside, 4th edition, Ch. 30, Edited by D.P. Zipes and J. Jalife, Saunders, pp. 273--281. 2004.

B. Hopenfeld, J.G. Stinstra, R.S. MacLeod. “Mechanism for ST Depression Associated with Contiguous Subendocardial Ischemia,” In J. Cardiovasc. Electrophysiol., Vol. 15, No. 10, pp. 1200--1206. 2004.

C.R. Johnson. “Top Scientific Visualization Research Problems,” In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications: Visualization Viewpoints, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 13--17. July/August, 2004.

G Kindlmann. “Superquadric Tensor Glyphs,” In Proceeding of The Joint Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization 2004, pp. 147--154. May, 2004.

G.L. Kindlmann, D.M. Weinstein, A.D. Lee, A.W. Toga, P.M. Thompson. “Visualization of Anatomic Covariance Tensor Fields,” In Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 26th Annual International Conference, 2004.

J.M. Kniss, J.P. Schulze, U. Wössner, P. Winkler, U. Lang, C.D. Hansen. “Medical Applications of Multi-field Volume Rendering and VR Techniques,” In Proceeding of The Joint Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization 2004, pp. 249--254. 2004.

A.E. Lefohn, J.M. Kniss, C.D. Hansen, R.T. Whitaker. “A Streaming Narrow-Band Algorithm: Interactive Deformation and Visualization of Level Sets,” In IEEE Trans. Vis & Comp. Graph., pp. 422--433. 2004.