Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing

SCI Publications


C.R. Johnson, D. Brederson, C.D. Hansen, M. Ikits, G. Kindlmann, Y. Livnat, S.G. Parker, D.M. Weinstein, R.T. Whitaker. “Computational Field Visualization,” In Computer Graphics, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 5--9. 2001.

C.R. Johnson, M. Mohr, U. Ruede, A. Samsonov, K. Zyp. “Multilevel Methods for Inverse Bioelelectric Field Problems,” In Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering - Multiscale and Multiresolution Methods: Theory and Applications, Vol. 20, Edited by T.J. Barth and T.F. Chan and R. Haimes, Springer-Verlag Publishing, Heidelberg pp. 331--346. October, 2001.

C.R. Johnson. “Adaptive Finite Element and Local Regularization Methods for the Inverse ECG Problem,” In Inverse Problems in Electrocardiology, Advances in Computational Biomedicine, Vol. 5, Edited by Peter Johnston, WIT Press, pp. 51--88. 2001.

C.R. Johnson. “Computational Bioimaging for Medical Diagnosis and Treatment,” In Communications of the ACM, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 74--76. March, 2001.

R.S. MacLeod, B. Yilmaz, B. Taccardi, B.B. Punske, Y. Serina, D.H. Brooks. “Direct and Inverse Methods for Cardiac Mapping Using Multielectrode Catheter Measurements,” In Journal of Biomedizinische Technik, Vol. 46(supp), pp. 207--209. 2001.

R.S. MacLeod, B.B. Punske, B. Yilmaz, S. Shome, B. Taccardi. “The Role of Heart Rate in Myocardial Ischemia From Restricted Coronary Perfusion,” In J. Electrocardiol., Vol. 34 (supp), Note: ISCE conference paper, pp. 43--51. 2001.

O. Portniaguine, D.M. Weinstein, C.R. Johnson. “Focusing Inversion of Electroencephalography and Magnetoencephalography Data,” In 3rd International Symposium On Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging, Journal of Biomedizinische Technik (special issue), Vol. 46, Innsbruck, Austria pp. 115--117. Sep, 2001.

B. Taccardi, B.B. Punske, R.S. MacLeod, Q. Ni. “Extracardiac Effects of Myocardial Electrical Anisotropy,” In Biomed. Technik, Vol. 46(suppl 2), pp. 216--218. 2001.

R. Van Uitert, D. Weinstein, C.R. Johnson, L. Zhukov. “Finite Element EEG and MEG Simulations for Realistic Head Models: Quadratic vs. Linear Approximations,” In Biomed. Technik, Vol. 46, pp. 32--34. 2001.

D. Weinstein, O. Portniaguine, L. Zhukov. “A Comparison of Dipolar and Focused Inversion for EEG Source Localization,” In Biomed. Technik, Vol. 46 (special issue), pp. 121--123. Sep, 2001.

L. Zhukov, D.M. Weinstein, C.R. Johnson, R.S. Macleod. “Spatio-temporal Multi-dipole Source Localization Using ICA and Lead-Fields in FEM Head Models,” In Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 23rd Annual International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey Oct, 2001.


C.R. Johnson, S.G. Parker, D. Weinstein. “Large-Scale Computational Science Applications Using the SCIRun Problem Solving Environment,” In Proceedings of The International Supercomputer Conference 2000, 2000.

G.L. Kindlmann, D.M. Weinstein, D. Hart. “Strategies for Direct Volume Rendering of Diffusion Tensor Fields,” In IEEE Trans. Vis & Comp. Graph., Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 124--138. April-June, 2000.

Y. Livnat, S.G. Parker, C.R. Johnson. “Fast Isosurface Extraction Methods for Large Image Data Sets,” In Handbook of Medical Imaging, Edited by A.N. Bankman, Academic Press, San Diego, CA pp. 731--745. Nov, 2000.

D.M. Weinstein, L. Zhukov, G. Potts. “Localization of Multiple Deep Epileptic Sources in a Realistic Head Model via Independent Component Analysis,” School of Computing Technical Report, No. UUCS-2000-004, University of Utah, February, 2000.

D.M. Weinstein, L. Zhukov, C.R. Johnson. “Lead-Field Bases for EEG Source Imaging,” In Annal. Biomed. Eng., Vol. 28, No. 9, pp. 1059--1065. Sep, 2000.

D. Weinstein. “Scanline Surfacing: Building Separating Surfaces from Planar Contours,” In Proceeding of IEEE Visualization 2000, pp. 283--289. 2000.

D.M. Weinstein, L. Zhukov, C.R. Johnson. “An Inverse EEG Problem Solving Environment and its Applications to EEG Source Localization,” In NeuroImage (suppl.), pp. 921. 2000.

D.M. Weinstein, L. Zhukov, C.R. Johnson, S.G. Parker, R. Van Uitert, R.S. MacLeod, C.D. Hansen. “Interactive Source Imaging with BioPSE,” In Chicago 2000 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago, IL., Note: Refereed abstract., July, 2000.

D.M. Weinstein, P. Krysl, C.R. Johnson. “The BioPSE Inverse EEG Modeling Pipeline,” In ISGG 7th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computation Field Simulations, The International Society of Grid Generation, Mississippi State University pp. 1091--1100. 2000.