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SCIRunAlgo Namespace Reference

Datatypes that the algorithm uses. More...


class  CleanupTetMeshAlgo
class  RemoveUnusedNodesAlgo
class  ClipMeshByIsovalueAlgoTet
class  ClipMeshByIsovalueAlgoTri
class  ClipMeshByIsovalueAlgoHex
class  ClipMeshByIsovalueAlgo
class  ClipMeshBySelectionAlgo
class  CollectPointCloudsAlgo
class  CompareFieldsAlgo
class  SimilarMeshesAlgo
class  ConvertLatVolDataFromElemToNodeAlgo
class  ConvertLatVolDataFromNodeToElemAlgo
class  ConvertMeshToTetVolMeshAlgo
class  ConvertMeshToUnstructuredMeshAlgo
class  CreateMeshFromNrrdAlgo
class  CalculateInsideWhichFieldAlgo
class  CalculateIsInsideFieldAlgo
class  GetDomainStructureAlgo
class  MatchDomainLabelsAlgo
class  SplitNodesByDomainAlgo
class  CalculateFieldDataMetricAlgo
class  CalculateLatVolGradientsAtNodesAlgo
class  CalculateVectorMagnitudesAlgo
class  ConvertFieldDataTypeAlgo
class  ConvertIndicesToFieldDataAlgo
class  ConvertMappingMatrixToFieldDataAlgo
class  SetFieldDataToConstantValueAlgo
class  SmoothVecFieldMedianAlgo
class  DilateFieldDataAlgo
class  ErodeFieldDataAlgo
class  TriSurfPhaseFilterAlgo
class  FindClosestNodeAlgo
class  FindClosestNodeByValueAlgo
class  FindClosestNodesFromPointFieldPAlgo
class  FindClosestNodesFromPointFieldAlgo
class  MapFieldDataFromSourceToDestinationClosestDataPAlgo
class  MapFieldDataFromSourceToDestinationSingleDestinationPAlgo
class  MapFieldDataFromSourceToDestinationInterpolatedDataPAlgo
class  MapFieldDataFromSourceToDestinationAlgo
class  MapFromPointFieldPAlgo
class  MapFromPointFieldAlgo
class  MarchingCubesAlgoP
class  MarchingCubesAlgo
class  MedialAxisAlgo
class  MedialAxisP
class  MedialAxis2Algo
class  AppendFieldsAlgo
class  FlipSurfaceNormalsAlgo
class  GetMeshQualityFieldAlgo
class  GetSurfaceElemNormalsAlgo
class  GetSurfaceNodeNormalsAlgo
class  CalculateMeshCenterAlgo
class  CalculateMeshConnectorAlgo
class  GetBoundingBoxAlgo
class  GetCentroidsAlgo
class  SortSizes
class  AscSortSizes
class  SplitByConnectedRegionAlgo
class  RefineMeshQuadSurfAlgoV
class  RefineMeshHexVolAlgoV
class  RefineMeshAlgo
class  RegisterWithCorrespondencesAlgo
class  PadRegularMeshAlgo
class  GeneratePointSamplesFromFieldAlgoF
class  GeneratePointSamplesFromFieldAlgo
class  GenerateStreamLinesAlgoP
class  GenerateStreamLinesAccAlgo
class  GenerateStreamLinesAlgo
class  StreamLineIntegrators
class  InterfaceWithTetGenAlgo
class  TracePointsAlgo
class  ConvertMeshCoordinateSystemAlgo
class  GeneratePolarProjectionAlgo
class  GeneratePolarProjectionImageAlgo
class  TransformMeshWithTransformAlgo
class  TransformPlanarMeshAlgo
struct  IndexHash
class  BuildFESurfRHSAlgo
class  FEMVolRHSBuilder
class  BuildFEVolRHSPrivateData
class  BuildFEVolRHSAlgo
class  BuildFEGridMappingAlgo
class  BuildNodeLinkAlgo
class  LinkElement
class  DefinePeriodicBoundariesAlgo
class  AddKnownsToLinearSystemAlgo
class  CalculateProfile
 Samples image data surrounding mesh generated from segmentation. More...


typedef LockingHandle
< SearchGridT
< SCIRun::index_type > > 


enum  {


bool ConvertHexVolToTetVolV (AlgoBase *algo, FieldHandle input, FieldHandle &output)
bool ConvertLatVolToTetVolV (AlgoBase *algo, FieldHandle input, FieldHandle &output)
bool StructuredCreateMeshFromNrrdAlgo (AlgoBase *algo, FieldHandle &fHandle, NrrdDataHandle pointsH, size_type idim, size_type jdim, size_type kdim)
bool UnstructuredCreateMeshFromNrrdAlgo (AlgoBase *algo, FieldHandle &fHandle, NrrdDataHandle pointsH, NrrdDataHandle connectH, size_type nconnections, int which)
template<class DATA >
bool DilateFieldDataNodeV (AlgoBase *algo, FieldHandle input, FieldHandle &output)
template<class DATA >
bool DilateFieldDataElemV (AlgoBase *algo, FieldHandle input, FieldHandle &output)
template<class DATA >
bool ErodeFieldDataNodeV (AlgoBase *algo, FieldHandle input, FieldHandle &output)
template<class DATA >
bool ErodeFieldDataElemV (AlgoBase *algo, FieldHandle input, FieldHandle &output)
bool find_second_closest_elem (VMesh *tsm, SearchGridHandle elem_grid, double &rdist, Point &rloc, VMesh::coords_type &rcoords, VMesh::Elem::index_type &relem, const Point &p, VMesh::Elem::index_type &qelem, const Point &qloc, const Vector &pqdir, double pqdist, double diffdist)
bool RefineMeshTetVolAlgoV (AlgoBase *algo, FieldHandle input, FieldHandle &output, std::string select, double isoval)
bool RefineMeshCurveAlgoV (AlgoBase *algo, FieldHandle input, FieldHandle &output, std::string select, double isoval)
bool RefineMeshTriSurfAlgoV (AlgoBase *algo, FieldHandle input, FieldHandle &output, std::string select, double isoval)
void CleanupStreamLinePoints (const std::vector< Point > &input, std::vector< Point > &output, double e2)
bool GenerateEdgeProjection (VMesh *vmesh, VMesh::Node::index_type start_node, Vector normal, Vector axis, double maxdist, VMesh::Node::index_type final_node, Point &fpoint, double &cum_dist)
bool operator== (const LinkElement &s1, const LinkElement &s2)
bool operator< (const LinkElement &s1, const LinkElement &s2)


int tet_permute_table [15][4]
int tri_permute_table [7][3]

Detailed Description

Datatypes that the algorithm uses.

For mapping matrices.

Class definition of this one.

Base class for algorithm for Windows support

Need to find out what type of field we are dealing with

STL classes needed

: this was used by the TracePoints module, which

Typedef Documentation

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Function Documentation

void SCIRunAlgo::CleanupStreamLinePoints ( const std::vector< Point > &  input,
std::vector< Point > &  output,
double  e2 
bool ConvertHexVolToTetVolV ( AlgoBase *  algo,
FieldHandle  input,
FieldHandle &  output 

Make sure that get_neighbors works with elements

For checker board ordering

Add one type of ordering

Add the other type of ordering

Make sure that get_neighbors works with elements

For checker board ordering

Add one type of ordering

Add the other type of ordering

bool ConvertLatVolToTetVolV ( AlgoBase *  algo,
FieldHandle  input,
FieldHandle &  output 
bool DilateFieldDataElemV ( AlgoBase *  algo,
FieldHandle  input,
FieldHandle &  output 

Create output field

Create output field

bool DilateFieldDataNodeV ( AlgoBase *  algo,
FieldHandle  input,
FieldHandle &  output 

Create output field

Create output field

bool ErodeFieldDataElemV ( AlgoBase *  algo,
FieldHandle  input,
FieldHandle &  output 

Create output field

Create output field

bool ErodeFieldDataNodeV ( AlgoBase *  algo,
FieldHandle  input,
FieldHandle &  output 

Create output field

Create output field

bool SCIRunAlgo::find_second_closest_elem ( VMesh *  tsm,
SearchGridHandle  elem_grid,
double &  rdist,
Point &  rloc,
VMesh::coords_type &  rcoords,
VMesh::Elem::index_type &  relem,
const Point &  p,
VMesh::Elem::index_type &  qelem,
const Point &  qloc,
const Vector &  pqdir,
double  pqdist,
double  diffdist 

If there are no elements we cannot find the closest one

We need to do a full shell without any elements that are closer to make sure there no closer elements in neighboring searchgrid cells

bool SCISHARE GenerateEdgeProjection ( VMesh *  vmesh,
VMesh::Node::index_type  start_node,
Vector  normal,
Vector  axis,
double  maxdist,
VMesh::Node::index_type  final_node,
Point &  fpoint,
double &  cum_dist 
bool SCIRunAlgo::operator< ( const LinkElement &  s1,
const LinkElement &  s2 
bool SCIRunAlgo::operator== ( const LinkElement &  s1,
const LinkElement &  s2 
bool SCIRunAlgo::RefineMeshCurveAlgoV ( AlgoBase *  algo,
FieldHandle  input,
FieldHandle &  output,
std::string  select,
double  isoval 

Obtain information on what type of input field we have

Alter the input so it will become a QuadSurf

bool SCIRunAlgo::RefineMeshTetVolAlgoV ( AlgoBase *  algo,
FieldHandle  input,
FieldHandle &  output,
std::string  select,
double  isoval 

Obtain information on what type of input field we have

Alter the input so it will become a tetvol

Create the output field

bool SCIRunAlgo::RefineMeshTriSurfAlgoV ( AlgoBase *  algo,
FieldHandle  input,
FieldHandle &  output,
std::string  select,
double  isoval 

Obtain information on what type of input field we have

Alter the input so it will become a QuadSurf

bool SCIRunAlgo::StructuredCreateMeshFromNrrdAlgo ( AlgoBase *  algo,
FieldHandle &  fHandle,
NrrdDataHandle  pointsH,
size_type  idim,
size_type  jdim,
size_type  kdim 
bool SCIRunAlgo::UnstructuredCreateMeshFromNrrdAlgo ( AlgoBase *  algo,
FieldHandle &  fHandle,
NrrdDataHandle  pointsH,
NrrdDataHandle  connectH,
size_type  nconnections,
int  which 

Variable Documentation

int tet_permute_table[15][4]
Initial value:
= {
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 3, 0, 2, 1 },
{ 2, 3, 0, 1 },
{ 0, 1, 2, 3 },
{ 1, 2, 0, 3 },
{ 0, 2, 3, 1 },
{ 0, 3, 1, 2 },
{ 0, 1, 2, 3 },
{ 0, 1, 2, 3 },
{ 2, 1, 3, 0 },
{ 3, 1, 0, 2 },
{ 1, 2, 0, 3 },
{ 3, 2, 1, 0 },
{ 2, 3, 0, 1 },
{ 3, 0, 2, 1 },
int tri_permute_table[7][3]
Initial value:
= {
{ 0, 0, 0 },
{ 2, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 2, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 2 },
{ 0, 1, 2 },
{ 1, 2, 0 },
{ 2, 0, 1 },