Xiang Hao

University of Utah

Conference (List)
Computer Image Analysis, Computer Vision Conferences, Current and Future,
Selected conferences in the field of Medical Imaging,
Another Conferences and Journals List,
Information Processing In Medical Imaging,
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
Hal Daume, Sargur N. Srihari, Thomas G. Dietterich, Guido Gerig, Vaclav HLAVAC, Godfried T. Toussaint
Useful Links

Image Processing/Analysis: Annotated Computer Vision Bibliography: Table of Contents

Machine Learning: Statistical Data Mining Tutorials, Pattern Recognition on the Web, Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox, Mendel HMM Toolbox for Matlab

Computer Vision: Annotated Computer Vision Bibliography: Table of Contents, The Computer Vision Homepage, Computer Vision Software

Mathematics: Finite mathematics & Applied calculus

Medical Imaging: Medical Imaging Links, BUBL LINK in Medical Imaging

Others: Links1, Links2, Links3, Vasek Hlavac's teaching/tutorial presentations , Sze's Lecture Notes, Video Lectures, Regularization, Best paper awards


Programming Resource: SourceForge, Code Project, C FAQ, C++ Home, The C Library Reference Guide, The C++ resources network, ITK, VTK, Computer Programming Training Tutorial(Thanks Matty), AI programming resource

R: R, Quick R

Latex: Latex, Latex Wikibook, Bibtex and bibliography styles, TikZ

Matlab: Matlab Tutorial, Mathworks

Python: Python, Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science

Technology: Microsoft’s History and Achievements

Local Seminars
School of Computing
SCI Seminars
Math: colloquium, stats, applied

News: New York Times, Google News, Slashdot, MITBBS

Others: Hal's Blog, Machine Learning, PhD Comics, Snowbird, ALTA

University of Utah Locations of visitors to this page
Xiang Hao, Graduate Student, Ph.D. 2720 Warnock Engineering Building SCI Institute, University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9205
Phone: (801) 585-0611; Fax: (801) 585-6513; Email: hao@cs.utah.edu