Directory CCA/Components/Arches/fortran/

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Lines of Code

CCA/Components/Arches/fortran/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 87 (100.0%) 892 (100.0%) 10.2
u0407585 16 (18.4%) 830 (93.0%) 51.8
jas 65 (74.7%) 34 (3.8%) 0.5
jthornoc 4 (4.6%) 22 (2.5%) 5.5
dav 2 (2.3%) 6 (0.7%) 3.0

Most Recent Commits

dav 2016-06-22 17:18 Rev.: 55462

Reorganize the way we include MPI. Previously files were including the mpi_defs.h (configure generated file) to get mpi.h. Now they
include UintahMPI.h (from Core/Parallel/).

Note: MPI is now required (though for all intents and purposes it already was). You can still run a serial version of the code,
you just must compile/link with MPI first.

M configure

- Fix check for xml2-config.
- Fix check for mpi.h location when using 'built-in' (fixes issue with non-mpich MPIs).
- Check to see if MPI handles const correctly.
- Fix some indentation.
- No longer define HAVE_MPI or HAVE_MPICH as we require MPI now.
- Added defines for MPI_CONST_WORKS, and MPI_MAX_THREADS and MPI3_ENABLED (thought the last 2 are hard-coded and need
to have configure tests written for them).

M include/sci_defs/

- Moved the MPI wrappers into UintahMPI.h (thus out of this configure generated file).

D include/sci_mpi.h

- Removed sci_mpi.h as it is not used and its only purpose was to allow for compilation without MPI. This
is no-longer allowed (and probably hadn't worked in a long time).

A Core/Parallel/UintahMPI.h

- Added the new file UintahMPI.h which is used to #include <mpi.h> and wrap the MPI calls.
- These wrappers were in mpi_testdefs.h.
- Replaced most of the "const" with MPICONST so that on non-const-compliant MPIs they
can be turned off (this is done through a configure check).
- Grouped a lot of the UINTAH_ENABLE_MPI3 sections into single #if's instead of having a #if for each line.

M CCA/Components/Arches/fortran/

- Remove tabs from where they are not supposed to be.

M CCA/Components/MPM/PetscSolver.h
M CCA/Components/ICE/PressureSolve/HypreStandAlone/
M CCA/Components/ICE/PressureSolve/HypreStandAlone/
M CCA/Components/ICE/Advection/FluxDatatypes.h
M CCA/Components/Schedulers/OnDemandDataWarehouse.h
M CCA/Components/Schedulers/BatchReceiveHandler.h
M CCA/Components/Schedulers/
M CCA/Components/Schedulers/Relocate.h
M CCA/Components/Schedulers/
M CCA/Ports/PIDXOutputContext.h
M Core/Grid/Variables/
M Core/Grid/Variables/ReductionVariableBase.h
M Core/Grid/Variables/
M Core/Grid/Variables/SoleVariableBase.h
M Core/Parallel/ProcessorGroup.h
M Core/Parallel/PackBufferInfo.h
M Core/Parallel/BufferInfo.h
M Core/Disclosure/TypeDescription.h
M Core/Util/DOUT.hpp
M Core/Util/InfoMapper.h
M StandAlone/tools/mpi_test/
M StandAlone/tools/mpi_test/
M StandAlone/tools/mpi_test/
M StandAlone/tools/fsspeed/

- Proper indentation.
- Replaced mpi_defs.h with UintahMPI.h.
- Use <> for includes and not "" per Uintah conding standard.
- Added comment for the #endif of the #ifndef compiler guard for the .h file.
Moved some #ifndef .h compiler guards to the very top of the file.

M testprograms/Malloc/
M testprograms/Malloc/
M testprograms/Malloc/

- Fix indentation.
- "__linux" doesn't exist on some systems, so added "__linux__".
Probably could remove the __linux, but not sure so I didn't.

M VisIt/libsim/

- Use #include <>.

M StandAlone/

- Remove the code for old MPI versions. We don't support MPI v1 any more.

6 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches/fortran: (new)
u0407585 2016-04-13 11:08 Rev.: 55183

This commit makes the hybrid momentum discretization approach upwind wall cells by default. No impact on regression tests.

0 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches/fortran: uvelcoef_hybrid.F (new), vvelcoef_hybrid.F (changed), wvelcoef_hybrid.F (new)
u0407585 2016-04-07 11:41 Rev.: 55174

Removed diffusion from upwind coefficients, as Phil suggested.

18 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches/fortran: uvelcoef_hybrid.F (+6 -6), vvelcoef_hybrid.F (+6 -6), wvelcoef_hybrid.F (+6 -6)
u0407585 2016-04-01 16:42 Rev.: 55162

Added hybrid discretization scheme for momentum equations.

812 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches/fortran: (+6), uvelcoef_hybrid.F (+251), uvelcoef_hybrid.fspec (new 16), vvelcoef_hybrid.F (+249), vvelcoef_hybrid.fspec (new 16), wvelcoef_hybrid.F (+258), wvelcoef_hybrid.fspec (new 16)
jthornoc 2016-03-29 16:51 Rev.: 55142

***changes in answers expected***

* Allow the tangential components of the velocity to be set such that
the interpolated value to the face satisfies the original condition.
Previously, the velocities were set directly on the staggered cell
that resulted in interpolation error to the face but provided the
convenience of not having to reset them every time step. With this
change, they are now being recomputed every time step. (should change
answers for anything with tangential components at a velocity inlet)

* Interpolate the particle source term to the faces of the P-cell, which
are then used in the velocity sources. (changes answers)

* Fix a logic error in the boundary conditions which was causing an
unnecessary loop on outlet BCs. (this shouldn’t change answers)

22 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches/fortran: uvelcoef_mixed.F (+18 -19), uvelsrc.F (+4 -6)
jas 2016-01-08 15:45 Rev.: 54640

Update copyright date to 2016.

34 lines of code changed in 65 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches/fortran: arrass.F (+1 -1), cellg.F (+1 -1), fixval.F (+1 -1), fixval_trans.F (new), mascal_scalar.F (+1 -1), mm_computevel.F (new), mm_explicit.F (+1 -1), mm_explicit_oldvalue.F (new), mm_explicit_vel.F (+1 -1), mmbcvelocity.F (new), param4.h (+1 -1), prescoef_var.F (new), pressrcpred.F (+1 -1), pressrcpred_var.F (+1 -1), profv.F (new), ramping.h (new), smagmodel.F (+1 -1), (+1 -1), uvelcoef.F (new), uvelcoef_central.F (+1 -1), uvelcoef_mixed.F (+1 -1), uvelcoef_upwind.F (new), uvelsrc.F (+1 -1), vvelcoef.F (new), vvelcoef_central.F (new), vvelcoef_mixed.F (+1 -1), vvelcoef_upwind.F (+1 -1), vvelsrc.F (+1 -1), wallbc.F (+1 -1), wvelcoef.F (new), wvelcoef_central.F (+1 -1), wvelcoef_mixed.F (new), wvelcoef_upwind.F (+1 -1), wvelsrc.F (+1 -1)
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