Directory CCA/Components/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

            directory in repo Arches (76 files, 39141 lines)
                directory in repo BoundaryConditions (8 files, 118 lines)
                directory in repo ChemMix (11 files, 6128 lines)
                directory in repo CoalModels (23 files, 6886 lines)
                    directory in repo fortran (1 files, 37 lines)
                directory in repo DigitalFilter (3 files, 2213 lines)
                directory in repo LagrangianParticles (8 files, 624 lines)
                Folder removed from repo Operators (0 files, 0 lines)
                directory in repo ParticleModels (23 files, 5636 lines)
                directory in repo PropertyModels (8 files, 1698 lines)
                directory in repo PropertyModelsV2 (23 files, 3244 lines)
                directory in repo Radiation (15 files, 5246 lines)
                    directory in repo fortran (25 files, 3433 lines)
                directory in repo SourceTerms (28 files, 6362 lines)
                directory in repo Task (15 files, 2566 lines)
                directory in repo Transport (17 files, 538 lines)
                directory in repo TransportEqns (14 files, 11564 lines)
                directory in repo Utility (22 files, 2151 lines)
                directory in repo WallHTModels (3 files, 1573 lines)
                directory in repo fortran (40 files, 6013 lines)
            directory in repo DataArchiver (3 files, 3761 lines)
            directory in repo Examples (41 files, 9200 lines)
            directory in repo FVM (9 files, 135 lines)
            directory in repo ICE (19 files, 16479 lines)
                directory in repo Advection (12 files, 2880 lines)
                directory in repo CustomBCs (15 files, 5828 lines)
                directory in repo EOS (29 files, 4072 lines)
                directory in repo PressureSolve (0 files, 0 lines)
                    directory in repo HypreStandAlone (33 files, 5772 lines)
                directory in repo SpecificHeatModel (13 files, 1078 lines)
                directory in repo TurbulenceModel (9 files, 1348 lines)
                directory in repo WallShearStressModel (9 files, 992 lines)
            directory in repo LoadBalancers (21 files, 5820 lines)
            directory in repo MPM (29 files, 23827 lines)
                directory in repo CohesiveZone (5 files, 805 lines)
                directory in repo ConstitutiveModel (73 files, 46406 lines)
                    directory in repo Biswajit (9 files, 8699 lines)
                        directory in repo ElasticityModels (30 files, 2526 lines)
                        directory in repo Models (53 files, 8571 lines)
                    directory in repo PlasticityModels (126 files, 17380 lines)
                    directory in repo PortableTongeRamesh (2 files, 1620 lines)
                        directory in repo TongeRameshPTRCalcs (3 files, 4469 lines)
                    directory in repo UnusedCM (39 files, 24516 lines)
                    directory in repo fortran (5 files, 1748 lines)
                directory in repo Contact (21 files, 3884 lines)
                directory in repo Crack (29 files, 10513 lines)
                Folder removed from repo FluxBC (0 files, 0 lines)
                directory in repo HeatConduction (5 files, 1641 lines)
                directory in repo MMS (3 files, 424 lines)
                directory in repo ParticleCreator (11 files, 2234 lines)
                directory in repo PhysicalBC (25 files, 3141 lines)
                directory in repo ReactionDiffusion (5 files, 269 lines)
                    directory in repo ConductivityModels (7 files, 260 lines)
                    directory in repo DiffusionInterfaces (5 files, 260 lines)
                    directory in repo DiffusionModels (13 files, 1675 lines)
                directory in repo ThermalContact (9 files, 735 lines)
            directory in repo MPMArches (9 files, 6459 lines)
                directory in repo fortran (15 files, 3422 lines)
            directory in repo MPMFVM (7 files, 71 lines)
            directory in repo MPMICE (4 files, 4211 lines)
            directory in repo Models (3 files, 340 lines)
                directory in repo FluidsBased (29 files, 9334 lines)
                directory in repo HEChem (23 files, 8997 lines)
                directory in repo Radiation (1 files, 35 lines)
                    directory in repo RMCRT (11 files, 7452 lines)
                        directory in repo randomNums (3 files, 795 lines)
                directory in repo SolidReactionModel (23 files, 2008 lines)
            directory in repo OnTheFlyAnalysis (28 files, 8825 lines)
            directory in repo Parent (5 files, 1552 lines)
            directory in repo ProblemSpecification (3 files, 2355 lines)
            directory in repo ReduceUda (3 files, 630 lines)
            directory in repo Regridder (10 files, 2480 lines)
            directory in repo Schedulers (44 files, 20876 lines)
            directory in repo SimulationController (5 files, 2713 lines)
            directory in repo Solvers (11 files, 3683 lines)
                directory in repo AMR (10 files, 2878 lines)
                    directory in repo HyprePreconds (13 files, 1181 lines)
                    directory in repo HypreSolvers (19 files, 1993 lines)
            directory in repo SwitchingCriteria (15 files, 1610 lines)
            directory in repo Wasatch (40 files, 11571 lines)
                directory in repo Coal (14 files, 1057 lines)
                    directory in repo CharOxidation (12 files, 601 lines)
                        directory in repo CCK (20 files, 1453 lines)
                        directory in repo FirstOrderArrhenius (6 files, 156 lines)
                        directory in repo LangmuirHinshelwood (8 files, 304 lines)
                    directory in repo Devolatilization (5 files, 480 lines)
                        directory in repo CPD (17 files, 658 lines)
                        directory in repo KobayashiSarofim (6 files, 113 lines)
                            directory in repo doc (1 files, 444 lines)
                        directory in repo SingleRate (6 files, 110 lines)
                    directory in repo VaporizationBoiling (4 files, 225 lines)
                directory in repo Expressions (62 files, 12597 lines)
                    directory in repo BoundaryConditions (13 files, 2749 lines)
                    directory in repo EmbeddedGeometry (7 files, 913 lines)
                    directory in repo MMS (4 files, 1906 lines)
                    directory in repo PBE (11 files, 1909 lines)
                        directory in repo Precipitation (15 files, 2220 lines)
                    directory in repo Particles (11 files, 1588 lines)
                    directory in repo PostProcessing (13 files, 1716 lines)
                    directory in repo TarAndSoot (9 files, 770 lines)
                    directory in repo Turbulence (15 files, 2325 lines)
                directory in repo Operators (10 files, 1483 lines)
                directory in repo Transport (59 files, 9612 lines)
                Folder removed from repo transport (0 files, 0 lines)

Lines of Code

CCA/Components/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 5 (100.0%) 11 (100.0%) 2.2
cgritton 3 (60.0%) 9 (81.8%) 3.0
jas 1 (20.0%) 1 (9.1%) 1.0
dav 1 (20.0%) 1 (9.1%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

cgritton 2016-09-12 12:02 Rev.: 55733

Base set of files for the electrostatic mpm component

4 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components: (+4)
dav 2016-09-06 12:58 Rev.: 55704

The main updates in this commit are to configure and the build system:
A number of bullet-proofing / clean-ups have been added to configure,
and the dependency of Arches on Wasatch has been removed. (Note,
Arches still needs to build TabProps/RadProps in the Wasatch 3P.) I
have tested this on several machines, but it is possible that it will
now catch some peoples' bad configure lines (that 'worked' before but
only accidentally). If your configure stops working because of this
commit, please let me know so I can help you fix it. -Dav

M configure

- Force bad configure command line arguments to be errors instead of warnings.
This will help avoid users accidentally mis-typing an arg and not noticing.
The autoconf configure system does not normally allow this to happen as
their philosophy is that configure usually calls a sub-configure and passes
args down to it... Thus configure "ignores" bad args under the theory that
a "sub configure" will use them. However, we don't do this and this will
help catch configure command line typos and potentially save developers and
users a lot of headaches.

The bad news is that in order to get this functionality, we have
to hack the autconf'd generated configure script and add a
variable (enable_option_checking=fatal) at the top. I have added
a section to with the information about doing this,
but anyone who re-generates configure needs to manually follow the

- Configure now will immediately tell you if you have typed in an invalid
file/directory name (bad spelling, doesn't exist) for the --with flags.
Perviously this occurred manually each time (now it is part of the macro)
at the point in the configure script when the library was tested for.

- Fix handling of finding the C/C++ compilers and version checking better.
Configure now determines which compiler (eg: GCC, ICC, XLC) you are
using explicitly and can test for things (like version) appropriately.
The version check may still need to be updated a little.

- Updated the --with handling to know whether the flag was set or not. Previously
we were using a "" (blank) value, which was ambiguous.

- Flag --without as invalid on anything we don't explicitly handle (we
only handle without on a few things such as: --without-fortran or

- Allow the external Wasatch 3P to be specified on a single line (instead
of having a separate line for SpatialOps, ExprLib, etc) using
--with-wasatch3p=DIR. This will find all 4 W3P libs with one configure line.

- Got rid of IS_VS (wasn't set/used and don't know what it was for).

- While "no" and no (without quotes) are the same thing to configure, be consistent
and use "no" (with quotes) everywhere.

- Remove the BUILD_WASATCH_FOR_ARCHES logic, as we no longer need Wasatch to
be built for Arches.

- Clean up the left over files from relatively new MPI const test section.


- Update --enable-wasatch_3p to take a list of libs to build (in the case you only
wish to build a subset. Eg: --enable-wasatch_3p=radprops,tabprops
Pass list of libs to the script.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components: (+1 -14)
cgritton 2016-07-18 09:20 Rev.: 55524

Added a finite folume component to solve electrostatics problems

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components: (+5)
jas 2016-01-08 15:45 Rev.: 54640

Update copyright date to 2016.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components: (+1 -1)
Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0