Directory CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT/randomNums/

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Lines of Code

CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT/randomNums/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 10 (100.0%) 87 (100.0%) 8.7
harman 3 (30.0%) 75 (86.2%) 25.0
ahumphrey 4 (40.0%) 9 (10.3%) 2.2
jas 3 (30.0%) 3 (3.4%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

ahumphrey 2016-06-13 11:46 Rev.: 55440

Replace usage of NULL macro (type int) with nullptr (pointer literal of type: nullptr_t).

nullptr is implicitly convertible and comparable to any pointer type or pointer-to-member type, but is not implicitly comparable to integral types, except that it is convertible to bool (explicitly).

9 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT/randomNums: MersenneTwister.h (new), (new)
harman 2016-06-10 12:54 Rev.: 55431

added random number generation using C++11 Mersenne Twister engine.

75 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT/randomNums: Makefile (+2 -2), (+73 -28)
jas 2016-01-08 15:45 Rev.: 54640

Update copyright date to 2016.

3 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT/randomNums: Makefile (+1 -1), MersenneTwister.h (+1 -1), (+1 -1)
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