Director of The University of Utah School of Computing
Professor of Computer Science
SCI Faculty Member
MEB 3190
mb [at]


[2003] [2002] [2001] [2000]
[1999] [1998] [1997] [1996] [1995] [1994] [1993] [1992] [1991] [1990]
[1989] [1988] [1987] [1986] [1985] [1984] [1983] [1982] [1981] [1980]


C.H.Leung and M. Berzins. “A Computational Model for Organism Growth based on Surface Mesh Generation.Journal of Computational Physics Issue 1, Vol. 188, pp.75-99, 2003.

M. Berzins and A.G. Wilson. “Spatial Interaction Models and Fisher Information Theory A New Calibration Model.” Accepted by Environment and Planning 2003.


M.Walkley, P.K.Jimack and M.Berzins. “Mesh Quality for Three Dimensional Finite Element Solutions on Anisotropic Meshes.Proceedings of Three Dimensional Finite Element Conference, Finland, June 2000. Ed M.Krizek et al, Gakkotosho Co., Tokyo 2002 (Accepted. In Press July 2002).

C.E. Goodyer and M. Berzins. “Eclipse and Ellipse: PSEs for EHL Solutions using IRIS Explorer and SCIRun.”, Proceedings of ICCS ’02, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Lecture Notes in Computer Science”, Vol 2329, eds Sloot, P. M. A. and Tan, C. J. K. and Dongarra, J. J. and Hoekstra, A. G., Springer Berlin, 523–532, 2002.

C.E. Goodyer, J. Wood and M. Berzins. “A Parallel Grid Based PSE for EHL Problems.”, Applied Parallel Computing. Proceedings of PARA ’2002, Espoo, Finland, Eds J.Fagerholm, J.Haatja, J,Jarvinen, M. Lyly, P.Raback and V. Savolainen. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 2367, 521-530, 2002.

S.Ghorai, A.S.Tomlin and M.Berzins. “Resolution of Pollutant Concentrations Using a Fully 3D Adaptive Method.” in D.P.Chock and G.R.Carmichael (eds) Atmospheric Modeling, 61-80 . The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications 130. Springer Verlag New York, 2002. ISBN 0-387-95497-X.

M. Walkley, P.K. Jimack and M. Berzins. “Anisotropic Adaptivity for Finite Element Solutions of 3-D Convection-Dominated Problems.”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 40, 3-4, 551-559, 2002.

M. Walkley, M. Berzins. “A finite element model for the two-dimensional extended Boussinesq equations.Int. J. for Num. Meths. in Fluids, 39(10):865-885, 2002.

P.k. Jimack, R. Mahmood, M.A. Walkley, and M. Berzins. “A Multilevel Approach for Obtaining Locally Optimal Finite Element Meshes.Advances in Engineering Software, Vol 33, pp. 403-415, 2002.

L. Durbeck and M. Berzins. “Unstructured Tetrahedral Mesh Quality Analysis Using An Interactive Haptic and Visual Interface.”, Computing and Visualization in Science, 5, 2002, 3 179-190.


M.Berzins, A.S. Tomlin, S. Ghorai, I.Ahmad and J.Ware. “Unstructured Mesh Adaptive Mesh MOL Solvers for Atmospheric Reacting Flow Problems.” Invited Chapter pp. 317-351 in The Adaptive Method of LInes. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. Eds. A. Vande Wouwer, Ph. Saucez and W. Schiesser. 2001, ISBN 1-58488- 231-X.

M.Berzins and L. Durbeck. “Mesh Quality for Unstructured Mesh Riemann Solver based methods applied to Hyperbolic Equations with Source Terms.”, pp. 117-124 in Godunonv Methods: Theory and Applications, Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2001. (Proc. of Godunov Conf. October 18-22, Oxford UK) Eds E.Toro et al.

C.E.Goodyer, R.Fairlie, M.Berzins and L.E.Scales. “Adaptive techniques for elastohydrodynamic lubrication solvers.” Tribology Research: From Model Experiment to Industrial Problem, Proceedings of the 27th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology. (ed G. Dalmaz et al. Elsevier, 2001.

M. Walkley, P.K. Jimack and M. Berzins. “Anisotropic Adaptivity for the Finite Element Solutions of Three Dimensional Convection-Dominated Problems.Proceedings of ICFD 2001, Oxford, UK, March 2001. Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics VII, ed. M.J. Baines (ICFD, Oxford, ISBN 0 9524929 2 X), pp.525–531, 2001.

I. Lagzi, A.S. Tomlin, T.Turanyi, L.Haszpra, M.Berzins. “Modelling Photochemical Air Pollution in Hungary Using an Adaptive Grid Model.2nd International Conference on Air Pollution Modelling and Simulation (APMS’2001) April 9-12, 2001, Champs-sur-Marne, Paris, France

C.E. Goodyer, R. Fairlie, M. Berzins and L.E. Scales, L. E. “Adaptive Mesh Methods for Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication”, ECCOMAS CFD 2001 : Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference Proceedings, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, ISBN 0-905-091-12-4,2001.

M. Walkley, P.K. Jimack, M. Berzins. “Mesh Quality and Anisotropic Adaptivity for Finite Element Solutions of 3-D Convection-Dominated Problems.” In proceedings of ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2001, Swansea, UK (IMA, ISBN 0 905 091 12 4), 2001.

I.Ahmad and M. Berzins. “MOL Solvers for Hyperbolic PDEs with Source Terms.Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 56 (2001) 1115-125.

M. Berzins. “Modified Mass Matrices and Positivity Preservation for Hyperbolic and Parabolic PDEs.Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 17;659-666, (2001).

M. Berzins. “Review of the Computational Beauty of Nature by Gary William Flake”. Artifical Intelligence, 128 (2001) 237-238.


M.Berzins. “An Introduction to Mesh Quality.”, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Mechanics, Lectures notes for 31st Lecture Series on Computational Fluid Mechanics. 21 pages. Von Karman Institute for Fluid Mechanics, Rhode st Genessee, Brussels, Belgium, March 2000 (Eds) N.P.Weatherill and H.Deconink, ISSN 0377-8312.

M.Berzins, L.J.K Durbeck, P.K.Jimack and M.Walkley. “Mesh Quality and Moving and Meshes for 2D and 3D Unstructured Mesh Solvers.”, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Mechanics. 31st Lecture Series on Computational Fluid Mechanics, 22 pages. Von Karman Institute for Fluid Mechanics, Rhode st Genessee, Brussels, Belgium, March 2000 (Eds) N.P.Weatherill and H.Deconink,ISSN 0377-8312. 4

C.Goodyer, R.Fairlie, M. Berzins and L.E.Scales. “An in-depth investigation of the MG approach for steady and transient ehl problems.” 95–102 in Thinning Films and Tribological Interfaces, Proc. of 26th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology. 2000 (Ed) D.Dowson, C.M.Taylor, M.Priest and P.Ehret, Included in series Tribology Series, 38 ISBN: 0-444-50531-8 Elsevier.

M. Berzins. “Solution-Based Mesh Quality Indicators for Triangular and Tetrahedral Meshes.”, International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, Vol. 10 No 3, 333-346 June 2000.

N. Touheed, P.Selwood, P.K. Jimack and M. Berzins. “A Comparison of Some Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithms for a Parallel Adaptive Flow Solver.”, Parallel Computing 26(12) (2000) 1535-1554.

M. Berzins. “A New Metric for Dynamic Load Balancing.Applied Mathematical Modelling 25 (2000) 141-151 (special issue on dynamic load balancing).

M.Berzins, “Solution-Based Mesh Quality Indicators for Triangular and Tetrahedral Meshes., ”, In International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 333-346, 2000.

M. Berzins. “A Data-Bounded Quadratic Interpolant on Triangles and Tetrahedra”, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Vol. 22 No 1. pp.177-197, 2000.


M. Berzins. “A Solution-Based H1 Norm Triangular and Tetrahedral Mesh Quality Indicator,” 77-89 in Grid Generation and Adaptive Algorithms proc. of IMA Workshop on Parallel and Adaptive Methods, Eds M.Bern, J.E.Flaherty and M. Luskin, Vol. 113, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, Springer, 1999.

J.Nash, M.Berzins and P.Selwood. “A structured Approach to the Support of a Parallel Adaptive 3D CFD code.” 651-658 in Euro-Par 99 Parallel Processing, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1685, (Proceedings of 5th International Conference) Eds P.Amestoy et al. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1999.

T. Apel, M. Berzins, P.K. Jimack, G. Kunert, A. Plaks, I. Tsukerman, M. Walkley. “Mesh Shape and Errors in the FE method:Theory and Practice.” 367-376 in The Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications X (proceedings of 1999 MAFELAP Conference), (Ed.) J.R. Whiteman, Elsevier 2000, Amsterdam, ISBN 008-043568-8.

M. Berzins J. Nash and P. Selwood. “Parallel Solution of Reacting Flow Problems using Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes.Proceedings of 9th SIAM Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing 1999, SIAM, Philadelphia, ISBN 0-89871-435-4.

S. Ghorai A.S. Tomlin and M. Berzins. “Resolution of pollutant concentrations in the boundary layer using a fully 3-D adaptive gridding technique.”, Atmospheric Environment Vol 34. 18, 2851-2863, 2000.

C. Goodyer, R. Fairlie, M. Berzins and L.E. Scales “An in-depth investigation of the MG approach for steady and transient ehl problems.”, Submitted to Proc. of 25rd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, 1999 (Ed) C.M.Taylor.

M.Walkley, M. Berzins. “A finite element model for the one-dimensional extended Boussinesq equations.Int. J. for Num. Meths. in Fluids, 29:143-157, 1999.

E.M.Nurgat, M. Berzins and L.E. Scales. “Solving EHL Problems Using Iterative Multigrid and Homotopy Methods.ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol 121, 28-34, January 1999.

M. Berzins. “Mesh Quality - Geometry, Error Estimates or Both?”, Engineering and Computers, (15), 236-247, 1999.

A.S. Tomlin S. Ghorai G. Hart and M. Berzins. “3-D Adaptive Unstructured Meshes in Air Pollution Modelling.Environmental Management and Health, Volume 10 Issue 4, 1999

M.Berzins, “A Data-Bounded Quadratic Interpolant on Triangular and Tetrahedral Meshes , ”, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 1999. (Accepted)

N.Touheed, P.Selwood, P.K.Jimack,and M.Berzins, “A Comparison of Some Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithms for a Parallel Adaptive Flow Solver ”, Parallel Computing special issue. 1999. (Accepted)

P. Selwood and M. Berzins. “Portable Parallel Adaptation of Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes.”, Concurrency Vol. 11 (13) 1-22, 1999.

T.H.C. Childs M. Berzins G.R. Ryder and A. Towtoni. “Selective Laser Sintering of an Amorphous Polymer-Simulations and Experiments.Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs. (Pt.B) Jnl. Eng. for Manufacture, 213/333-349, 1999.

T.H.C. Childs, M. Berzins, G.R. Ryder and A. Towtoni. “Selective Laser Sintering of an Amorphous Polymer- Simulations and Experiments.” In Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 213, No. B4, pp. 333-49, 1999.


N.Touheed, P.Selwood, P.K.Jimack and M.Berzins. “Parallel dynamic load-balancing for the solution of transient CFD problems using adaptive tetrahedral meshes.” in: Emerson D R, Ecer, A, Periaux, J, Satufoka, N and Fox, P (Editors) Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics - Recent Developments and Advances Using Parallel Computers, 81-88. Elsevier Science, 1998.

N.Touheed, P.M. Selwood, P.K.Jimack and M. Berzins. “A comparison of some dynamic load-balancing algorithms for a parallel adaptive flow solver.Advances in Computational Mechanics with High Performance Computing. Proc. of Conference held at Sintra, Portugal, May 1998. (Ed. B.V.Topping), Civil-Comp Press. ISBN 0-948-74954-7.

C.R. Johnson, M. Berzins, L. Zhukov, and R. Coffey. “SCIRun: Application to Atmospheric Dispersion Problems Using Unstructured Meshes.” 111-122 in Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics VI (ed. M.J.Baines), ICFD, Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford. ISBN 0 9524929 11, 1998.

P.Selwood, M.Berzins J.Nash and P.M.Dew. “Portable Parallel Adaptation of Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes.” 56-67, Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel Proc. of Irregular 98 Conference (Ed. A.Ferreira et al.), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1457, 1998.

J.Pan, C.G.W. Sheppard, A. Tindall, M. Berzins, S.V. Pennington and J.M. Ware. “End Gas Inhomogeneity, Autoignition and Knock.” SAE paper 982616 SAE 1998 Autumn Meeting, San Fransisco.

M.Berzins. “Mesh Quality - Geometry, Error Estimates or Both?”, Proceedings of 7th International Meshing Roundtable, 229-237 in Sandia Report 98-2250, Sandia National Labs, PO Box 5800 MS 0441, Albuquerque, NM 87185-044, October 1998.

A.S. Tomlin S.Ghorai G.Hart and M.Berzins. “The Use of 3-D Adaptive Unstructured Meshes in Air Pollution Modelling.” in Z.Zlatev et al. (eds) Large Scale Computations in Pollution Modelling, 339-348. Kluwer Academic Publishers. (Proceedings of Nato Workshop on Air Pollution Modelling,held in Sofia, Bulgaria, 1998).

G.Hart, A.Tomlin, J.Smith and M. Berzins. “Multi-scale Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling by the Use of Adaptive Grid Techniques.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 52, 225-228, 1998.

M. Berzins, P.J.Capon and P.K. Jimack. “On Spatial Adaptivity and Interpolation When Using the Method of Lines.”, Applied Numerical Mathematics 1998, 26, 117-134.

M. Berzins. “A Solution-Based Triangular and Tetrahedral Mesh Quality Indicator.”, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Vol 19, 2051-2060, 1998.

P.A.Sleigh, M. Berzins, P.H.Gaskell and N.G.Wright. “An Unstructured Finite Volume Algorithm for Predicting Flow in Rivers and Estuaries.Computers and Fluids 27,4, 479-508, 1998.

M. Berzins, R. Fairlie, S.V. Pennington, J.M. Ware and L.E.Scales. “SPRINT2D: Adaptive Software for PDEs.ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, December 1998. Vol. 24, No 4, 475-499.

A.S.Tomlin S.Ghorai G.Hart and M.Berzins “3-D Mult-Scale Air Poluution Modelling using Adaptive Unstructured Meshes.”, Submitted to Proceedings of Paris Conference on Air Pollution Modelling, October, 1998.


M.Berzins. “Solution-Based Mesh Quality for Triangular and Tetrahedral Meshes.”, 427-436 in Proceedings of 6th International Meshing Roundtable, Sandia Report SAND 97-2399, Sandia National Labs, PO Box 5800 MS 0441, Albuquerque, NM 87185-0441.

M. Berzins, S.V. Pennington, P.R. Pratt and J.M. Ware. “SPRINT2D Software for Convection Dominated PDEs.Modern software Tools in scientific Computing. Eds E.Arge, A.M.Bruaset and H.P. Langtangen, Birkhauser 1997.

P.Selwood, M.Berzins and P.M. Dew. “3D Parallel Mesh Adaptivity: Data Structures and Algorithms.Proc. of SIAM Conf. on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, March, 1997, Minneapolis, USA. CD-Rom, ISBN 0-89871-395-1 , SIAM (1997) . 3

T.H.C. Childs, G.J. Ryder, and M. Berzins. “Experimental and theoretical studies of selective laser sintering.Proc 8th International Conf. on Production Engineering, (Ed.s N.Ikawa, T.Kishinami and F.Kimura) Hokkaiso 1997, 132-141, Chapman and Hall, London, 1997.

P. Pratt and M. Berzins. “Shock Preserving Quadratic Interpolation for Visualization on Triangular Meshes.Computers and Graphics 385, 1997, 723–730.

M. Berzins, T.H.C. Childs and G.R. Ryder. “The Selective Laser Sintering of Polycarbonate.CIRP Annals 45/1 187-190, 1997 .

W. Speares and M. Berzins. “A 3D Unstructured Mesh Adaptation Algorithm for Time Dependent Shock Dominated Problems.Int. Jour Num. Meths. in Fluids, 1997, 25, 81-104.

I. Ahmad and M. Berzins. “An Algorithm for ODEs from Atmospheric Dispersion Problems.Applied Numerical Mathematics (25) 137-149 1997.

D.J. Creasey, D. E. Heard, M. Pilling, B.J. Whitaker, M. Berzins and R. Fairlie. “Visualisation of a supersonic free-jet expansion using laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy: Application to the measurement of rate constants at ultralow temperatures.Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 65, 375-391. 1997.

A. Tomlin, M. Berzins J.M. Ware, J. Smith and M. Pilling. “On the use of adaptive gridding methods for modelling chemical transport from multi-scale sources.Atmospheric Env. Vol. 31, No. 18, pp.2945-2959, 1997.


G.J.Ryder, M. Berzins and T.H.C. Childs. “Modelling Simple Feature Creation in Selective Laser Sintering.Proc 7th Symposium on Solid Free Form Fabrication, 567-574, Ed.s J.W. Barlow et al. University of Texas at Austin, 1996.

P.A. Sleigh, M.Berzins and P.H. Gaskell. “A Reliable and Accurate Technique for the Modelling of Complex Hydraulic Flows.Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications ( held at Rouen), Hermes, Paris, 635-642 1996. ISBN 2-86601-556-8.

E. Nurgat and M. Berzins. “A new relaxation scheme for solving EHL Problems.” in Proc. of 23rd Leeds- Lyon Symposium on Tribology. (Ed) D.Dowson et al., Elsevier, Tribology Series 32, 125–134, ISBN 0444828095, 1996.

E.Nurgat and M.Berzins. “Multigrid Methods for EHD Problems.” 623-636, Proc. of Seventh Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods (1995). (Ed) N.D. Melson, T.A. Manteuffel, S.F. McCormick and C.G. Douglas. NASA Conference Publication 3339, Part 2, 623-636, 1996.

D.C. Hodgson, P.K.Jimack P.Selwood and M. Berzins. “Scalable, Parallel Generation of Partitioned Unstructured Meshes.” 665-672 of Parallel C.F.D. –Implementations and Results using Parallel Computers. ( editors A.Ecer J.Periaux, N.Satufoka and S. Taylor. Elesvier Science BV (1996) ISBN 0-444 823220 , Proc. of Parallel CFD 95 Conference, June 26-29 , 1995,Pasadena, California.

P.Selwood, N.A.Verhoeven, J.M.Nash, M.Berzins, N.P. Weatherill, P.M.Dew and K.Morgan. “Parallel Mesh Generation and Adaptivity : Partitioning and Analysis.Parallel C.F.D.- Proc. of Parallel CFD 96 Conference, May, 1996, Capri, Italy. (Ed.s A.Ecer J.Periaux, N.Satufoka and P.Schiano Elesvier Science BV (1997) ISBN 0-444 823271.

M. Berzins and J.M.Ware. “Solving Convection and Convection Reaction Problems Using the M.O.L.Applied Numerical Mathematics, 20, 83-99 1996.


M.Berzins, T.H.C. Childs K.W. Dalgarno, G.R. Ryder and G. Stein. “Densification and Distortion in Selective Laser Sintering of Polycarbonate.Proc 6th Symposium on Solid Free Form Fabrication, 196-203, . Ed.s J.W. Barlow et al. University of Texas at Austin, 1995.

C.Walshaw and M.Berzins. “Adaptive Time-dependent CFD on Distributed Unstructured Meshes.”, 191-198 in Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics: New Trends and Advances. (Eds.) A. Ecer et. al. (Editors), Elsevier Science, 1995.

P.A.Sleigh, P.H.Gaskell, M.Berzins, J.M.Ware and N.G.Wright. “A Reliable and Accurate Technique for the Modelling of Practically Occurring Open Channel Flow.”, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, 881-892, Pineridge Press 1995.

J.M.Ware and M.Berzins. “Adaptive Finite Volume Methods for Time-dependent P.D.E.s.”, 417-430 in Modeling, Mesh Generation and Adaptive Numerical Methods for PDEs. (Eds.) I. Babuska Volume 75 in IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications Series, Springer Verlag, 1995.

W.Speares and M.Berzins. “A Fast 3-D Unstructured Mesh Adaptation Algorithm with Time-Dependent Upwind Euler Shock Diffraction Calculations,Proc. of 6th International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, (Eds) M.Hafez and K.Oshima, VOL III, 1181-1188, 1995.

A.Tomlin, J.M.Ware, J.Smith, M.Berzins and M.Pilling. “Efficient High Resolution Methods for Air Pollution Models.”, in Air Pollution III Volume I, (Proc. of 1995 Conference, Porto Carras, Greece) 201-208, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton UK. 1995

M.Berzins, P.H.Gaskell, P.A.Sleigh, W.Speares, A.Tomlin and J.M.Ware. “An Adaptive CFD Solver for Time-Dependent Environmental Flow Problems.”, in Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics V (ed. K.W. Morton and M.J.Baines), OUP, 311-318, 1995.

C. Walshaw and M. Berzins. “Dynamic Load-Balancing For PDE Solvers On Adaptive Unstructured Meshes.Concurrency, Vol 7(1) 17-28, 1995.

M. Berzins. “Temporal Error Control in the Method of Lines for Convection Dominated Equations.”, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 16, 558-580, 1995.

M. Berzins and J.M. Ware. “Positive Cell Centered Finite Volume Discretisation Methods for Hyperbolic Equations on Irregular Meshes.Applied Numerical Mathematics, 16, 417-438, 1995.


M.Berzins and J.M.Ware. “Reliable Finite Volume Methods for the Navier Stokes Equations.”, 1-8 in Numerical Methods for the Navier Stokes Equations, (Eds.) F.K. Hebeker, R. Rannacher and G. Wittum , Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics Number 47, Vieweg, 1994.

S.V.Pennington and M. Berzins. “New NAG Library Routines for the numerical solution of convection-diffusion problems.” Internal Report, NAG Ltd, Oxford, 1994.

S.V. Pennington and M. Berzins. “New NAG Library Software for First-Order Systems of Time-Dependent P.D.E.s.ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 20, No 1. p.63-99, March 1994.


C.Walshaw and M.Berzins. “Enhanced Dynamic Load Balancing of adaptive Unstructured Meshes.”, 971-978 in Vol II of Proc. of 1993 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, (Eds.) R.F. Sincovec, D.E. Keyes, M.R. Leuze, L.R. Petzold and D.A. Reed, SIAM 1993.

M.Berzins and J.M.Ware. “Towards An Automated Finite Element Solver for Time-Dependent Fluid-Flow Problems.”, 299-306 in MAFELAP 1993 Highlights, (Ed.) J.R. Whiteman, John Wiley, 1993.

J. Parker, M. Berzins, J.M. Cameron, K.A. Collins and C.M.Sawyer. “Final Report on SERC/DTI Parallel Applications Programme Collaboration Between EPCC, Rolls Royce ands Leeds University.” Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, September 1993.


M.Berzins, J.Lawson and J.M.Ware. “Spatial and Temporal Error Control in the Adaptive Solution of Systems of Conservation Laws,” in Advances in Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations VII (eds. R. Vichnevetsky et al), 60-66, IMACS 1992.

J.M.Ware and M.Berzins. “Finite Volume Techniques for Time-dependent Fluid-Flow Problems.”, 794-798 in Advances in Comp. Meths. for P.D.E.s VII (Eds.) R.Vichnevetsky, D.Knight and G.Richter, IMACS, Rutgers Univ., New Jersey, 1992.

M.Berzins, A.J.Preston, P.M.Dew and L.E.Scales. “Towards Efficient D.A.E. Solvers for the Solution of Dynamic Simulation Problems.” in proc of I.M.A. 1989 O.D.E. Conference, (Eds.) I. Gladwell, Cash J. and Iserles A. Oxford University Press 1992, 299-308,ISBN 0-19-853659-3.

J.Lawson and M.Berzins. “Towards an Automatic Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of Parabolic P.D.E.s Using the Method of Lines.” in proc of I.M.A. 1989 O.D.E. Conference, (Eds.) I.Gladwell, Cash J. and Iserles A. Oxford University Press 1992, 309-322, ISBN 0-19-853659-3.

K.W.Brodlie, M.Berzins, P.M.Dew, A.Poon and H.Wright. “Visualization and its Use in Scientific Computation.” 293-303 in Programming Environments for High-Level Scientific Problem Solving. Elsevier 1992.

M. Berzins and R.M. Furzeland. “An Adaptive Theta Method for the Solution of Stiff and Non-stiff Differential Equations.Applied Numerical Mathematics 1992 Vol. 9 1-19 .

M. Berzins, P.M. Dew and S. Hillen. “Exploiting Parallelism for Adaptive CFD Software.Parallelogram, February 1992 14-16.


M.Berzins, P.Baehmann, J.E.Flaherty and J.Lawson. “Towards An Automated Finite Element Solver for Time-Dependent Fluid-Flow Problems.” 181-188 in MAFELAP 90, (Ed.) J.R. Whiteman, Academic Press 1991.

M. Berzins. “Balancing Space and Time Errors for Spectral Methods used with the Method of Lines for Parabolic equations.” School of Computer Studies , Report 91.14 The University , Leeds, 1991.

J.Lawson, M. Berzins and P.M. Dew. “Balancing Space and Time Errors in the Method of Lines for Parabolic Equations.SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 1991, Vol.12, No. 3, 573-594.

M. Berzins and P.M. Dew. “Chebyshev Polynomial Software for Elliptic-Parabolic Systems of P.D.E.s”, A.C.M. Transactions on Mathematical Software, June 1991, Vol. 17, No 2, 178-206.

A.J. Preston and M. Berzins. “On Algorithms for the Location of Discontinuities for Dynamic Simulation Problems.Computers in Chemical Engineering, Vol. 15, No 10, 701-713, 1991.


R.D.Skeel and M. Berzins. “A Method for the Spatial Discretisation of Parabolic Equations.SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Vol. 11 No. 1, 1-32, January 1990.

M.Berzins, A.J.Preston and P.M.Dew. “Integration Algorithms for the Dynamic Simulation of Production Processes”, Proc of Third European Conference for Mathematics in Industry, pp. 265-271 (Eds.) J. Manley et al, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Stuttgart, 1990.


M.Berzins. “Developments in NAG Library Software for Parabolic Equations”, Scientific Software Systems, (Ed.) J.C. Mason. pp. 59-72 Chapman and Hall July 1989.

M. Berzins, P.M. Dew and R.M. Furzeland. “Developing Software for Time-Dependent Problems Using the Method of Lines and Differential Algebraic Integrators.Applied Numerical Mathematics, 5, 375–397, 1989.


M.Berzins, R.M.Furzeland and P.M.Dew. “Software Tools for Time-Dependent Differential Equations”, Simulation and Optimization of Large Systems, 35--50 (Ed.) A.J. Osiadacz, O.U.P., 1988.

M. Berzins. “Global Error Estimation in the Method of Lines for Parabolic Equations.SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol.9, 1988, 687-703.

M. Berzins, R.Brankin and I.Gladwell. “Design of Stiff Integrators in the N.A.G. Library.Signum Bulletin, Vol. 23 No. 2, 16-24, April 1988.

M. Berzins, R.M. Furzeland and L.E. Scales. “A User’s Manual for SPRINT - A Versatile Software Package for Solving Systems of Algebraic Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations.Part 3 Advanced Use of SPRINT. Report TNER.88.034, Shell Research Ltd, Thornton Research Centre, Chester, 1988.


M. Berzins and P.M. Dew. “A Note on C0 Chebyshev Methods for Parabolic Equations.I.M.A. Journal of Numerical Analysis Vol. 7, 1987, 15-37.


M. Berzins. “A C1 Interpolant for Codes Based on Backward Differentiation Formulae.Applied Numerical Mathematics 2, pp. 109-118, 1986.

M. Berzins and R.M. Furzeland. “A User’s Manual for SPRINT - A Versatile Software Package for Solving Systems of Algebraic Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations.Part 2 Partial Differential Equations. Report TNER.86.050, Shell Research Ltd, Thornton Research Centre, Chester, 1986


M. Berzins and R.M. Furzeland. “A User’s Manual for SPRINT - A Versatile Software Package for Solving Systems of Algebraic Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations.Part 1 Algebraic and O.D.E.s. Report TNER.85.058, Shell Research Ltd, Thornton Research Centre, Chester, 1985


M.Berzins , T.F.Buckley and P.M.Dew. “Path Pascal simulation of multi-processor lattice architectures for numerical computations.Progress in the Use of Vector and Array processors, (Ed.s) D.J. Paddon and J.D. Pryce. Academic Press (1984).


M.Berzins, P.M.Dew and R.M. Furzeland. “Software for time-dependent problems.”, P.D.E. Software: Modules , Interfaces and Systems., proc. of 1983 IFIPS Conference, (Ed.s) B. Engquist and J. Rice. North Holland.

P.M.Dew, T.F.Buckley and M.Berzins. “Systolic Architectures for the Iterative Solution of Sparse Matrix Problems”, Parallel Computing 1983, (Ed.) U. Schendal , North Holland.

P.M. Dew, T.F.Buckley and M. Berzins. “Application of VLSI Devices to Computational Problems in the Gas Industry.” Dept. of Computer Studies, Report no 163, The University , Leeds, 1983.


M. Berzins and P.M. Dew. “A Generalized Chebyshev Method for Non-linear Parabolic Equations in One Space Variable.I.M.A. Journal on Numerical Analysis 1981, Vol. 1, 469-487.


M. Berzins and P.M. Dew. “A note on the extension of the Chebyshev method to quasi-linear parabolic p.d.e.s.International Journal on Computer Mathematics, 8, 1980, 249-263.