ShapeWorksStudio: Particle-based Shape Correspondence and Visualization Software: PDF
This hands-on tutorial overviews the technical background of particle-based shape modeling implemented as the backbone of ShapeWorks and the associated user-friendly graphical interface ShapeworksStudio. Both software packages are open-source distributions of a new method for constructing compact statistical point-based models of ensembles of similar shapes that does not rely on any specific surface parameterization. It is developed by the NIH Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing at the University of Utah Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute.

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian, Praful Agrawal, Joshua Cates, Manasi Datar, Ross Whitaker. ShapeWorksStudio: Particle-based Shape Correspondence and Visualization Software. Technical Report. Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah, July 2017

Tutorial on Voronoi Diagrams: PDF
In this tutorial, you will learn basic definitions and properties of voronoi diagrams and their complexity. This tutorial also covers the Fortune’s algorithm for constructing voronoi diagrams.

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian and Aly Farag. A Flavor of Computational Geometry: Voronoi Diagrams. Technical Report. Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, CVIP Lab, University of Louisville, March 2010.

Tutorial on Convex Hull: PDF
In this tutorial, you will learn formal definitions of convexity and convex hull in 2D and 3D.

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian and Aly Farag. A Flavor of Computational Geometry: Convex Hull. Technical Report. Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, CVIP Lab, University of Louisville, February 2010.

Tutorial on Polygon Triangulation: PDF
In this tutorial, we will walk you through the core concern of computational geometry which is polygon partitioning, then move to the issue of convex hull computation and finalizing with triangulation of a given set of points.

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian and Aly Farag. A Flavor of Computational Geometry: Polygon Triangulation. Technical Report. Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, CVIP Lab, University of Louisville, February 2010.

Tutorial on Curves and Surfaces: PDF
In this tutorial, you will learn some of the existing curves associated with their interpolation techniques. We will introduce transformations for manipulating curves and then proceed to discuss some of the most popular curves and surfaces used in computer graphics.

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian and Aly Farag. A Tutorial on Curves and Surfaces. Technical Report. Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, CVIP Lab, University of Louisville, February 2010.

Tutorial on Topology: PDF
In this tutorial, you will learn preliminary background on topology including functions, topological equivalence, and point-set topology.

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian and Aly Farag. A Flavor of Topology. Technical Report. Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, CVIP Lab, University of Louisville, January 2010.

Tutorial on Iris Recognition: PDF
In this tutorial, you will learn details about human iris as an identifying biometric. You will also learn theoretical and technical details of Daugman model for iris recognition, including extracting the iris region, iris normalization, feature extraction and matching.

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian. A Tutorial on Iris Recognition. Technical Report. Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, CVIP Lab, University of Louisville, November 2009.

Tutorial on Principal Component Analysis: PDF
In this tutorial, you will learn the basic theory behind principal component analysis (PCA) along with the needed technical background including basics of statistical measures (e.g. variance and covariance) and basics of linear algebra (e.g. basis and span).

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian and Aly Farag. A Tutorial on Data Reduction: Principal Component Analysis Theoretical Discussion. Technical Report. Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, CVIP Lab, University of Louisville, September 2009.

Tutorial on Linear Discriminant Analysis: PDF
In this tutorial, you will learn the basic theory behind linear discriminant analysis (LDA). This tutorial also includes a hands-on matlab implementation for LDA.

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian and Aly Farag. A Tutorial on Data Reduction: Linear Discriminant Analysis. Technical Report. Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, CVIP Lab, University of Louisville, September 2009.

Tutorial on Independent Component Analysis: PDF
In this tutorial, you will learn the basic theory behind independent component analysis (ICA) along with the needed technical background. This tutorial also includes a matlab implmentation of ICA gradient ascent algorithm.

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian and Aly Farag. A Tutorial on Data Reduction: Independent Component Analysis. Technical Report. Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, CVIP Lab, University of Louisville, September 2009.

Tutorial on Rigid Registration: PDF
In this tutorial, you will learn the basic theory behind the iterative closest point (ICP) as an algorithm for rigid registration along with the needed technical background. This tutorial also includes a matlab implmentation of the ICP algorithm.

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian, Amal Farag and Aly Farag. Tutorial on Rigid Registration: Iterative Closest Point. Technical Report. Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, CVIP Lab, University of Louisville, March 2009.

Tutorial on CT Reconstructions: PDF
In this tutorial, you will learn the basic theory as well as hands-on implementation of computed tomography (CT) reconstructions.

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian, Amal Farag, and Aly Farag. Tutorial on CT Reconstructions. Technical Report. Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, CVIP Lab, University of Louisville, January 2009.

Hands-on Shape from Shading: PDF
In this hands-on tutorial, you will learn the basics of shape from shading with matlab codes to implement seminal shape from shading algorithms such as Horn, Shah and Pentland algorithms.

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian. Hands on Shape from Shading. Technical Report. Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, CVIP Lab, University of Louisville, April 2008.

Hands-on Camera Calibration: PDF
In this tutorial, you will learn the basic theory as well as hands-on implementation of camera calibration.

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian. A Tutorial on Camera Calibration. Technical Report. Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, CVIP Lab, University of Louisville, February 2008.

Hands-on Generating Random Numbers: PDF
In this tutorial, you will learn the basic theory as well as hands-on implementation of random number generation.

Citation: Shireen Y. Elhabian and Aly Farag. Hands-on Generating Random Numbers. Technical Report. Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, CVIP Lab, University of Louisville, October 2007.

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