Dr. Allen Sanderson - Research Computer Scientist
WEB 4622phone (801) 585-0769
fax (801) 585-6513
Dr. Sanderson has a diverse background having received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Oregon State U. 1985), M.E. in BioEnginering, (University of Utah, 1988), and Ph.D. in Computer Science (University of Utah, 1996). His Ph.D. disseration focused on Shape Recovery of Volume Data with Deformable B-Spline Models. Before joining the SCI Institute he worked in the areospace industry (Hughes Aircraft Co.) as well as the visual simulation industry (Evans and Sutherland) and was a Chateaubriand Fellow at the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatic, in Sophia Antipolis France.
Current Responsibilities
Dr. Sanderson serves as Co-PI for the DOE SciDAC Visualization and Analytic Center for Enabling Technologies (VACET) and is the lead for deploying new analysis and visualization tools to fusion scientists.
Research Interests
My research interest lies in applying computer graphic and computer vision techiques to image analysis and visualization. I have applied this to areas ranging from medical image data to ice core data. Currently, I am working with Plasma Physicists to develope techniques for visualizing toroidial magnetic fields which are a type of Hamiltonian system. I find that the best solutions to hard problems are often the simplest and a firm believer in the KISS principle.