SCI X is intended to provide its guests access to unique resources and expertise found within the SCI Institute, creating an expanded relationship between the SCI Institute and our past, present and future academic and industry collaborators.
SCI X 2025
SCI X, April 11th, 2025
Collaborative research has always been a hallmark of the SCI Institute. And with the number of current projects going on, the options to collaborate are unprecedented. However, with that number it it is easy to feel disconnected from each other. This year's SCIx will be focused on showcasing SCI research primarilly among one another, but also to our collaborators and university partners.
A primary goal of our organization of this event is to allow members of SCI, particularly the students, to be exposed to as many of the other research groups at the institute as possible. For this reason, we will avoid parallel sessions and try to maximize the chance that someone attending this event can reasonably see everything. This is an impossible task, to summarize the work of SCI in a single day. But it is a task we pursue nonetheless.
8:15 AM
8:45 AM
Opening Address
9:00 AM
Poster Session 1
9:45 AM
Podium Session 1
11:00 AM
Poster Session 2
11:45 AM
Podium Session 2
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
Poster Session 3
2:45 PM
Podium Session 3
4:00 PM
RAI Fellows Presentations
5:15 PM
Closing Remarks
SCI X 2024
SCI X, April 24th, 2024
In 2024, the SCI Institute marked three decades of multidisciplinary research, innovation, and impact. On April 24th and 25th, we had two days of events showcasing the ground-breaking research of SCI’s faculty, staff and students and highlighting our vision for the future. For more information, please visit
SCI X 2016
SCI X, November 16th, 2016
KeynoteDr. Jim ClarkFounder of Netscape, SGI, WEBMD/Healtheon, and cofounder and CEO of CommandScape, Inc |
Posters and Demos
Scientific Visualization
- Platform-Independent Genome-Wide Pattern of DNA Copy-Number Alterations Predicting Astrocytoma Survival and Response to Treatment Revealed by the GSVD Formulated as a Comparative Spectral Decomposition: Katherine A. Aiello and Orly Alter
- A Novel Tensor GSVD Predicting Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma Survival and Response to Platinum-Based Chemotherapy: Theodore E. Schomay, Katherine A. Aiello, and Orly Alter
- SVD Identifies Transcript Length Distribution Functions from DNA Microarray Data and Reveals Evolutionary Forces Globally Affecting GBM Metabolism: Nicolas M. Bertagnolli, Justin A. Drake, Jason M. Tennessen and Orly Alter
- Detecting copy-number variation using dNTP limited PCR and high-resolution melting: Luming Zhou, Robert Palais and Carl T. Wittwer
- In Situ Visualization of Particle Simulations: Will Usher, Ingo Wald, Aaron Knoll, Michael Papka, Valerio Pascucci
- Grassmannian Atlas: A General Framework for Exploring Linear Projections of High-Dimensional Data: Shusen Liu, Peer-Timo Bremer, Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan, Bei Wang, Brian Summa, and Valerio Pascucci
- PIDX: Scalable I/O for Massive Simulations: Sidharth Kumar, Steve Petruzza, Duong Hoang, Valerio Pascucci
- Brain Source Localization Pipeline: Ally Warner, Chris Johnson, Moritz Dannhauer
- OpenSpace: Charles Hansen, Gene Payne, Matthew Territo
- Parallel processing of non-human primate brain data: Steve Petruzza, Aniketh Venkat, Attila Gyulassy, Frederick Federer, Alessandra Angelucci, Peer-Timo Bremer and Valerio Pascucci
- Data Exploration for Nuclear Safety Analysis: Dan Maljovec, BeiWang, Paul Rosen, Diego Mandelli, Andrea Alfonsi, Giovanni Pastore, Cristian Rabiti, Valerio Pascucci
- Interactive Analysis of Petascale Climate Datasets: Cameron Christensen, Shusen Liu, Peer-Timo Bremer, Valerio Pascucci
- Direct Multifield Volume Ray Casting of Fiber Surfaces: Kui Wu, Aaron Knoll, Benjamin J Isaac, Hamish Carr, Valerio Pascucci
- Interactive Visualization and Exploration of Tracking Graphs for Understanding Evolution of Features: Wathsala Widanagamaachchi, Peer-Timo Bremer, Valerio Pascucci
- Interactive Topological Exploration of Particle Ensembles: Harsh Bhatia, Pavol Klacansky, Shusen Liu, Wathsala Widanagamaachchi, Attila Gyulassy, Valerio Pascucci, Peer-Timo Bremer
- ViSOAR Ag Explorer: Amy A. Gooch, Giorgio Scorzelli, Attila Gyulassy, Peer-Timo Bremer, Valerio Pascucci
- Telemedicine: ViSOAR Share: Luis Carlos Antola, Amy A. Gooch, Giorgio Scorzelli, Attila Gyulassy, Valerio Pascucci
- Data Acquisition, Management and Computation for Neuroscience: Aniketh Venkat, Frederick Federer, Steve Petruzza, Attila Gyulassy, Alessandra Angelucci and Valerio Pascucci
- Robust Feature Simplification of Vector Fields: Bei Wang, Primoz Skraba, Paul Rosen, Guoning Chen, Harsh Bhatia and Valerio Pascucci
- Analysis and Visualization of ALMA Data Cubes: Paul Rosen, Bei Wang, Chris Johnson, Jeff Kern, Betsy Mills, Anil Seth
- Finding Hidden Shapes: Topology for Feature-Based Reasoning: Attila Gyulassy, Harsh Bhatia, Aaron Knoll, Bei Wang, Peer-Timo Bremer, Valerio Pascucci
- FluoRender: Yong Wan
- Neuron Microscopy Data Tracing in Virtual Reality: Pavol Klacansky and Will Usher
- Intel’s OSPRay Renderer on a Displaywall: Laura Lediaev
- OpenSpace: Gene Payne, Matthew Territo
- Visually Comparing Weather Features in Forecasts: P. Samuel Quinan and Miriah Meyer
- Visualization for Reverse Engineering the Retina: Ethan Kerzner and Miriah Meyer
- Pathfinder: Visual Analysis of Paths in Heterogeneous Graphs: Christian Partl, Samuel Gratzl, Marc Streit, Anne Mai Wasserman, Hanspeter Pfister, Dieter Schmalstieg, and Alexander Lex
- BubbleNet: A Cyber Security Dashboard: Sean McKenna, Diane Staheli, Cody Fulcher, Miriah Meyer
- Distributed Indoor Air-quality Sensing (DIAS): Jimmy Moore, Miriah Meyer
- DragonView: Toward Understanding Network Interference in Dragonfly-based Supercomputers: Yarden Livnat, Abhinav Bhatele, Nikhil Jain, Peer-Timo Bremer, Valerio Pascucci
- Biomedical Image and Data Analysis Core - BIDAC: Josh Cates, Clement Vachet
- Connectomics Empowered By Deep Learning: Mehran Javanmardi, Mehdi Sajjadi, Tolga Tasdizen
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Uses: Eleanor Wong and Blake Zimmerman
- MRI and CT Basis for SCI Imaging Projects: Markus Foote and Blake Zimmerman
- Motion Estimation in Medical Images: Markus Foote, Caleb Rottman, Sarang Joshi
- Generalized Data Depth and Applications: Mukund Raj, Mahsa Mirzargar, Robert M. Kirby and Ross T. Whitaker
- Quantitative Analysis of Femoral Cortical Bone Thickness using Shape Analysis: Praful Agrawal, Shireen Y. Elhabian, Penny Atkins, Ross T. Whitaker, Jeff Weiss, and Andrew E. Anderson
- Objective Severity Metric for Craniosynostosis: Riddhish Bhalodia, Ladislav Kavan, Ross Whitaker
- ShapeWorks: Praful Agrawal
- Shape Variation Animation: Rhiddish Bhalodia
Biomedical Computing
- Virtual Neurophysiology Workbench: Alberto Fuentes, Christopher R. Butson PhD
- Patient-Specific Computational Modeling Aids Deep Brain Stimulation Therapies: Andrew Janson, Johannes Vorwerk PhD, Christopher R. Butson PhD
- Mobile Decision Support System for Nurse Management of Neuromodulation Therapy: Gordon Duffley, Jens Krueger PhD,AnikoSzabo PhD, Barbara Lutz PhD, Daniel Martinez-Ramirez MD, Michael S. OkunMD, Christopher R. ButsonPhD
- Which anatomical regions are activated by Deep Brain Stimulation as elucidated by high field diffusion weighted MRI?: Katherine G. Warthen, Dr. Chris R. Buston, Dr. Justin D. Hilliard, Dr. Kelly D. Foote
- FEBio: Finite Elements for Biomechanics: Steve A. Maas, David S. Rawlins, Gerard Ateshian, Benjamin J. Ellis, Jeffrey A. Weiss
- Effect of Focal Chondral Defects in the Hip: A Framework for Understanding Degradation and Developing Treatment Strategies: Jocelyn N. Todd, Travis G. Maak, Jeffrey A. Weiss
- Data Tools for ECGI: ECG Forward/Inverse Toolkit and EDGAR Database: Computational Electrocardiology Group
- Noninvasive Electrical Diagnosis of Cardiac Abnormalities: The Computational Electrocardiology Group
- The International Neuromodulation Registry: Butson Lab: Kara Johnson, Gordon Duffley, Andrew Janson, Daria Anderson, Katie Warthen, Shana Black, Corinne Garcia, Theresa Lins, Johannes Vorwerk, PhD, Andrea Brock MD, Christopher R. Butson, PhD. Development: Clement Vachet, Josh Cates of the Biomedical Image and Data Analysis Core (BIDAC), Wayne Bradford, David Richardson, Tom Cheatham, Anita Orendt of the Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC)
- Electrocardiographic Imaging (ECGI): Computational Electrocardiology Group
- Consortium for ECG Imaging: Advancing ECGI Through Collaboration: Computational Electrocardiology Group
Scientific Computing
- Modelling Electrochemical Devices: Chris Gritton, James Guilkey, Justin Hooper, Dmitry Bedrov, Robert M. Kirby, Martin Berzins
- Preparing Uintah for Intel Xeon Phi-based Supercomputers: John Holmen, Damodar Sahasrabudhe, Daniel Sunderland, Alan Humphrey, and Martin Berzins
- The WRF Single-Moment 6-Class Microphysics’ (WSM6) Performance Optimization: Timbwaoga Aime Judcael Ouermi (TAJO), Aaron Knoll, Robert M Kirby, Martin Berzins
- Improving Clean Coal Technologies: Martin Berzins
- Physically Constrained Ensemble Kalman Filter: Erin Linebarger, Akil Narayan, Dongbin Xiu
- Uintah: Allen Sanderson
SCI X 2012
SCI X, November 13th, 2012
KeynoteDr. Alan KayPresident and Founder, Viewpoints Research Institute |
Posters and Demos
Faculty: Chris Johnson, Miriah Meyer, Chuck Hansen- Visualization of Biological Data - Miriah Meyer
- Visual Analytics for Situational Awareness - Yarden Livnat
- Interactive Exploration of Large Tractography and EEG Data for Source Localization - Erik Anderson
- Uncertainty Visualization at SCI - Kristi Potter
- Visualization Approaches for Performance Analysis of Massively Parallel Applications - Paul Rosen
- BioVis Software demo - Kris Zygmunt
- CompreheNGSive, a Tool for Exploring Next-generation Sequencing Variants - Alex Bigelow
- A Story of Reanimating An Embryonic Mouse Limb - Yong Wan
- Using Depth Perception to Enhance Volume Rendering - Pascal Grosset
- ImageVis3D software - James Hughes
Faculty: Martin Berzins, Chris Johnson, Mike Kirby, Ross Whitaker- The Uintah Framework: A Unified Heterogeneous Task Scheduling and Runtime System for Energy Applications
- Uintah Framework Hybrid Task-based Parallelism Algorithm - Alan Humphrey
- Scalable Linear Solvers for the Next Generation: Applications in Oxy-coal Clean Energy Boiler Design - John Schmidt
- Mesoscale Reaction Modeling of Granular Beds of Explosives Subject to Impact - Joseph Peterson and Charles Wight, Dept. of Chemistry
- Unconventional and Renewable Energy Research Utilizing Advanced Computer Simulation
- Architecting the Finite Element Method Pipeline for the GPU - Zhisong Fu
- Army Collaborative Research Alliance (CRA): MSME :Electronic Materials by Design
Center for Extreme Data Management, Analysis and Visualization (CEDMAV)
Faculty: Valerio Pascucci- ViSUS: Visualization Streams for Ultimate Scalability demos - Giorgio Scorzelli
- Analysing Performance at Exascale Using Intuitive Visualizations - Aaditya Landge
- Interactive Digital Photography at Scale - Brian Summa
- A Static Load Balancing Scheme for Parallel Volume Rendering on Multi-GPU Clusters - Shusen Liu
- Visualization and Exploration of High Dimensional Data - Dan Maljovec
- Topological Analysis of Neural Circuitry - Cameron Christensen, Attila Gyulassi
- Feature-Based Analysis of Large-Scale Data using Limited Resources and Interactive Techniques for Exploration - Wathsala Widanagamaachchi, Peer-Timo Bremer
- Scalable Visualization and Processing of High Resolution Data - Sidharth Kumar, Brian Summa
- Visualizing Robustness of Critical Points for Time-Varying Vector Fields - Bei Wang
- Hybrid Parallel Computing - Sujin Philip
- Visualization of Large Scale Microscopy Data - Shusen Liu, Cameron Christensen
- Flow Analysis for Scientific Discovery - Harsh Bathia
Faculty: Tolga Tasdizen, Chuck Hansen- Fluorender, an Interactive Rendering Tool for Confocal Microscopy Visualization - Hideo Osuna , Dept. of Neurobiology and Anatomy
- NCR Toolset
- Light Microscopy Image Process - Nisha Ramesh, Luke Hogrebe
- Neural Circuit Reconstruction from Electron Microscopy Images - Cory Jones, Ting Liu, Mojtaba Seyedhosseini
Image Processing
Faculty: Guido Gerig, Ross Whitaker, Sarang Joshi- Down Syndrome: Bridging Genes, Brain and Cognition - Clement Vachet
- Automatic Geological Feature Detection in Seismic Volumes - Danny Perry
- Polynomial Regression on Riemannian Manifolds - Jacob Hinkle
- Meshing for Multimaterial Biological Volumes - Jonathan Bronson
- An Optimal Graph-cut Method for Atrial Wall Segmentation from Delayed Contrast MRI - Gopal Veni
- White Matter Maturation in Early Brain Development - Neda Sadeghi, Anuja Sharma
- Real Time Image Denoising of Fluoroscopy Images for Dose Reduction - Caleb Rottman
- Characterization of Regional Appearance Changes in Early Brain Development - Avantika Vardhan
Shape Analysis
Faculty: Sarang Joshi, Tom Fletcher, Guido Gerig, Ross Whitaker- Quantitative Analysis of Time Series of MR Images of TBI Patients - Bo Wang
- Analysis of Longitudinal Shape Variability vis Subject-Specific Growth Modeling - James Fishbaugh
- Shape Analysis for Orthopedics - Manasi Datar
- Analysis of Human Brain Connectivity from Multi-modal Imaging - Wei Liu, Xiang Hao
- Shape Analysis in Kernel Space - Yen-Yun Yu
- Relating Brain Shape with Neurological Disorders - Prasanna Muralidharan, Nikhil Singh
Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing (CIBC)
Faculty: Chris Johnson, Rob Macleod, Ross Whitaker- SCIRun, Seg3D, BioMesh3D demos - Ayla Kahn, Dan White
- ImageVis3D Demos - James Hughes
- White Matter Structure Assessment from Reduced HARDI Data using Low-Rank Polynomial Appoximations - Yaniv Gur
Cardiac and Neuro Electrophysiology
Faculty: Rob Macleod- Improving Defibrillator Use in Pediatrics using Computer Simulation
- Electrocardiographic Characterisation of Acute Myocardial Ischemia
- Tailored Atrial Fibrillation Management via Image Processing
- Precise Electrical Stimulation of the Human Brain
- Epilepsy - Identifying Epileptical Sources in the Human Brain
Genomic Signal Processing
Faculty: Orly Alter- Global Copy-Number Alterations Predicting Glioblastoma Multiforme Survival from Comparative Modeling of Patient-Matched Tumor and Normal aCGH Profiles - Benjamin Alpert, Preethi Sankaranarayanan
- Cross-Platform Validation of a Genomic Pattern for the Prognosis and Assessment of GBM Brain Cancer - Katie Aiello
- Similarities and Differences between Normal Brain and GBM Tumor Metabolism Uncovered by SVD of Transcript Size Distributions - Nicolas Bertagnolli, Jason Tennessen
- Capacitive Model of Optically Induced Cell Stimulation May Be Incomplete - Ted Schomay
Computational Biomechanics
Faculty: Jeffrey Weiss- Subject-Specific Computational Modeling of Normal, Dysplastic and Retroverted Hips - Corinne Henak
- FEBio: Finite Elements for Biomechanics, software demo - David Rawlins, Steve Maas, Benjamin Ellis
- AngioFE: Simulation of the Mechanical Regulation or Angiogenesis - Lowell Edgar
SCI X 2011
SCI X, November 4th, 2011
KeynoteDr. John E WarnockCo-founder of Adobe Systems, Utah alumnus ARPA, Graphics at Utah, XEROX, and The Evolution of the Personal Computer Panel Discussions: University Promo for SCI X 2011 University Coverage of SCI X 2011 |
Posters and Demos
Imaging Research
Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Connectomics - Tolga Tasdizen- Neural Circuit Reconstruction using Electron Microscopy - Seyed Mojtaba Seyedhosseini Tarzjani
- Long Range Digital Neural Circuit Reconstruction - Luke Hogrebe
- Long Range Axon Tracing with Neurotracker - Cameron Christensen, in collaboration with Valerio Pascucci
Statistical Analysis of Images and Shape - Tom Fletcher
- On Relating Brain Shape with Neurological Disorders - Prasanna Muralidharan, Nikhil Singh, in collaboration with Sarang Joshi
- Analysis of Human Brain Connectivity from Mutli-Model Imaging - Wei Liu, Xiang Hao
- Heritability of Facial Appearance - Yen-Yun Yu
Neuroimaging Research - Guido Gerig
- Continuous Trajectories from discrete Anatomical Shapes - James Fishbaugh
- Analysis of White Matter Maturation in Early Brain Development - Neda Sadeghi
- Brain Changes in Traumatic Brain Injury - Bo Wang, Marcel Prastawa
- Segmenting the Invisible: Processing of 4D Image Data - Avantika Vardhan, Sylvain Gouttard
- Brain Imaging Studies: High Throughput by Automatic Processing Pipeline - Xiaoyue Huang
- Down Syndrome: Bridging Genes, Brain and Cognition - Sylvain Gouttard
Image Processing - Ross Whitaker
- DTI Building and Statistical Analysis - Gopalkrishna Veni
- Meshing for Multimaterial Biological Volumes - Jonathan Bronson
- Fast Shape-based Nearest-Neighbor Search for Brain MRIs - Peihong Zhu
- Brain Population Analysis with Manifold Models - Sam Gerber
- Solving Eikonal Equations - Zhisong Fu, in collaboration with Mike Kirby
- Image Registration - Jihwan Kim
Brain Imaging - Sarang Joshi
- Modeling Respiratory and Cardiac Organ Motion - Jacob Hinkle
- Real-time Image Denoising of Fluoroscopy Images for Dose Reduction - Caleb Rottman, in collaboration with Ross Whitaker
Scientific Computing
Scientific Computing - Mike Kirby- Cardiac Position Sensitivity using Stochastic Collocation - Darrell Swenson, in collaboration with Rob Macleod
- Interactive Visualization of High-Order Finite Element Fields using a GPU-based Ray Tracer - Blake Nelson
- A Fast Iterative Method for Solving the Eikonal Equation on Triangulated Surfaces - Zhisong Fu, James Lewis, in collaboration with Ross Whitaker
- Filtering for Visualization - Hanieh Mirzaee
Personalized Heart and Brain Bioelectrical Research - Rob MacLeod
- Image based Modeling Pipeline - Darrell Swenson, Dafang Wang
- Noninvasive Diagnosis and Localization of Heart Ischemia from Body-Surface Electrocardiography
- Volume conductor modeling of the human head for electroencephalography (EEG) used in epilepsy
- Myocardial Ischemia - Kedar Aras, Brett Burton
- Cardiac Arrhythmias - Greg Gardner, Josh Blauer, Jess Tate
- Epilepsy investigated non-invasively using Elecroencephalography (EEG) and Magnetoencephalography (MEG), Volume conductor modeling of the human head for electroencephalography (EEG) used in epilepsy - Moritz Dannhauer
Uintah - Martin Berzins
- Uintah Software - John Schmidt, John Davison de St-Germain
Musculoskeletal Research - Jeff Weiss
- Patient-specific Modeling of Hip Dysplasia - Corinne Henak, Ben Ellis, Andy Anderson
- FEBio: Finite Elements for Biomechanics, Software Demo - Steve Maas
Genomic Signal Processing - Orly Alter
- Medical Prediction from Comparison of Patient-Matched Genomic Profiles - Benjamin O. Alpert
- Novel Cancer Drug Targets from Comparison of Patient-Matched Genomic Profiles - Preethi Sankaranarayanan
- A Higher-Order Decomposition for Comparison of Multiple Large-Scale Datasets - Sri Priya Pannopalli, Michael A. Saunders (Stanford University), Charles F. Van Loan (Cornell University)
- Principles of Nature form Integration and Comparison of Large-Scale Molecular Biological Data - Orly Alter
Scientific Visualization
Visualization - Chuck Hansen- FluoRender: an Interactive Visualization System for 3D and 4D Confocal Microscopy data in Neurobiology Research - Yong Wan
- Medical Prediction from Comparison of Patient-Matched Genomic Profiles - Pascal Grosset
- Massively Parallel Ray Tracing in Scientific Visualization - Carson Brownlee
- Dynamic Particle System on the GPU - Mark Kim
Large Data Visualization - Valerio Pascucci
- Adaptive Samplng with Topological Scores - Dan Maljovec, Bei Wang, Peer-Timo Bremer
- Topology based feature extraction and tracking - Shusen Liu, Attila Guylassy, Peer-Timo Bremer
- Vector Field Analysis - Harsh Bhatia, Josh A. Levine, Peer-Timo Bremer
- Scalable visualization and processing of high resolution data - Brian Summa, Sidharth Kumar
- Performance analysis and Visualization - Aaditya Landge, Josh Levine, Peer-Timo Bremer - Winner, SCIx Best Poster
- Hybrid computing for HPC Applications - Sujin Philip, Brian Summa
Visualization of Biological Data - Miriah Meyer
- Dynamic Particle System on the GPU - Alex Bigelow
Scientific Visualization - Chris Johnson
- Uncertainty Visualization - Kristi Potter
- Vector Field Topological and Advanced Analysis - Guoning Chen
- Visualization and Analysis Tools for Assisting In Evaluating Fusion Simulations - Allen Sanderson, Scott Kruger, Stephane Ethier
- Abstract Visualization of Runtime Memory Behavior - Roni Choudhury, Paul Rosen
- Unconventional Mappings for Visual Analysis of Large Data - Paul Rosen
- Uncertainty Analysis and Visualization of Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Fangxiang Jiao, Yaniv Gur
- Using EEG to Investigate the Visual Properties of Images - Erik Anderson
- Epinome - Yarden Livnat
- ImageVis3D - Tom Fogal
- Seg3D, SCIRun - Ayla Khan
The Software Development Center
The Software Development Center (SDC) - Greg Jones- Asthma Tracker - Dillon Lee
- Western Innovation Network - Josh Small, Nathan Galli
- Vutara - Steve Callahan
- Millsoft3D: 3D Mining Simulation - John Schreiner