at the University of Utah

An internationally recognized leader in visualization, scientific computing, and image analysis

Luke Schreiber - Web Software Developer

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supervisor Dr. Alexander Lex
Personal Home Page


I'm a Data Science Student at University of Utah, learning data visualization and analysis for meaningful purposes. During my undergrad, I've learned and touched on many different languages for both front-end development and data analytics. I've taken a special interest in Data Visualization, which led me to the Visualization Design Lab and an internship under the guidance of Dr. Alexander Lex.

Currently I am working as an undergraduate researcher, helping develop and design software used by cancer cell microscopy researchers at HCI. This is done under the guidance of Dr. Alexander Lex and Dr. Devin Lange. I'm focusing on helping develop this interactive cell visualization tool to handle large data efficiently, and to meet the needs of researchers and collaborators.

Research Interests

  • Visualization Design
  • Front End
  • Data Analytics
  • Cell Microscopy