at the University of Utah

An internationally recognized leader in visualization, scientific computing, and image analysis

SCI Publications


X. Tricoche, R.S. MacLeod, C.R. Johnson. “Visual Analysis of Bioelectric Fields,” In Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences, Mathematics and Visualization, Springer-Verlag, pp. 205--220. 2008.

S.X. Vasquez, M.S. Hansen, A.N. Bahadur, M.F. Hockin, G.L. Kindlmann, L. Nevell, I.Q. Wu, D.J. Grunwald, D.M. Weinstein, G.M. Jones, C.R. Johnson, J.L. Vandeberg, M.R. Capecchi, C. Keller. “Optimization of Volumetric Computed Tomography for Skeletal Analysis of Model Genetic Organisms,” In The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, Vol. 291, pp. 475--487. 2008.
PubMed ID: 18286615


E.W. Bethel, C.R. Johnson, K. Joy, S. Ahern, V. Pascucci, H. Childs, J. Cohen, M. Duchaineau, B. Hamann, C.D. Hansen, D. Laney, P. Lindstrom, J. Meredith, G. Ostrouchov, S.G. Parker, C.T. Silva, A.R. Sanderson, X. Tricoche. “SciDAC Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technology,” In Journal of Physics, Conference Series, Vol. 78, No. 012032, pp. (published online). 2007.

E.W. Bethel, C.R. Johnson, C. Aragon, Prabhat, O. Rübel, G. Weber, V. Pascucci, H. Childs, P.-T. Bremer, B. Whitlock, S. Ahern, J. Meredith, G. Ostrouchov, K. Joy, B. Hamann, C. Garth, M. Cole, C.D. Hansen, S.G. Parker, A.R. Sanderson, C.T. Silva, X. Tricoche. “DOE's SciDAC Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies - Strategy for Petascale Visual Data Analysis Success,” In CTWatch Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2007.

M. Callahan, M.J. Cole, J.F. Shepherd, J.G. Stinstra, C.R. Johnson. “BioMesh3D: A Meshing Pipeline for Biomedical Models,” SCI Institute Technical Report, No. UUSCI-2007-009, University of Utah, 2007.

M. Callahan, M.J. Cole, J.F. Shepherd, J.G. Stinstra, C.R. Johnson. “A Meshing Pipeline for Biomedical Computing,” In Engineering with Computers, Special Issue on Computational Bioengineering, pp. (in press). 2007.

C.C. Douglas, M.J. Cole, P. Dostert, Y. Efendiev, R.E. Ewing, G. Haase, J. Hatcher, M. Iskandarani, C.R. Johnson, R.A. Lodder. “Dynamically identifying and tracking contaminants in water bodies,” In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) 2007, Part I, Beijing, China, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 4887, Edited by Y. Shi and G.D. van Albada and P.M.A. Sloot and J.J. Dongarra, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1002--1009. May, 2007.

C.C. Douglas, D. Bansal, J.D. Beezley, L.S. Bennethum, S. Chakraborty, J.L. Coen, Y. Efendiev, R.E. Ewing, J. Hatcher, M. Iskandarani, C.R. Johnson, M. Kim, D. Li, R.A. Lodder, J. Mandel, G. Qin, A. Vodacek. “Dynamic data-driven application systems for empty houses, contaminat tracking, and wildland fireline prediction,” In Grid-Based Problem Solving Environments, IFIP series, Edited by P.W. Gaffney and J.C.T. Pool, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 255-272. 2007.
DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-73659-4_14

C.R. Johnson, R. Ross, S. Ahern, J. Ahrens, W. Bethel, K.L. Ma, M. Papka, J. van Rosendale, H.W. Shen, J. Thomas. “DOE Visualization and Knowledge Discovery,” Note: Report from the DOE/ASCR Workshop on Visual Analysis and Data Exploration at Extreme Scale, October, 2007.

Y. Livnat, S.G. Parker, C.R. Johnson. “Fast Isosurface Extraction Methods for Large Image Data Sets,” In Handbook of Medical Imaging: Processing and Analysis, 2nd Edition, Ch. 44, Edited by Isaac Bankman, Academic Press, 2007.

D. Reed, C.R. Johnson. “CRA-NIH Computing Research Challenges in Biomedicine Workshop Recommendations,” Note: Computing Research Association (CRA), 2007.

J.F. Shepherd, C.R. Johnson. “Hexahedral Mesh Generation for Biomedical Models in SCIRun,” SCI Institute Technical Report, No. UUSCI-2007-008, University of Utah, 2007.


W. Bethel, C.R. Johnson, C.D. Hansen, S.G. Parker, A.R. Sanderson, C.T. Silva, X. Tricoche, V. Pascucci, H. Childs, J. Cohen, M. Duchaineau, D. Laney, P. Lindstrom, S. Ahern, J. Meredith, G. Ostrouchov, K. Joy, B. Hamann. “VACET: Proposed SciDAC2 Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies,” In J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., Vol. 46, pp. 561--569. 2006.

C.C. Douglas, J.C. Harris, M. Iskandarani, C.R. Johnson, R.J. Lodder, S.G. Parker, M.J. Cole, R. Ewing, Y. Efendiev, R. Lazarov, G. Qin. “Dynamic Contaminant Identification in Water,” In Proceedings of Computational Science - ICCS 2006: 6th International Conference, Part III, Reading, UK, May 28-31, 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, Vol. 3993, Edited by Vassil N. Alexandrov and Geert Dick van Albada and Peter M.A. Sloot and Jack J. Dongarra, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, pp. 393--400. 2006.

C.R. Johnson, D.M. Weinstein. “Biomedical Computing and Visualization,” In Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2006): Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology (CRPIT), Hobart, Australia, Vol. 48, Edited by Vladimir Estivill-Castro and Gill Dobbie, pp. 3-10. 2006.

J.T. Johnson III, M.S. Hansen, I. Wu, L.J. Healy, C.R. Johnson, G.M. Jones, M.R. Capecchi, C. Keller. “Virtual Histology of Transgenic Mouse Embryos for High-Throughput Phenotyping,” In PLoS Genetics, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 471--477. April, 2006.

C.R. Johnson. “Computational Methods and Software for Bioelectric Field Problems,” In Biomedical Engineering Handbook, 2nd Edition, Vol. 1, Ch. 23, Edited by J.D. Bronzino, CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 1--23. 2006.

C.R. Johnson, S.G. Parker. “Problem Solving Environments for DDDAS,” In Proceedings of the Ninth Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, Copper Mountain, CO, Note: Minisymposium: Actually Doing Dynamic Data-driven Application Simulations, April, 2006.

J.T. Johnson III, M.S. Hansen, I.Q Wu, L.J. Healy, C.R. Johnson, G.M. Jones, M.R. Capecchi, C.Keller. “Virtual Histology of Transgenic Mouse Embryos for High-Throughput Phenotyping,” In Proceedings of the Teratology 46th Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ, 2006.

C.R. Johnson, R. Moorhead, T. Munzner, H. Pfister, P. Rheingans, T.S. Yoo, (Eds.). “NIH/NSF Visualization Research Challenges Report,” Note: IEEE Press, 2006.
ISBN: 0-7695-2733-7