SCI Publications
M. Ikits, J.D. Brederson.
The Visual Haptic Workbench, In The Visualization Handbook, Edited by C.D. Hansen and C.R. Johnson, Elsevier, pp. 431--447. 2005.
ISBN: 0-12-387582-X
I. Ionescu, J. Guilkey, M. Berzins, R.M. Kirby, J.A. Weiss.
Computational Simulation of Penetrating Trauma in Biological Soft Tissues Using the Material Point Method, In Proceedings, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, Vol. 13, Edited by James D Westwood et al., IOS Press, pp. 213--218. 2005.
ISBN: 1-58603-498-7
P.J. Keall, S. Joshi, S.S. Vedam, J.V. Siebers, V.R. Kini, R. Mohan.
Four-Dimensional Radiotherapy Planning for DMLC-Based Respiratory Motion Tracking, In Med Phys, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 942--951. April, 2005.
E.G. Khölmovski, E.V.R. DiBella, A.A. Samsonov.
Accurate Assessment of the Arterial Input Function using MRI with Radial Sampling, In Proceedings of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) 8th Annual Scientific Sessions, Vol. 7, pp. 292--294. 2005.
E.G. Khölmovski, D.L. Parker.
Application of Phase Consistency to Improve Time Efficiency and Image Quality in Dual Echo Black Blood Carotid Angiography, In Magn Reson Imaging, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 711--722. 2005.
E.G. Khölmovski, E.V.R. DiBella, A.A. Samsonov.
Perfusion MRI with Radial Sampling: Arterial Input Function and Tissue Enhancement Curve Assessment, In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson., Note: Abstract, pp. 252. 2005.
E.G. Khölmovski, A.A. Samsonov.
GARSE: Generalized Autocalibrating Reconstruction for Sensitivity Encoded MRI, In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson., Note: Abstract, pp. 2672. 2005.
G.L. Kindlmann, D.M. Weinstein, G.M. Jones, C.R. Johnson, M.R. Capecchi, C. Keller.
Practical Vessel Imaging by Computed Tomography in Live Transgenic Mouse Models for Human Tumors, In Journal of Molecular Imaging, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 417--424. 2005.
R.M. Kirby, D.F. Keefe, D.H. Laidlaw.
Painting and Visualization, In The Visualization Handbook, Edited by C.D. Hansen and C.R. Johnson, Elsevier, pp. 873--891. 2005.
ISBN: 0-12-387582-X
R.M. Kirby, G.E. Karniadakis.
Selecting the Numerical Flux in Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Diffusion Problems, In Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 22/23, pp. 385--411. 2005.
J.M. Kniss, G. Kindlmann, C.D. Hansen.
Multidimentional Transfer Functions for Volume Rendering, In The Visualization Handbook, Edited by C.D. Hansen and C.R. Johnson, Elsevier, pp. 189--210. 2005.
ISBN: 0-12-387582-X
J.M. Kniss, R. Van Uitert, A.J. Stephens, G. Li, T. Tasdizen.
Statistically Quantitative Volume Visualization, In IEEE Visualization 2005, 2005.
J.M. Kniss, A.E. Lefohn, N. Fout.
Deferred Filtering: Rendering from Difficult Data Formats, In GPU Gems II: Programming Techniques for High-Performance Graphics and General-Purpose Computation, Ch. 41, Edited by M. Pharr and R. Fernando, Addison Wesley, pp. 669--677. 2005.
J.M. Kniss, A.E. Lefohn, R. Strzodka, S. Sengupta, J.D. Owens.
Octree Textures on Graphics Hardware, In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Conference on Abstracts and Applications, 2005.
D.H. Laidlaw, R.M. Kirby, C.D. Jackson, J.S. Davidson, T.S. Miller, M. Silva, W.H. Warren, M. Tarr.
Comparing 2D Vector Field Visualization Methods: A User Study, In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 59--70. 2005.
D. Laney, S.P. Callahan, N. Max, C.T. Silva, S. Langer, R. Frank.
Hardware-Assisted Simulated Radiography, In Proceeding of IEEE Visualization 2005, pp. 44. 2005.
A.E. Lefohn, J.M. Kniss, J. Owens.
Implementing Efficient Parallel Data Structures on GPUs, In GPU Gems II: Programming Techniques for High-Performance Graphics and General-Purpose Computation, Ch. 33, Edited by M. Pharr and R. Fernando, Addison Wesley, pp. 521--545. 2005.
A.E. Lefohn, S. Sengupta, J.M. Kniss, R. Strzodka, J.D. Owens.
Dynamic Adaptive Shadow Maps on Graphics Hardware, In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Conference on Abstracts and Applications, 2005.
S. Lew, C. Wolters, K. Lee, S. Makeig, G. Worrell, R.S. MacLeod.
Epileptogenic Source Localization For Open Skull Head Model of Epilepsy By Independent Component Analysis And Inverse Dipole Fit Method, In 1st Annual Mountain West Biomedical Engineering Conference, 2005.
Y. Livnat.
Accelerated Isosurface Extraction Approaches, In The Visualization Handbook, Edited by C.D. Hansen and C.R. Johnson, Elsevier, pp. 39--55. 2005.
ISBN: 0-12-387582-X
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