SCI Publications
C.R. Johnson, M. Mohr, U. Ruede, A. Samsonov, K. Zyp.
Multilevel Methods for Inverse Bioelelectric Field Problems, In Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering - Multiscale and Multiresolution Methods: Theory and Applications, Vol. 20, Edited by T.J. Barth and T.F. Chan and R. Haimes, Springer-Verlag Publishing, Heidelberg pp. 331--346. October, 2001.
C.R. Johnson.
Adaptive Finite Element and Local Regularization Methods for the Inverse ECG Problem, In Inverse Problems in Electrocardiology, Advances in Computational Biomedicine, Vol. 5, Edited by Peter Johnston, WIT Press, pp. 51--88. 2001.
C.R. Johnson.
Computational Bioimaging for Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, In Communications of the ACM, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 74--76. March, 2001.
S. Joshi, S. Pizer, P.T. Fletcher, A. Thall, G. Tracton.
Multi-scale 3-D Deformable Model Segmentation Based on Medial Description, In Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI), Edited by MF Insana and RM Leahy, pp. 64--77. June, 2001.
R.M. Kirby, G.E. Karniadakis, O. Mikulchenko, K. Mayaram.
Integrated Simulation for MEMS: Coupling Flow-Structure-Thermal-Electrical Domains, In The MEMS Handbook, Edited by M. Gad-el-Hak, Informa UK Limited, 2001.
R.M. Kirby, G.E. Karniadakis.
Under-Resolution and Diagnostics in Spectral Simulations of Complex-Geometry Flows, In Turbulent Flow Computation, Edited by D. Drikakis and B. Geurts, Springer, pp. 1--42. 2001.
R.M. Kirby, G.E. Karniadakis, O. Mikulchenko, K. Mayaram.
An Integrated Simulator for Coupled Domain Problems in MEMS, In Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 379--399. 2001.
J.M. Kniss, G. Kindlmann, C.D. Hansen.
Interactive Volume Rendering Using Multi-Dimensional Transfer Functions and Direct Manipulation Widgets, In Proceeding of IEEE Visualization 2001, pp. 255--262. October, 2001.
J.M. Kniss, P. McCormick, A. McPherson, J. Ahrens, J. Painter, A. Keahey, C.D. Hansen.
Interactive Texture-based Volume Rendering for Large Datasets, In IEEE Comp. Graph. & Applic., Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 52--61. July/August, 2001.
J.M. Kniss, P. McCormick, A. McPherson, J. Ahrens, J. Painter, A. Keahey, C.D. Hansen.
T-Rex, Texture-based Volume Rendering for Extremely Large Datasets, In IEEE Comp. Graph. & Applic., Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 52--61. 2001.
D.H. Laidlaw, R.M. Kirby, J.S. Davidson, T.S. Miller, M. da Silva, W.H. Warren, M. Tarr.
Quantitative Comparative Evaluation of 2D Vector Field Visualization Methods, In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2001, San Diego, CA, pp. 143--150. October, 2001.
I. Lagzi, A.S. Tomlin, T.Turanyi, L.Haszpra, M.Berzins.
The Simulation of Photochemical Smog Episodes in Hungary and Central Europe Using Adaptive Gridding Models, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LCNS), Computational Science - ICCS 2001, Vol. 2074/2001, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 67--76. 2001.
ISBN: 978-3-540-42233-4
P. Lindstrom, V. Pascucci.
Visualization of Large Terrains Made Easy, In Proceedings of the 12th Annual IEEE Conference on Visualization (VIS-01), San Diego, CA, Note: UCRL-JC-144753, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 363--370, 574. October 21-26, 2001.
Y. Livnat, C.D. Hansen, S.G. Parker, C.R. Johnson.
Isosurface extraction for large-scale datasets, In Proceedings of Scientific Visualization -Dagstuhl`2000, Edited by F. Post, 2001.
P. Lorenzen, S. Joshi, G. Gerig, E. Bullitt.
Tumor-Induced Structural Radiometric Asymmetry in Brain Images, In Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA), pp. 163--170. 2001, 2001.
K. Ma, S.G. Parker.
Massively Parallel Software Rendering for Visualizing Large-Scale DataSets, In IEEE Trans. Vis & Comp. Graph., pp. 72--83. July/August, 2001.
R.S. MacLeod, B. Yilmaz, B. Taccardi, B.B. Punske, Y. Serina, D.H. Brooks.
Direct and Inverse Methods for Cardiac Mapping Using Multielectrode Catheter Measurements, In Journal of Biomedizinische Technik, Vol. 46(supp), pp. 207--209. 2001.
R.S. MacLeod, B.B. Punske, B. Yilmaz, S. Shome, B. Taccardi.
The Role of Heart Rate in Myocardial Ischemia From Restricted Coronary Perfusion, In J. Electrocardiol., Vol. 34 (supp), Note: ISCE conference paper, pp. 43--51. 2001.
J. McCorquodale, J.D. de St. Germain, S.G. Parker, C.R. Johnson.
The Uintah Parallelism Infrastructure: A Performance Evaluation on the SGI Origin 2000, In Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on High-Performance Computing, Seattle, Mar, 2001.
M. Miller, C. Moulding, J. Dongarra, C.R. Johnson.
Grid-enabling Problem Solving Environments: A Case Study of SCIRun and Netsolv, In Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on High-Performance Computing, 2001 Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference, Society for Modeling and Simulation International, pp. 98--103. April, 2001.
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