SCI Publications
C.R. Johnson, A.E. Pollard.
Electrical Activation of the Heart: Computational Studies of the Forward and Inverse Problems in Electrocardiography, In Computer Assisted Analysis and Modeling, MIT Press, pp. 583--628. 1990.
R.D. Skeel, M. Berzins.
A Method for the Spatial Discretisation of Parabolic Equations, In SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1--32. January, 1990.
S.L-Y. Woo, K.J. Ohland, J.A. Weiss.
The Effects of Aging and Sex on the Biomechanical Properties of the Medial Collateral Ligament, In Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, Vol. 56, pp. 129--142. 1990.
S.L-Y. Woo, J.A. Weiss, M.A. Gomez, D.A. Hawkins.
Measurement of Changes in Ligament Tension with Knee Motion and Skeletal Maturation, In Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 112, pp. 46--51. 1990.
M. Berzins.
Developments in NAG Library Software for Parabolic Equations, In Scientific Software Systems, Edited by J.C. Mason and M.G. Cox, Chapman and Hall, pp. 59--72. July, 1989.
ISBN: 0412345706
M. Berzins, P.M. Dew, R.M. Furzeland.
Developing Software for Time-Dependent Problems Using the Method of Lines and Differential Algebraic Integrators, In Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 5, pp. 375--397. 1989.
C.D. Hansen, T. Henderson.
CAGD-Based Computer Vision, In IEEE Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 11, No. 10, pp. 1181--1193. November, 1989.
T. Henderson, C.D. Hansen, R. Grupen.
CAD-Based 3-D Object Recognition, In IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference, Boston, Ma., pp. 168--172. November, 1989.
N. Ayache, C.D. Hansen.
Rectification of Images for Binocular and Trinocular Stereovision, In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Rome, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 11--16. November, 1988.
DOI: 10.1109/ICPR.1988.28160
M. Berzins.
Global Error Estimation in the Method of Lines for Parabolic Equations, In SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 9, pp. 687--703. 1988.
M. Berzins, R. Brankin, I. Gladwell.
Design of Stiff Integrators in the N.A.G. Library, In Signum Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 16--24. April, 1988.
R. Grupen, C.D. Hansen, T. Henderson.
Apparent Symmetries in Range Data, In Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 7, pp. 107--111. February, 1988.
C.D. Hansen, T. Henderson.
Automatic Generation of Recognition Strategies, In International Conference on Computer Vision, Tampa, Florida, pp. 275--279. December, 1988.
C.D. Hansen, N. Ayache, F. Lustman.
Towards Real-time Trinocular Stereo, In International Conference on Computer Vision, Tampa, Florida, pp. 129--133. December, 1988.
C.D. Hansen, N. Ayache, Francis Lustman.
Efficient Depth Estimation using Trinocular Stereo, In SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Note: Refereed abstract., November, 1988.
T.C. Henderson, A. Mitiche, E. Weitz, C.D. Hansen.
Multisensor Knowledge Systems: Interpreting 3-D structure, In International Journal of Robotics Research, Special Issue on Multisensor Integration, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 114--137. December, 1988.
T. Henderson, C.D. Hansen.
CAD-Based Computer Vision, In SPIE Conference, Orlando, Florida, April, 1988.
M. Berzins, P.M. Dew.
A Note on C0 Chebyshev Methods for Parabolic Equations, In I.M.A. Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 7, pp. 15--37. 1987.
C.D. Hansen, T. Henderson.
CAGD-Based Computer Vision, In IEEE Computer Vision Workshop, Miami Beach, Florida, pp. 100--106. December, 1987.
T. Henderson, C.D. Hansen, Bir Bhanu.
Intrinsic Characteristics as the Interface between CAD and Machine Vision Systems, In Pattern Recognition Theory and Applications, NATO-ASI Series, Edited by P. Devijver and J. Kittler, Springer-Verlag, pp. 461--470. 1987.
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