Designed especially for neurobiologists, FluoRender is an interactive tool for multi-channel fluorescence microscopy data visualization and analysis.
Deep brain stimulation
BrainStimulator is a set of networks that are used in SCIRun to perform simulations of brain stimulation such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and magnetic transcranial stimulation (TMS).
Developing software tools for science has always been a central vision of the SCI Institute.


brownlee-pacific-visCongratulations to SCI graduate student Carson Brownlee who was awarded "Best Paper" at IEEE Pacific Visualization 2010 for:

C. Brownlee, V. Pegoraro, S. Shankar, P. McCormick, C. Hansen "Physically-Based Interactive Schlieren Flow Visualization", Proceedings of Pacific Vis 2010.
lowell-cmbbe10SCI/MRL Lab graduate student Lowell Edgar received 1st prize in the Student Presentation Competition for his research presentation at the Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering conference this last week in Valencia, Spain.  The award includes 500 Euros.

febioFebio 1.2.0 is now available for download.  It includes several new features including:
  • faster, multi-threaded linear solvers (Pardiso, SuperLU)
  • contact improvements such as improved stability for large compression problems
  • a new biphasic contact algorithm to simulate contact between two poroelastic materials
  • new material models such as strain-dependant poroelasticity, Holmes-Mow elasticity, ...

As of this version, we will also be distributing our test and examples problems, which illustrate how to setup particular finite element models in FEBio.  The testing and examples folders will be located in the installation folder.

Also, a new release of PostView (version 1.3) is now available.  The GUI was completely redesigned to provide easier and faster access to the model’s data and properties. A number of improvements were made to the visualization tools as well.
riemannianThe international journal Signal Processing has announced its award for the 2010 Signal Processing most cited paper goes to Riemannian Geometry for the Statistical Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Data” by Drs. Tom Fletcher and Sarang Joshi. This distinction is based solely on the highest number of cites, excluding self-citations, received by the end of 2009 for all articles published in the journal between the years 2007–2009 as reported by SCOPUS reports (

P.T. Fletcher, S. Joshi. Riemannian Geometry for the Statistical Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Data, In Signal Processing, Vol. 87, No. 2, pp. 250--262. February, 2007.
vistrails-1-4The VisTrails development team is pleased to announce the release of VisTrails 1.4. The new version contains quite a list of improvements and bug fixes. For details, see the release notes.

Download Now
un-climateThe VACET Center played a key roll in the production of the following visualization of historical and projected climate change data that was presented to participants at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December of 2009. The animated series of temperature anomaly maps was produced by averaging results from 15 of the most advanced climate models in the world resulting in the best projection of climate change to the year 2100. The visualization was created using software integrated with ViSUS data streaming technology developed largely by Valerio Pascucci and techniques developed at the DOE VACET Center.

For more information about ViSUS see: ViSUS: Visualization Streams for Ultimate Scalability.

paraviewvistrailsKitware, Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Lab have released ParaView 3.6.2. The latest release now includes the VisTrails Provenance Explorer plugin in the Windows and Linux packages. VisTrails is an open-source scientific workflow and provenance management system developed at the SCI Institute that provides support for data exploration and visualization.

fourth-paradigmFour SCI faculty members, Chuck Hansen, Chris Johnson, Valerio Pascucci, and Claudio Silva contributed a chapter on visualization for data-intensive science in the recently released book The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery.
iv3d-mobile-appThe release of ImageVis3D Mobile for the iPhone has received wide coverage.
In addition to a news story on KSL channel 5, it has generated a number of print articles such as:

The Daily Utah Chronicle:
"U researchers develop iPhone applications"

tom-fogalSee full story on ScienceBlogs.
web exteriorThe Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute has begun a new phase of life in the John E. and Marva M. Warnock Engineering Building, a newly constructed, state of the art research facility.

The building is named for two primary donors who helped make it possible. John E. and Marva M. Warnock are both University of Utah alumni and founding pioneers of the information age. John Warnock is a co-founder of Adobe Systems, Inc., an industry leader in the area of graphics, publishing, web, and electronic document technologies. Marva Warnock is a designer and partner with Marsh Design in Palo Alto and also serves on the National Leadership Council for the Utah Museum of Fine Arts at the University of Utah. The project also benefited by a major contribution from Ed Catmull, another University of Utah alumnus who has been a major pioneer in computer technology. Dr. Catmull developed a series of fundamental technologies that made 3D computer graphics possible. He went on to found Pixar Animation Studios and now serves as President of both Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios. The Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute is very thankful for the generous contributions by the Warnock family, Ed Catmull and others who made our new home possible.