Directory CCA/Components/Arches/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

                directory in repo BoundaryConditions (3 files, 1804 lines)
                directory in repo ChemMix (12 files, 4967 lines)
                directory in repo ChemMixV2 (5 files, 1101 lines)
                directory in repo CoalModels (16 files, 7299 lines)
                    directory in repo fortran (1 files, 37 lines)
                directory in repo DigitalFilter (1 files, 99 lines)
                directory in repo LagrangianParticles (4 files, 427 lines)
                directory in repo ParticleModels (24 files, 7824 lines)
                directory in repo PropertyModelsV2 (28 files, 6676 lines)
                directory in repo Radiation (10 files, 4170 lines)
                    directory in repo fortran (20 files, 3188 lines)
                directory in repo SourceTerms (9 files, 5033 lines)
                directory in repo SourceTermsV2 (7 files, 2292 lines)
                directory in repo Task (9 files, 2579 lines)
                directory in repo Transport (18 files, 4996 lines)
                directory in repo TransportEqns (3 files, 2301 lines)
                directory in repo TurbulenceModels (13 files, 3934 lines)
                directory in repo Utility (15 files, 3294 lines)
                directory in repo WallHTModels (2 files, 2810 lines)
                directory in repo fortran (37 files, 6594 lines)

Lines of Code

CCA/Components/Arches/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 203 (100.0%) 1404 (100.0%) 6.9
jthornoc 90 (44.3%) 1243 (88.5%) 13.8
harman 109 (53.7%) 150 (10.7%) 1.3
allen 3 (1.5%) 7 (0.5%) 2.3
ohdiazi 1 (0.5%) 4 (0.3%) 4.0

Most Recent Commits

jthornoc 2019-12-13 17:36 Rev.: 59902

Like the explicit solver, only allow CFD to execute on the finest level.

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (changed), KokkosSolver.h (new)
jthornoc 2019-12-13 11:33 Rev.: 59896

Change 1:
Moved the RMCRT radiometer into it’s own spec. This creates a clean line between RMCRT as a radiation model
and RMCRT as a radiometer from the input perspective. Behind the scenes, not much changed as RMCRT as the
radiometer still functions as a source term.

Change 2:
Implemented doInterpolation in the trunk that Derek had introduced in the kokkos branch. This reduces code
clutter and hopefully makes merging easier to the kokkos branch.

50 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+19 -3), GridTools.h (+31)
jthornoc 2019-12-03 14:46 Rev.: 59870

This commit fixes the failure-to-run-to-completion error for test isotropic_p4_dynsmag_32 per my commit revision 59865. However, this commit creates new comparison errors with these three tests:


The decay spectrum however, looks reasonably accurate and nearly identical to previous results so I am chalking this one up to fuzz diffs.

Other minor cleanup here and there.

23 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+21 -11), ExplicitSolver.h (+2), (new)
jthornoc 2019-12-02 14:59 Rev.: 59864

Test commit - added a line separator.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (new)
jthornoc 2019-11-22 17:46 Rev.: 59849

This commit fixes a failing test from my last commit (not running to completion) but breaks a bunch of new ones.

I’ve moved the RHS addition of the DQMOM source to DQMOMNoInversion where no DQMOM inversion is taking place. This consolidates some work and removes the need for an extra task. As such, this breaks Coal Production tests in the fuzz.

The Kokkos dqmom_example_char test also fails, but this appears because the source wasn’t being added in the correct place for Kokkos-DQMOM. Differences are small, however. This is still under development…

Also re-grouped the particle models into fewer, more intuitive groups.

Some other minor cleanup occurred.

45 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (new), (+12 -8), (+16 -13)
jthornoc 2019-11-15 16:00 Rev.: 59827

Adding the option of saving out specific radiation intensities.
Updated an RT input file which will cause this test to fail due to the
addition of new saved variables.

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (new), UPSHelper.h (new)
jthornoc 2019-10-29 12:12 Rev.: 59755

Redefine these as not static.

144 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+135), UPSHelper.h (+7 -116), (new)
jthornoc 2019-10-23 10:31 Rev.: 59735

Fix a sign error in the intrusion inlet when the inlet is the in the
negative direction.

Clean up the pruning of intrusions across patches so that the geometry
bounding box is used. Somehow this was changed to the patch box in an
old commit.

Clean up documentation in the arches_spec and require that the massflow
be specified as a positive value for all faces. The sign is now assigned
based on the face normal.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (new)
jthornoc 2019-10-22 12:41 Rev.: 59729

Clearing up enum names.

46 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: GridTools.h (+7 -7), (+6 -6), UPSHelper.h (+33 -26)
jthornoc 2019-10-22 12:41 Rev.: 59728

Fixing an issue where two enums had the same name causing undefined
behavior with the compiled exe.

22 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: UPSHelper.h (+3 -1), (+12 -12), WBCHelper.h (new)
jthornoc 2019-10-18 11:48 Rev.: 59720

Removing unneeded include and fixing a warning.

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+3 -3)
jthornoc 2019-10-06 20:04 Rev.: 59679

Raise the max_dt in

Also fix a bug in the setTimestep code. Was not actually looking for
const dt.

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+3)
jthornoc 2019-09-27 20:48


0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (-1)
jthornoc 2019-09-27 20:48 Rev.: 59669

Encapsulating the Sandbox and SSPRK solvers a little better.
Added a test of the linear solver in the Sandbox and cleared out what was there before.

179 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+173 -121), KokkosSolver.h (+6)
jthornoc 2019-09-27 20:48 Rev.: 59668

Removing an unused solver.

1 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (-232), KokkosSolver.h (+1 -6)
jthornoc 2019-09-27 20:48 Rev.: 59667

Removing the build_task function which is not needed anymore.

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+1 -11), (+1 -10)
jthornoc 2019-07-26 16:39 Rev.: 59565

Added an optional flag when querying for a table value outside of the
table to deal with volumetric quantities (density, etc)
Fixed a bug in the flux calculation for intrusion inlets.
This will break the intrusion inlet tests.

21 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+21 -14)
jthornoc 2019-07-19 12:38 Rev.: 59558

Whoops...wrong label...

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+2 -2)
jthornoc 2019-07-19 10:13 Rev.: 59556

Checking to see if neighbor is a wall before adding face area to total
inlet area.

11 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+11 -1)
jthornoc 2019-07-12 14:19 Rev.: 59531

Cleaning up and adding a few new tests:


3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: BoundaryCond_new.h (+3 -3)
jthornoc 2019-07-11 15:56 Rev.: 59527

Swirl condition had a sign error on positive faces.

9 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+9 -7)
jthornoc 2019-07-11 10:25 Rev.: 59523

Adding a Swirl condition for scalar (DQMOM velocities).
Note that the spec in the input file is a bit tricky. Use carefully.
Also fixed a bug in the momentum swirl condition where boundary conditions were being overwritten.

230 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (new), BoundaryCond_new.h (+62 -2), (+74 -70), BoundaryCondition.h (+58 -3), (-1)
jthornoc 2019-06-26 15:17 Rev.: 59487

Addressing multiple issues for the KokkosSolver in this commit:

1) Start with smarter naming of the Arches task names for easier debugging.
2) Clean up of code (removal of commented lines, etc)
3) Rearranging of a few things to facilitate heat loss calc. and table lookup
4) Trying to clean up some of the naming conventions in TransportFactory - more work needed
5) Starting to remove the build_all_tasks function and actually build them when initially parsing the input file to remove redundant parsing
6) Added a default momentum name
7) Removed some initialization loops in favor of the .initialize() function on grid variables. Hoping there will be kokkos/uintah backend support for this.
8) Added a “volumetric” scalar support - was there before but not explicitly.
9) Turning off computesWithScratchGhost in the dyn. model until the errant mpi errors can be sorted.

Answers on Kokkos Tests are affected because of one or more of the following:

- rho_star isn’t initialized at sched_Initialize to the density value. There was no value in doing this and it created a task ordering problem.
- Different numbers of variables in checkpoint
- Fuzz differences in the helium tests

Otherwise the grid refinement verification studies passed, which are run manually.

132 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: ConvectionHelper.h (new), (+3 -5), (+77 -119), UPSHelper.h (+49)
harman 2019-05-28 14:45 Rev.: 59432

- Added restart hack task so the radiation temperature can be used in a computation.

Radiometer is now computing the intensity.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+2 -1)
jthornoc 2019-05-28 09:44 Rev.: 59427

Using packing information from the global controller.

33 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+33 -31)
harman 2019-05-21 09:22 Rev.: 59414

- check all patches that a rank owns for the existence of a radiation_temp in the new_dw. This is hackish

- fixed memory leak

14 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+14 -7)
harman 2019-05-20 14:18 Rev.: 59411

- Don't schedule this task if its a restart and radiation_temperature is in the new_dw.

18 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+18)
harman 2019-05-16 12:17 Rev.: 59407
sched_restartInitialize(): combined conditional statements. No longer computing _tempLabel, that's been
moved to create_radiation_tempHack task.

added create_radiation_temperatureHack()
simplified sched_create_radiation_temperatur()
Passing restart flag into sched_create_radiation_temperature()
Added call to sched_create_radiation_temperature() so the radiation_temperature
is computed on a restart.

59 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+42 -29), BoundaryCondition.h (+12 -1), (+5 -3)
jthornoc 2019-05-07 09:03 Rev.: 59392

Fixing default naming.

5 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: GridTools.h (+4 -4), (+1 -1)
jthornoc 2019-04-17 10:22 Rev.: 59352

More edits on ghost tracking including a new SCI_DEBUG flag.

51 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+12 -3), NonlinearSolver.h (new)
jthornoc 2019-04-16 15:10 Rev.: 59351

Fixing a bug in the ghost tracking for all tasks across all factories.

20 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+2 -2), NonlinearSolver.h (+18 -8)
jthornoc 2019-04-16 14:07 Rev.: 59350

Fixing a bug in the max ghost cell tracking. Also clean out the list of
max ghost cells between scheduleInitialize and scheduleTimeAdvance.

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+4)
jthornoc 2019-04-16 08:56 Rev.: 59348

Moving function to implementation file so that Uintah::DOUT will get
picked up when using 'sus -d'.

34 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+33), NonlinearSolver.h (+1 -32)
allen 2019-04-11 14:38 Rev.: 59328

removed the need for the apps to activate a reduction var - the AppCommon does that now

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (-7)
allen 2019-04-10 16:23 Rev.: 59324

moved the activate to be with the compute and made the dual app (MPMICE) check generic

7 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (-14), (+7)
jthornoc 2019-04-09 08:37 Rev.: 59314

Updating the ghost reporting and folding it into a SCI_DEBUG flag in
Arches with the Arches_Variable_Task_Dep tag.

57 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+3 -1), NonlinearSolver.h (+54 -13)
jthornoc 2019-04-03 13:35 Rev.: 59303

Replace the simple int with a ghost cell information container (struct)
for the max ghost cell information.

29 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+5 -9), NonlinearSolver.h (+24 -28)
jthornoc 2019-04-02 13:07 Rev.: 59299

Record max ghost for schedInitialize across all tasks.

7 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+7)
jthornoc 2019-04-02 13:05 Rev.: 59298

Adding max ghost tracking per factory and per entire variable space
across new and old DW.

57 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (+9), NonlinearSolver.h (+48 -2)
jthornoc 2019-03-21 15:50 Rev.: 59276

Two more boost headers creeping around.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • CCA/Components/Arches: (-2)

(6 more)

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