Compounds | |
class | BorderTex |
BorderTex - 'color' sets the texture border color. More... | |
class | Command |
command.h - A simple "Command" object that allows for 'void name()' member callbacks. More... | |
class | Command0 |
Command0 - Base class. More... | |
class | Compilable |
class | CoordGenTex |
CoordGenTex - Set state for automatic texture coordinate generation - 'coord' is GL_S, GL_T, GL_R, GL_S - 'genMode' is GL_OBJECT_LINEAR, GL_EYE_LINEAR, GL_SPHERE_MAP, GL_REFLECTION_MAP_ARB, GL_NORMAL_MAP_ARB - 'planeCoeff' contains the coefficients for the plane equation - 'state' is a vector of GenState ptrs to set the state before setting the plane eqn with GL_EYE_LINEAR. More... | |
class | CoordTrans |
CoordTrans - Encapsulates a 4x4 matrix transform that can be specified as an absolute or relative transform. More... | |
class | CoreTex |
CoreTex base class. More... | |
class | DispList |
Final. More... | |
class | DrawableGLI |
Abstract base class for anything that can be drawn. More... | |
class | DrawAlgArr |
DrawAlgArr - Vertex Array OpenGL drawing algorithm. More... | |
class | DrawAlgImm |
DrawAlgImm - Standard OpenGL drawing algorithm. More... | |
class | DrawAlgorithm |
DrawAlgorithm - Interface for an OpenGL Drawing algorithm. More... | |
class | DrawAttrib |
drawAttrib.h More... | |
class | EdgeModeTex |
EdgeModeTex - 'coord' is GL_S, GL_T, GL_R, GL_Q - 'edgeMode' is GL_CLAMP, GL_REPEAT, ... More... | |
class | EmptyTex |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// More... | |
class | FilterTex |
FilterTex - 'minFilter' is minification filter: GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR - 'magFilter' is magnification filter: GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR - Note: To use mipmapping, use the 'MipMapTex' class. More... | |
class | FragProgARB |
FragProgARB.h: interface for the FragProgARB class. More... | |
class | FuncTex |
FuncTex - 'texFunc' is GL_REPLACE, GL_MODULATE, GL_DECAL - Use the 'blendColor' constructor to use GL_BLEND. More... | |
class | GenDrawAttrib |
type of this attribute: see gutzAttrib.h More... | |
class | GenPrimGL |
GenPrimGL, A (very) generic geometry primitive. More... | |
class | GenState |
A Generic State object Any attribute where it is okay to have more than one of the same attribute in a shader. More... | |
class | GliftObject |
struct | GutzAttrib |
class | IndexAttrib |
attribute type for a vertex array More... | |
class | LineLoopGL |
class | LinesGL |
class | LineStripGL |
class | MemberCommand0 |
MemberCommand0 - Base class. More... | |
class | MipMapTex |
MipMapTex - 'minFilter' is minification filter: GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR - 'magFilter' is magnification filter: GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR - 'autoMipGen' enables/diables GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS - 'minLevel' is minimum mipmap level - 'maxLevel' is maximum mipmap level - 'minLOD' is minimum mipmap lambda value - 'maxLOD' is maximum mipmap lambda value Note: lambda = lg( rho ) base2 rho = scale factor between texture size and polygon. More... | |
class | MultiPrim |
MultiPrim: Base Container class for multiple SinglePrim objects. More... | |
class | MultiTex |
multiTexture.h: - Container class for multitexturing - Pass in vector of SingleTex ptrs and an optional vector of MultiTexUnitState objects to set the texture unit state for each texUnit. More... | |
class | MultiTexCoordGen |
class | MultiTexOState |
MultiTexOState - Class that enforces use of TexObjState ptrs. More... | |
class | MultiTexUState |
MultiTexUState - Class that enforces use of TexUnitState ptrs. More... | |
class | NormalAttrib |
attribute type for a vertex array More... | |
class | PBuffGlift |
PBuffGlift - An adapter class to turn a PBuffer into a StateGLI object - Adds the ability to initialize the render context via a member or non-member callback, 'initCB'. More... | |
class | PixelShader |
Pixel shader. More... | |
class | PixelShaderATI8K |
| |
class | PlanarQuad |
planarQuad.h: interface for the PlanarQuad class. More... | |
class | PlanarQuadZ |
| |
class | PointsGL |
Wrapper around all the OpenGL 1.2 primitives. More... | |
class | PolygonGL |
class | PrimGL |
PrimGL - GLIFT wrapper for an OpenGL primitive. More... | |
class | PriorityTex |
PriorityTex - 'priority' is in [0,1] and sets the texture object's priority - 0.0 is lowest, 1.0 is highest priority. More... | |
class | ProgShader |
ProgShader - A wrapper class for a programmable shader. More... | |
class | QuadsGL |
class | QuadStripGL |
class | QuadTexGen |
QuadTexGen: Generate the texture coordinates for a quad. More... | |
class | RawPrim |
class | RenderableGLI |
Renderable: Base class for a render pass. More... | |
class | RenderPass |
RenderPass.h: interface for the RenderPass class. More... | |
class | ScaleTexGen2D |
ScaleTexGen2D: Generate the 2D texture coordinates by dividing each vertex position by the dimension coordinate. More... | |
class | ShadedPrim |
ShadedPrim - The class that binds a shader and primitive together. More... | |
class | Shader |
Shader.h: interface for the Shader class. More... | |
class | SinglePrim |
class | SingleTex |
SingleTex - Single texture base class. More... | |
class | StateGLI |
"state.h" implementation file for the Attribute class More... | |
class | SubdivPlanarQuadM |
SubdivPlanarQuadM.h: interface for the SubdivPlanarQuadM class. More... | |
class | SubdivPlanarQuadS |
subdivPlanarQuad.h: interface for the SubdivPlanarQuadS class. More... | |
class | SubPBuff |
SubPBuff - A Wrapper class to make sub-buffers within a larger pbuffer - Sets and restores the viewport specified for this subBuffer - Can also specify a surface (GL_FRONT_LEFT, GL_AUXn, etc). More... | |
class | SubTex |
SubTex - A sub-region of a larger texture that is treated as its own Glift texture. More... | |
class | Tex1D |
Tex1D, Tex2D, Tex3D, TexCube - These are the publicly constructed texture objects - 'texState' is vector of TexState pointers that initialize the texture object's state - 'pbuff' is NULL or a pbuffer pointer that is bound with this texture unit - Texture memory is initialized by passing 'setTexData(...)' functions a 'TexData' object - 'copyToTex*D(...)' copies data from the framebuffer to the texture object - See 'SingleTex' header for rest of public interface. More... | |
class | Tex2D |
Tex2D - 2D Textures. More... | |
class | Tex3D |
Tex3D - 3D Textures. More... | |
class | TexConst |
A floating-point constant that is set to a texture coordinate. More... | |
class | TexCoordAttrib |
attribute type for a vertex array More... | |
class | TexCoordGen |
class | TexCoordPerturb |
TexCoordPerturb: Definition of texture coord transforms and constants that accompany a programmable pixel and vertex shader. More... | |
class | TexCube |
TexCube - CubeMap Textures. More... | |
class | TexData |
TexData - Base wrapper class used to set texture data - 'setTexData(...)' calls glTexImage*D(...) - This class stores all information necessary to describe the data to OpenGL. More... | |
class | TexDataArr1 |
Texture Data classes - These are adapter classes between your favorite data structure and the 'TexData' interface. More... | |
class | TexDataArr2 |
TexDataArr2<T> - TexData for arrayWrap2<T> data - Template parameter is OpenGL-compatible basic type - Use for 2D textures and CubeMaps. More... | |
class | TexObjState |
TexObjState - Abstract base class for all texture state associated with a texture object. More... | |
class | TexRect |
TexRect - Rectangular Textures (non-power-of-two). More... | |
class | TexState |
TexState - Abstract base class for all texture state. More... | |
class | TexTrans |
TexTrans - Encapsulation of a scale/bias linear transform on raw texture coordinates. More... | |
class | Texture |
Texture - Base class for any texture class. More... | |
class | TexUnitState |
TexUnitState - Abstract base class for all texture state associated with a texture unit. More... | |
class | TriangleFanGL |
class | TrianglesGL |
class | TriangleStripGL |
class | VertAttrib |
attribute type for a vertex array More... | |
class | VertexProgARB |
VertexProgARB.h: interface for the VertexProgARB class. More... | |
class | VertexShader |
Vertex shader. More... | |
class | WinTexGen2D |
WinTexGen2D: Generate the 2D texture coordinates in window coordinates (similar to scaleTexGen2D but no divide). More... | |
class | WrappedPrim |
FactoryPrimGL - A factory class for PrimGL classes. More... | |
some handy structs for mapping gutz features to glift types | |
typedef GutzAttrib< double, double, 1, GL_DOUBLE > | DoubleV1A |
typedef GutzAttrib< double, gutz::vec2d, 2, GL_DOUBLE > | DoubleV2A |
typedef GutzAttrib< double, gutz::vec3d, 3, GL_DOUBLE > | DoubleV3A |
typedef GutzAttrib< double, gutz::vec4d, 4, GL_DOUBLE > | DoubleV4A |
typedef GutzAttrib< float, float, 1, GL_FLOAT > | FloatV1A |
typedef GutzAttrib< float, gutz::vec2f, 2, GL_FLOAT > | FloatV2A |
typedef GutzAttrib< float, gutz::vec3f, 3, GL_FLOAT > | FloatV3A |
typedef GutzAttrib< float, gutz::vec4f, 4, GL_FLOAT > | FloatV4A |
typedef GutzAttrib< int, int, 1, GL_INT > | IntV1A |
typedef GutzAttrib< int, gutz::vec2i, 2, GL_INT > | IntV2A |
typedef GutzAttrib< int, gutz::vec3i, 3, GL_INT > | IntV3A |
typedef GutzAttrib< int, gutz::vec4i, 4, GL_INT > | IntV4A |
typedef GutzAttrib< unsigned int, unsigned int, 1, GL_UNSIGNED_INT > | UIntV1A |
typedef GutzAttrib< unsigned int, gutz::vec2ui, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_INT > | UIntV2A |
typedef GutzAttrib< unsigned int, gutz::vec3ui, 3, GL_UNSIGNED_INT > | UIntV3A |
typedef GutzAttrib< unsigned int, gutz::vec4ui, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_INT > | UIntV4A |
typedef GutzAttrib< short, short, 1, GL_SHORT > | ShortV1A |
typedef GutzAttrib< short, gutz::vec2s, 2, GL_SHORT > | ShortV2A |
typedef GutzAttrib< short, gutz::vec3s, 3, GL_SHORT > | ShortV3A |
typedef GutzAttrib< short, gutz::vec4s, 4, GL_SHORT > | ShortV4A |
typedef GutzAttrib< unsigned short, unsigned short, 1, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT > | UShortV1A |
typedef GutzAttrib< unsigned short, gutz::vec2us, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT > | UShortV2A |
typedef GutzAttrib< unsigned short, gutz::vec3us, 3, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT > | UShortV3A |
typedef GutzAttrib< unsigned short, gutz::vec4us, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT > | UShortV4A |
typedef GutzAttrib< char, char, 1, GL_BYTE > | ByteV1A |
typedef GutzAttrib< char, gutz::vec2b, 2, GL_BYTE > | ByteV2A |
typedef GutzAttrib< char, gutz::vec3b, 3, GL_BYTE > | ByteV3A |
typedef GutzAttrib< char, gutz::vec4b, 4, GL_BYTE > | ByteV4A |
typedef GutzAttrib< unsigned char, unsigned char, 1, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE > | UByteV1A |
typedef GutzAttrib< unsigned char, gutz::vec2b, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE > | UByteV2A |
typedef GutzAttrib< unsigned char, gutz::vec3b, 3, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE > | UByteV3A |
typedef GutzAttrib< unsigned char, gutz::vec4b, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE > | UByteV4A |
Typedefs | |
typedef VertAttrib< FloatV2A > | VertAttribV2F |
usefull typedefs, try to use these, no templates! hurray | |
typedef VertAttrib< FloatV3A > | VertAttribV3F |
typedef VertAttrib< FloatV4A > | VertAttribV4F |
typedef VertAttrib< DoubleV2A > | VertAttribV2D |
typedef VertAttrib< DoubleV3A > | VertAttribV3D |
typedef VertAttrib< DoubleV4A > | VertAttribV4D |
typedef VertAttrib< IntV2A > | VertAttribV2I |
typedef VertAttrib< IntV3A > | VertAttribV3I |
typedef VertAttrib< IntV4A > | VertAttribV4I |
typedef VertAttrib< ShortV2A > | VertAttribV2S |
typedef VertAttrib< ShortV3A > | VertAttribV3S |
typedef VertAttrib< ShortV4A > | VertAttribV4S |
typedef TexCoordAttrib< FloatV1A > | TexCoordAttribV1F |
usefull typedefs, try to use these, no templates! hurray | |
typedef TexCoordAttrib< FloatV2A > | TexCoordAttribV2F |
typedef TexCoordAttrib< FloatV3A > | TexCoordAttribV3F |
typedef TexCoordAttrib< FloatV4A > | TexCoordAttribV4F |
typedef TexCoordAttrib< DoubleV1A > | TexCoordAttribV1D |
typedef TexCoordAttrib< DoubleV2A > | TexCoordAttribV2D |
typedef TexCoordAttrib< DoubleV3A > | TexCoordAttribV3D |
typedef TexCoordAttrib< DoubleV4A > | TexCoordAttribV4D |
typedef IndexAttrib< UIntV1A > | IndexAttribV1UI |
typedef IndexAttrib< UIntV2A > | IndexAttribV2UI |
typedef IndexAttrib< UIntV3A > | IndexAttribV3UI |
typedef IndexAttrib< UIntV4A > | IndexAttribV4UI |
typedef IndexAttrib< UShortV1A > | IndexAttribV1US |
typedef IndexAttrib< UShortV2A > | IndexAttribV2US |
typedef IndexAttrib< UShortV3A > | IndexAttribV3US |
typedef IndexAttrib< UShortV4A > | IndexAttribV4US |
typedef IndexAttrib< UByteV1A > | IndexAttribV1UB |
typedef IndexAttrib< UByteV2A > | IndexAttribV2UB |
typedef IndexAttrib< UByteV3A > | IndexAttribV3UB |
typedef IndexAttrib< UByteV4A > | IndexAttribV4UB |
typedef NormalAttrib< FloatV3A > | NormalAttribV3F |
typedef NormalAttrib< DoubleV3A > | NormalAttribV3D |
typedef NormalAttrib< IntV3A > | NormalAttribV3I |
typedef NormalAttrib< ShortV3A > | NormalAttribV3S |
typedef NormalAttrib< ByteV3A > | NormalAttribV3B |
typedef std::vector< SinglePrim * > | VecSinglePrimP |
Typedefs. | |
typedef std::vector< gutz::arrayo1ui * > | MultiPrimIndices |
typedef std::vector< gutz::vec3f > | Vecvec3f |
typedef std::vector< gutz::vec2i > | Vecvec2i |
typedef std::vector< DrawableGLI * > | VecDrawP |
typedef gutz::SmartPtr< FragProgARB > | FragProgARBSP |
typedef std::vector< PBuffGlift > | VecPbuff |
typedef std::vector< PBuffGlift * > | VecPbuffP |
typedef gutz::SmartPtr< ProgShader > | ProgShaderSP |
typedef gutz::SmartPtr< GenState > | GenStateSP |
typedef std::vector< GenState * > | VecStateP |
typedef gutz::SmartPtr< PixelShader > | PixelShaderSP |
typedef gutz::SmartPtr< VertexShader > | VertexShaderSP |
typedef std::vector< SubPBuff > | VecSubPbuff |
typedef std::vector< SubPBuff * > | VecSubPbuffP |
typedef gutz::SmartPtr< VertexProgARB > | VertexProgARBSP |
typedef std::vector< TexConst > | VecTexConst |
typedef std::vector< TexConst * > | VecTexConstP |
typedef std::vector< VecTexConst > | VecVecTexConst |
typedef std::vector< VecTexConstP > | VecVecTexConstP |
typedef std::vector< gutz::arrayw2f > | Vecarrayw2f |
typedef std::vector< gutz::arrayo2f > | MultiTexCoord |
typedef std::vector< MultiTexCoord * > | MultiPrimTexCoord |
typedef std::vector< bool > | VecBool |
typedef std::vector< TexCoordPerturb > | VecTexPerturb |
typedef std::vector< TexCoordPerturb * > | VecTexPerturbP |
typedef std::vector< TexTrans > | VecTexTrans |
typedef std::vector< TexTrans * > | VecTexTransP |
typedef std::vector< VecTexTrans > | VecVecTexTrans |
typedef std::vector< VecTexTransP > | VecVecTexTransP |
typedef std::vector< MultiTexOState > | VecMultiTexOState |
typedef std::vector< MultiTexOState * > | VecMultiTexOStateP |
typedef std::vector< MultiTexUState > | VecMultiTexUState |
typedef std::vector< MultiTexUState * > | VecMultiTexUStateP |
typedef gutz::SmartPtr< SingleTex > | SingleTexSP |
typedef std::vector< SingleTexSP > | SingleTexSPVec |
typedef SingleTexSPVec::iterator | SingleTexSPVecIter |
typedef std::vector< SingleTex * > | VecTexP |
typedef VecTexP::iterator | VecTexPIter |
typedef std::vector< TexData > | VecTexData |
typedef std::vector< TexData * > | VecTexDataP |
typedef std::vector< TexState > | VecTexState |
typedef std::vector< TexState * > | VecTexStateP |
typedef std::vector< TexObjState > | VecTexOState |
typedef std::vector< TexObjState * > | VecTexOStateP |
typedef std::vector< TexUnitState > | VecTexUState |
typedef std::vector< TexUnitState * > | VecTexUStateP |
typedef void(* | VoidFuncPtr )() |
Typdefs. | |
typedef std::vector< CoordTrans > | VecCoordTrans |
typedef std::vector< CoordTrans * > | VecCoordTransP |
Enumerations | |
TODO: Extend this as more algorithm subclasses are defined. More... | |
enum | GliftShadeLang { GSL_UNKNOWN = -1, GSL_ATI8K = 0, GSL_ATI9K = 1, GSL_ARB = 2, GSL_NV2X = 3, GSL_NV30 = 4, GSL_LAST = 5 } |
enum | GliftArch { GA_UNKNOWN = -1, GA_ATI8K = 0, GA_ATI9K = 1, GA_NV2X = 2, GA_NV30 = 3, GA_LAST = 4 } |
Functions | |
DrawAlgorithm * | makeDrawAlg (DrawAlg type) |
Factory function. | |
ProgShaderSP | getProgShaderFromFile (const char *fileName, std::ostream *es=0) |
get Prog from file | |
ProgShaderSP | getProgShaderFromText (const char *progText, std::ostream *es=0) |
get Prog from text | |
MultiTexOState & | operator<< (MultiTexOState &rhs, TexObjState *state) |
MultiTexOState & | operator<< (MultiTexOState &rhs, const TexObjState *state) |
MultiTexUState & | operator<< (MultiTexUState &rhs, TexUnitState *state) |
MultiTexUState & | operator<< (MultiTexUState &rhs, const TexUnitState *state) |
void | drawSubPixels (const gutz::vec2i &dataOrig, const gutz::vec2i &texOrig, const gutz::vec2i &dimen, const gutz::arrayw3ub &data, SingleTex *tex, GLenum drawBuffer=GL_FRONT_LEFT) |
Draw a 2D tile of pixels from 'data' into 'tex' - 'dataOrig' and 'dimen' denote the data tile - 'texOrig' and 'dimen' denote where in the texture the data is written - Number of color channels is determined by 'data.dim(2)' - Data is sent to texture via render-to-texture or by glCopySubTexImage2D(...). | |
void | drawPixels (const gutz::arrayw3ub &data, SingleTex *tex, GLenum drawBuffer=GL_FRONT_LEFT) |
Draw pixels in 'data' into the texture, 'tex'. | |
void | drawPixels (const gutz::arrayw3f &data, SingleTex *tex) |
| |
void | drawSingleTexQuad (SingleTex *tex, bool drawToPbuff=false) |
Draw a quad to the screen that is of size 'tex->dimen()' Will draw 'tex->pbuff()' if 'drawToPbuff' is true Assumes that render mode is in appropriate state ( glOrtho2D(...)? ). | |
void | drawSingleTexQuad (SingleTex *tex, const gutz::vec2i &dimen, bool drawToPbuff=false) |
void | drawColoredTile (const gutz::vec2i &origin, const gutz::vec2i &dimen, const gutz::vec2i &fullQuadDim, const gutz::vec3f &color, SingleTex *tex) |
Draw a quad of 'color' to lowerLeft=origin, upperRight=origin + dimen to 'tex' or current context (if pbuff==NULL). | |
int | readDimenNrrd (const char *fileName, gutz::arrayo1i &dimen, bool &isPNM) |
Get header info from 'fileName's header - 'fileName' can be a PGM, PPM, or any Nrrd-compatible file - 'dimen' will hold the size of each dimension of the dataset - 'dimen.size()' is the dimensionality of the dataset - Note 1: Ordering of the dimensions is Glift-like. | |
int | loadPNM (GLenum channels, bool makeScalar, const char *inFileName, gutz::arrayo3ub &data) |
Read the PNM file, 'inFileName', sets 'width' and 'height' based on input file, and returns image in 'rgbaImage' - If file is PGM, all 'channels' have the replicated, scalar value - If file is PPM, up to 'channels' are output. | |
int | loadNrrd3D (GLenum channels, const char *inFileName, gutz::arrayo4ub &data) |
Read the Nrrd file, 'inFileName'. | |
void | writeFBtoPPM (GLenum channels, const gutz::vec2i &origin, const gutz::vec2i &dimen, char *baseFileName, bool sepChannels=false) |
Read framebuffer to CPU memory and write to file. | |
void | writePNM (char *baseFileName, const gutz::arrayw3ub &data, bool sepChannels) |
Write to a pgm or ppm file called 'baseFileName.pgm' or 'baseFileName.ppm' - 'data' has dimens: height, width, numChannels - PGM is written if 'numChannels' == 1, otherwise a PPM is written - If 'numChannels' == 4, the last channel (alpha) is written to a separate pgm. | |
void | writeNrrd3D (const char *baseFileName, const gutz::arrayw4ub &data) |
Write to a nrrd file called 'baseFileName.nrrd' - 'data' has dimens: numSlabs, height, width, numChannels. | |
gutz::arrayw4ub | packScalarToRGB (const gutz::arrayw4ub &data, int maxZ) |
Take a scalar volume and pack into an RGB volume - maxZ is the number of slabs in 'data' to process - maxZ MUST be a multiple of 3!!! - Returned data MUST be deleted to avoid memory leaks :( TODO: This could be fixed with a transfer operation? | |
gutz::arrayw4ub | unpackRGBToScalar (const gutz::arrayw4ub &data, int unpackZ) |
Take an RGB-packed, scalar volume and unpack it into scalar slabs - Returned data MUST be deleted to avoid memory leaks :( TODO: This could be fixed with a transfer operation? - 'unpackZ' is the maxZ value for the unpacked data. | |
std::string | itoa (int i) |
Variables | |
bool | g_compiling = false |
const SingleTexSPVec | SingleTexSPVec_empty |
const VecTexP | VecTexP_empty |
const EdgeModeTex * | TS_S_CLAMP = new EdgeModeTex(GL_S, GL_CLAMP) |
Global, pre-defined TexState pointers - These are here for conveniently pre-defined states that are common. | |
const EdgeModeTex * | TS_T_CLAMP = new EdgeModeTex(GL_T, GL_CLAMP) |
const EdgeModeTex * | TS_R_CLAMP = new EdgeModeTex(GL_R, GL_CLAMP) |
const EdgeModeTex * | TS_S_CLAMP_TO_EDGE = new EdgeModeTex(GL_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) |
const EdgeModeTex * | TS_T_CLAMP_TO_EDGE = new EdgeModeTex(GL_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) |
const EdgeModeTex * | TS_R_CLAMP_TO_EDGE = new EdgeModeTex(GL_R, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) |
const EdgeModeTex * | TS_S_REPEAT = new EdgeModeTex(GL_S, GL_REPEAT) |
const EdgeModeTex * | TS_T_REPEAT = new EdgeModeTex(GL_T, GL_REPEAT) |
const EdgeModeTex * | TS_R_REPEAT = new EdgeModeTex(GL_R, GL_REPEAT) |
const FilterTex * | TS_NEAREST = new FilterTex( GL_NEAREST, GL_NEAREST ) |
const FilterTex * | TS_LINEAR = new FilterTex( GL_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR ) |
const FuncTex * | TS_MODULATE = new FuncTex( GL_MODULATE ) |
const FuncTex * | TS_REPLACE = new FuncTex( GL_REPLACE ) |
const FuncTex * | TS_DECAL = new FuncTex( GL_DECAL ) |
const GLenum | g_texUnitName [NUM_TEX_UNIT_NAMES] |
The OpenGL texture unit names, indexable by texUnitNumber - glim.max_tex_units should be checked for number of texture units available on GPU. |
Definition at line 78 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 79 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 80 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 81 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 48 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 49 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 50 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 51 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 53 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 54 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 55 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 56 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 85 of file fragProgARB.h. |
Definition at line 101 of file stateGLI.h. |
Definition at line 259 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 249 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 254 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 260 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 250 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 255 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 261 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 251 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 256 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 262 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 252 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 257 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 58 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 59 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 60 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 61 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 28 of file texCoordGen/texCoordGen.h. Referenced by glift::SinglePrim::genTexCoords(), glift::RawPrim::genTexCoords(), and glift::MultiPrim::genTexCoords(). |
Definition at line 291 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 288 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 287 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 289 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 290 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 116 of file stateGLI.h. Referenced by Crank::getPixelShader(). |
Definition at line 73 of file progShader.h. Referenced by getProgShaderFromFile(), getProgShaderFromText(), and Crank::getShader(). |
Definition at line 68 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 69 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 70 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 71 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 97 of file singleTex.h. Referenced by GrinderKeys::getTexture(). |
Definition at line 98 of file singleTex.h. |
Definition at line 99 of file singleTex.h. |
Definition at line 221 of file drawAttrib.h. |
usefull typedefs, try to use these, no templates! hurray
Definition at line 216 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 222 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 217 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 223 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 218 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 224 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 219 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 83 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 84 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 85 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 86 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 63 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 64 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 65 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 66 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 73 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 74 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 75 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 76 of file gutzAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 26 of file texCoordGen/texCoordGen.h. |
Definition at line 41 of file texCoordPerturb.h. |
Definition at line 32 of file coordTrans.h. |
Definition at line 33 of file coordTrans.h. |
Definition at line 36 of file renderPass.h. Referenced by init(), and glift::RenderPass::RenderPass(). |
Definition at line 30 of file multiTexState.h. |
Definition at line 31 of file multiTexState.h. |
Definition at line 32 of file multiTexState.h. |
Definition at line 33 of file multiTexState.h. |
Definition at line 32 of file pbuffGlift.h. |
Definition at line 33 of file pbuffGlift.h. Referenced by glift::TexCube::TexCube(). |
Definition at line 37 of file rawPrim.h. Referenced by glift::SubdivPlanarQuadM::SubdivPlanarQuadM(). |
Definition at line 102 of file stateGLI.h. Referenced by glift::CoordGenTex::CoordGenTex(), and glift::Shader::Shader(). |
Definition at line 15 of file subPBuff.h. |
Definition at line 16 of file subPBuff.h. |
Definition at line 31 of file texConst.h. |
Definition at line 32 of file texConst.h. |
Definition at line 37 of file texState.h. |
Definition at line 38 of file texState.h. |
Definition at line 103 of file singleTex.h. Referenced by init(). |
Definition at line 42 of file texCoordPerturb.h. |
Definition at line 43 of file texCoordPerturb.h. |
Definition at line 104 of file singleTex.h. |
Definition at line 33 of file texState.h. |
Definition at line 34 of file texState.h. |
Definition at line 31 of file texTrans.h. Referenced by init(), and glift::TexCoordPerturb::TexCoordPerturb(). |
Definition at line 32 of file texTrans.h. |
Definition at line 41 of file texState.h. |
Definition at line 42 of file texState.h. |
Definition at line 35 of file subdivPlanarQuadS.h. |
Definition at line 34 of file subdivPlanarQuadS.h. |
Definition at line 33 of file texConst.h. |
Definition at line 34 of file texConst.h. |
Definition at line 33 of file texTrans.h. Referenced by glift::TexCoordPerturb::TexCoordPerturb(). |
Definition at line 34 of file texTrans.h. |
Definition at line 174 of file drawAttrib.h. |
usefull typedefs, try to use these, no templates! hurray
Definition at line 170 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 178 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 182 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 175 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 171 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 179 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 183 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 176 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 172 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 180 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 184 of file drawAttrib.h. |
Definition at line 81 of file vertexProgARB.h. |
Definition at line 127 of file stateGLI.h. Referenced by Crank::getVertShader(). |
TODO: Extend this as more algorithm subclasses are defined.
Definition at line 31 of file drawAlgorithm.h. |
Definition at line 35 of file gliftDecl.h. |
Definition at line 25 of file gliftDecl.h. |
Draw a quad of 'color' to lowerLeft=origin, upperRight=origin + dimen to 'tex' or current context (if pbuff==NULL).
If that is the case, the surface defined in the SubPBuff is used instead WARNINGS: 1) Assumes an orthographic projection is already set up in the pbuffer context 2) Leaves pbuffer context enabled after drawing |
Draw pixels in 'data' into the texture, 'tex'. Dimensions of pixel rectangle are 'data.dim(0)' x 'data.dim(1)' |
Draw a quad to the screen that is of size 'tex->dimen()' Will draw 'tex->pbuff()' if 'drawToPbuff' is true Assumes that render mode is in appropriate state ( glOrtho2D(...)? ).
Definition at line 233 of file gliftUtil.cpp. References glift::SingleTex::dimen(), and drawSingleTexQuad(). |
Draw a 2D tile of pixels from 'data' into 'tex' - 'dataOrig' and 'dimen' denote the data tile - 'texOrig' and 'dimen' denote where in the texture the data is written - Number of color channels is determined by 'data.dim(2)' - Data is sent to texture via render-to-texture or by glCopySubTexImage2D(...).
get Prog from file gota handle this better!!! get first line of shader an arb fragment program detected save off old error stream capture init errors return the program's default error stream an arb vertex program save off old error stream capture init errors return the program's default error stream Definition at line 44 of file progShaderFactory.cpp. References glift::GliftObject::getErrStream(), glift::VertexProgARB::init(), glift::FragProgARB::init(), ProgShaderSP, glift::GliftObject::setErrStream(), and string. Referenced by PShaderTxt::loadShaderFromFile(). |
get Prog from text an arb fragment program detected save off old error stream capture init errors return the program's default error stream an arb vertex program save off old error stream capture init errors return the program's default error stream Definition at line 110 of file progShaderFactory.cpp. References glift::GliftObject::getErrStream(), glift::VertexProgARB::init(), glift::FragProgARB::init(), ProgShaderSP, glift::GliftObject::setErrStream(), and string. Referenced by PShaderTxt::loadShaderFromText(). |
Definition at line 139 of file gliftUtil.h. |
Read the Nrrd file, 'inFileName'.
Read the PNM file, 'inFileName', sets 'width' and 'height' based on input file, and returns image in 'rgbaImage' - If file is PGM, all 'channels' have the replicated, scalar value - If file is PPM, up to 'channels' are output.
Factory function.
Definition at line 100 of file drawAlgorithm.h. References GLIFT_DRAW_ARR, GLIFT_DRAW_IMM, and type. Referenced by glift::PrimGL::PrimGL(). |
Definition at line 118 of file multiTexState.h. References glift::MultiTexUState::m_state. |
Definition at line 112 of file multiTexState.h. References glift::MultiTexUState::m_state. |
Definition at line 106 of file multiTexState.h. References glift::MultiTexOState::m_state. |
Definition at line 100 of file multiTexState.h. References glift::MultiTexOState::m_state. |
Take a scalar volume and pack into an RGB volume - maxZ is the number of slabs in 'data' to process - maxZ MUST be a multiple of 3!!! - Returned data MUST be deleted to avoid memory leaks :( TODO: This could be fixed with a transfer operation?
Get header info from 'fileName's header - 'fileName' can be a PGM, PPM, or any Nrrd-compatible file - 'dimen' will hold the size of each dimension of the dataset - 'dimen.size()' is the dimensionality of the dataset - Note 1: Ordering of the dimensions is Glift-like.
Note 2: Scalar data is a dimension of size 1 (counter to Nrrd convention!)
Take an RGB-packed, scalar volume and unpack it into scalar slabs - Returned data MUST be deleted to avoid memory leaks :( TODO: This could be fixed with a transfer operation? - 'unpackZ' is the maxZ value for the unpacked data.
Read framebuffer to CPU memory and write to file.
Write to a nrrd file called 'baseFileName.nrrd' - 'data' has dimens: numSlabs, height, width, numChannels.
Write to a pgm or ppm file called 'baseFileName.pgm' or 'baseFileName.ppm' - 'data' has dimens: height, width, numChannels - PGM is written if 'numChannels' == 1, otherwise a PPM is written - If 'numChannels' == 4, the last channel (alpha) is written to a separate pgm.
Definition at line 25 of file compilable.cpp. Referenced by glift::StateGLI::compile(), and glift::DrawableGLI::compile(). |
The OpenGL texture unit names, indexable by texUnitNumber - glim.max_tex_units should be checked for number of texture units available on GPU.
Definition at line 33 of file gliftUtil.h. |
Definition at line 100 of file singleTex.h. |
Definition at line 52 of file texState.cpp. |
Definition at line 44 of file texState.cpp. Referenced by loadTexture1D(), loadTexture2D(), loadTexture3D(), and setupGrayScaleGradTex(). |
Definition at line 48 of file texState.cpp. |
Definition at line 47 of file texState.cpp. |
Definition at line 50 of file texState.cpp. |
Definition at line 43 of file texState.cpp. Referenced by init(), and setupGrayScaleGradTex(). |
Definition at line 46 of file texState.cpp. |
Definition at line 35 of file texState.cpp. Referenced by init(). |
Definition at line 38 of file texState.cpp. |
Definition at line 41 of file texState.cpp. |
Definition at line 51 of file texState.cpp. Referenced by setupGrayScaleGradTex(). |
Global, pre-defined TexState pointers - These are here for conveniently pre-defined states that are common.
Definition at line 33 of file texState.cpp. |
Definition at line 36 of file texState.cpp. Referenced by loadTexture1D(), loadTexture2D(), and loadTexture3D(). |
Definition at line 39 of file texState.cpp. |
Definition at line 34 of file texState.cpp. Referenced by setupGrayScaleGradTex(). |
Definition at line 37 of file texState.cpp. Referenced by loadTexture1D(), loadTexture2D(), and loadTexture3D(). |
Definition at line 40 of file texState.cpp. |
Definition at line 105 of file singleTex.h. Referenced by VolRenAlgBase::VolRenAlgBase(). |