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gutz Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

GUTZ, the innards of all my applications.

Tons of usefull stuff, that in my mind really should be in the C++ standard library, or a Graphics standard libarary.


class  _Call
 an intermediate class so that we can speciallize one for the "call" function based on types. More...

class  _CallIF
 the call interface, to get rid of a few irrelevant types imposed by the (more) concrete version below so that the Signal can keep a list/vector of these. More...

class  _NA
 the "Not Applicable" class, just an empty class for typeing and partial specialization... More...

class  arrayBase
class  arrayOwn1
class  arrayOwn2
class  arrayOwn3
class  arrayOwn4
class  arrayOwn5
class  arrayWrap1
class  arrayWrap2
class  arrayWrap3
class  arrayWrap4
class  arrayWrap5
class  BaseManip
 Common functionality between manipulators, including cameras and lights. More...

class  BitRef
class  BitVector
class  Call
class  Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, NA >
 implement/specialize Call with 7 parameters More...

class  Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, NA, NA >
 implement/specialize Call with 6 parameters More...

class  Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, NA, NA, NA >
 implement/specialize Call with 5 parameters More...

class  Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, A4, NA, NA, NA, NA >
 implement/specialize Call with 4 parameters More...

class  Call< CE, F, A1, A2, A3, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA >
 implement/specialize Call with 3 parameters More...

class  Call< CE, F, A1, A2, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA >
 implement/specialize Call with 2 parameters More...

class  Call< CE, F, A1, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA >
 implement/specialize Call with 1 parameter More...

class  Call< CE, F, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA >
 implement/specialize call with 0 parameters More...

class  Camera
 The "LOCAL" space for this manipulator is WORLD space. More...

class  CameraEvent
class  Counted
 Counted, Derive your class from it if you want SmartPtr s to it. More...

class  EventKeyMap
 Event map, takes button ids (unsigned ints) and returns event behaviors (also unsigned ints). More...

struct  eventKeyMapCmp
 Key Map Compare Functor, for Mapping keys to events using bit vectors. More...

class  EventMap
 Generic Manipulator Event Mapper. More...

class  EventParamMap
 Event Param map, takes button ids (unsigned ints) and returns event paramters (floats). More...

class  KeyEvent
 KeyEvent, a key was pressed. More...

class  Light
 A Light interaction class. More...

class  Manip
 A Manipulator interaction class. More...

class  ManipEventBase
 Generic Manipulator Event Interface class. More...

class  mat
class  mat2
class  mat3
class  mat4
class  MouseEvent
 MouseEvent, the mouse went down or up... More...

class  MouseMoveEvent
 MouseMoveEvent, the mouse is moving. More...

class  plane
class  quat
class  ray2
class  ray3
class  RenderEvent
class  RotateManipEvent
 Rotate Manip Event. More...

class  Signal
 An API for signals and slots. More...

class  SignalIF
 Signal interface, see gutz::Signal, NOT FOR GENERAL USE. More...

class  SignalTracker
 Signal Tracker... More...

class  SmartPtr
 Smart Pointer class. More...

class  SmartPtrRef
 Smart Pointer Reference class, behaves like a reference to a pointer. More...

class  TransPlaneManipEvent
 Translate in Plane. More...

class  TransXYManipEvent
 Translate XY Manip Event. More...

class  TransZManipEvent
 Translate Z Manip Event. More...

class  vec
 a vector templated in type and dimension, plus delete policy, but you can ignore this in 99% of normal use a generic vector, with constructors up to length 10 bridges the gap between vectors and arrays, very similar to an array1 but, supports smaller 1D arrays that are used like N Dimensional vectors. More...

class  vec2
class  vec3
class  vec4


typedef arrayBase< char > arraybc
typedef arrayBase< uchararraybuc
typedef arrayBase< char > arraybb
typedef arrayBase< uchararraybub
typedef arrayBase< short > arraybs
typedef arrayBase< ushortarraybus
typedef arrayBase< int > arraybi
typedef arrayBase< uintarraybui
typedef arrayBase< long > arraybl
typedef arrayBase< ulongarraybul
typedef arrayBase< llongarraybll
typedef arrayBase< ullongarraybull
typedef arrayBase< float > arraybf
typedef arrayBase< double > arraybd
typedef arrayOwn1< char > arrayo1c
typedef arrayOwn1< uchararrayo1uc
typedef arrayOwn1< char > arrayo1b
typedef arrayOwn1< uchararrayo1ub
typedef arrayOwn1< short > arrayo1s
typedef arrayOwn1< ushortarrayo1us
typedef arrayOwn1< int > arrayo1i
typedef arrayOwn1< uintarrayo1ui
typedef arrayOwn1< long > arrayo1l
typedef arrayOwn1< ulongarrayo1ul
typedef arrayOwn1< llongarrayo1ll
typedef arrayOwn1< ullongarrayo1ull
typedef arrayOwn1< float > arrayo1f
typedef arrayOwn1< double > arrayo1d
typedef arrayOwn2< char > arrayo2c
typedef arrayOwn2< uchararrayo2uc
typedef arrayOwn2< char > arrayo2b
typedef arrayOwn2< uchararrayo2ub
typedef arrayOwn2< short > arrayo2s
typedef arrayOwn2< ushortarrayo2us
typedef arrayOwn2< int > arrayo2i
typedef arrayOwn2< uintarrayo2ui
typedef arrayOwn2< long > arrayo2l
typedef arrayOwn2< ulongarrayo2ul
typedef arrayOwn2< llongarrayo2ll
typedef arrayOwn2< ullongarrayo2ull
typedef arrayOwn2< float > arrayo2f
typedef arrayOwn2< double > arrayo2d
typedef arrayOwn3< char > arrayo3c
typedef arrayOwn3< uchararrayo3uc
typedef arrayOwn3< char > arrayo3b
typedef arrayOwn3< uchararrayo3ub
typedef arrayOwn3< short > arrayo3s
typedef arrayOwn3< ushortarrayo3us
typedef arrayOwn3< int > arrayo3i
typedef arrayOwn3< uintarrayo3ui
typedef arrayOwn3< long > arrayo3l
typedef arrayOwn3< ulongarrayo3ul
typedef arrayOwn3< llongarrayo3ll
typedef arrayOwn3< ullongarrayo3ull
typedef arrayOwn3< float > arrayo3f
typedef arrayOwn3< double > arrayo3d
typedef arrayOwn4< char > arrayo4c
typedef arrayOwn4< uchararrayo4uc
typedef arrayOwn4< char > arrayo4b
typedef arrayOwn4< uchararrayo4ub
typedef arrayOwn4< short > arrayo4s
typedef arrayOwn4< ushortarrayo4us
typedef arrayOwn4< int > arrayo4i
typedef arrayOwn4< uintarrayo4ui
typedef arrayOwn4< long > arrayo4l
typedef arrayOwn4< ulongarrayo4ul
typedef arrayOwn4< llongarrayo4ll
typedef arrayOwn4< ullongarrayo4ull
typedef arrayOwn4< float > arrayo4f
typedef arrayOwn4< double > arrayo4d
typedef arrayOwn5< char > arrayo5c
typedef arrayOwn5< uchararrayo5uc
typedef arrayOwn5< char > arrayo5b
typedef arrayOwn5< uchararrayo5ub
typedef arrayOwn5< short > arrayo5s
typedef arrayOwn5< ushortarrayo5us
typedef arrayOwn5< int > arrayo5i
typedef arrayOwn5< uintarrayo5ui
typedef arrayOwn5< long > arrayo5l
typedef arrayOwn5< ulongarrayo5ul
typedef arrayOwn5< llongarrayo5ll
typedef arrayOwn5< ullongarrayo5ull
typedef arrayOwn5< float > arrayo5f
typedef arrayOwn5< double > arrayo5d
typedef arrayWrap1< char > arrayw1c
typedef arrayWrap1< uchararrayw1uc
typedef arrayWrap1< char > arrayw1b
typedef arrayWrap1< uchararrayw1ub
typedef arrayWrap1< short > arrayw1s
typedef arrayWrap1< ushortarrayw1us
typedef arrayWrap1< int > arrayw1i
typedef arrayWrap1< uintarrayw1ui
typedef arrayWrap1< long > arrayw1l
typedef arrayWrap1< ulongarrayw1ul
typedef arrayWrap1< llongarrayw1ll
typedef arrayWrap1< ullongarrayw1ull
typedef arrayWrap1< float > arrayw1f
typedef arrayWrap1< double > arrayw1d
typedef arrayWrap2< char > arrayw2c
typedef arrayWrap2< uchararrayw2uc
typedef arrayWrap2< char > arrayw2b
typedef arrayWrap2< uchararrayw2ub
typedef arrayWrap2< short > arrayw2s
typedef arrayWrap2< ushortarrayw2us
typedef arrayWrap2< int > arrayw2i
typedef arrayWrap2< uintarrayw2ui
typedef arrayWrap2< long > arrayw2l
typedef arrayWrap2< ulongarrayw2ul
typedef arrayWrap2< llongarrayw2ll
typedef arrayWrap2< ullongarrayw2ull
typedef arrayWrap2< float > arrayw2f
typedef arrayWrap2< double > arrayw2d
typedef arrayWrap3< char > arrayw3c
typedef arrayWrap3< uchararrayw3uc
typedef arrayWrap3< char > arrayw3b
typedef arrayWrap3< uchararrayw3ub
typedef arrayWrap3< short > arrayw3s
typedef arrayWrap3< ushortarrayw3us
typedef arrayWrap3< int > arrayw3i
typedef arrayWrap3< uintarrayw3ui
typedef arrayWrap3< long > arrayw3l
typedef arrayWrap3< ulongarrayw3ul
typedef arrayWrap3< llongarrayw3ll
typedef arrayWrap3< ullongarrayw3ull
typedef arrayWrap3< float > arrayw3f
typedef arrayWrap3< double > arrayw3d
typedef arrayWrap4< char > arrayw4c
typedef arrayWrap4< uchararrayw4uc
typedef arrayWrap4< char > arrayw4b
typedef arrayWrap4< uchararrayw4ub
typedef arrayWrap4< short > arrayw4s
typedef arrayWrap4< ushortarrayw4us
typedef arrayWrap4< int > arrayw4i
typedef arrayWrap4< uintarrayw4ui
typedef arrayWrap4< long > arrayw4l
typedef arrayWrap4< ulongarrayw4ul
typedef arrayWrap4< llongarrayw4ll
typedef arrayWrap4< ullongarrayw4ull
typedef arrayWrap4< float > arrayw4f
typedef arrayWrap4< double > arrayw4d
typedef arrayWrap5< char > arrayw5c
typedef arrayWrap5< uchararrayw5uc
typedef arrayWrap5< char > arrayw5b
typedef arrayWrap5< uchararrayw5ub
typedef arrayWrap5< short > arrayw5s
typedef arrayWrap5< ushortarrayw5us
typedef arrayWrap5< int > arrayw5i
typedef arrayWrap5< uintarrayw5ui
typedef arrayWrap5< long > arrayw5l
typedef arrayWrap5< ulongarrayw5ul
typedef arrayWrap5< llongarrayw5ll
typedef arrayWrap5< ullongarrayw5ull
typedef arrayWrap5< float > arrayw5f
typedef arrayWrap5< double > arrayw5d
typedef gutz::SmartPtr< CameraEventCameraEventSP
typedef gutz::SmartPtr< EventKeyMapEventKeyMapSP
typedef gutz::SmartPtr< EventParamMapEventParamMapSP
typedef enum gutz::GUTZ_BUTTON_STATES GutzButtonState
 GutzButtonState, Mouse and Arrow Key State identifiers.

typedef enum gutz::GUTZ_MOUSE_BUTTONS GutzButton
 GutzButton, Mouse and Arrow Key Identifiers and Modifiers.

typedef enum gutz::GUTZ_KEYS GutzKeys
 Keyboard keys, use a GUTZ_MOUSE_BUTTONS for modifiers.

typedef gutz::SmartPtr< MouseEventMouseEventSP
typedef gutz::SmartPtr< MouseMoveEventMouseMoveEventSP
typedef gutz::SmartPtr< RenderEventRenderEventSP
typedef gutz::SmartPtr< BaseManipBaseManipSP
typedef SmartPtr< CameraCameraSP
 List of Cameras, typedefined for convenience.

typedef std::list< Camera * > CameraList
typedef std::list< Camera
* >::iterator 
typedef std::vector< Camera * > CameraVec
typedef std::vector< Camera
* >::iterator 
typedef std::list< Light * > LightList
 List of Lights, typedefined for convenience.

typedef std::list< Light
* >::iterator 
typedef std::vector< Light * > LightVec
typedef std::vector< Light
* >::iterator 
typedef EventMap< ManipManipEventMap
typedef SmartPtr< ManipManipSP
typedef ManipEventBase< ManipManipEvent
typedef gutz::SmartPtr< ManipEventManipEventSP
typedef std::vector< BitVectorVecBitVec
typedef std::vector< BitVector * > VecBitVecP
typedef std::vector< VecBitVecVecVecBitVec
typedef mat2< ucharmat2ub
typedef mat2< int > mat2i
typedef mat2< uintmat2ui
typedef mat2< float > mat2f
typedef mat2< double > mat2d
typedef mat3< ucharmat3ub
typedef mat3< int > mat3i
typedef mat3< uintmat3ui
typedef mat3< float > mat3f
typedef mat3< double > mat3d
typedef mat4< ucharmat4ub
typedef mat4< int > mat4i
typedef mat4< uintmat4ui
typedef mat4< float > mat4f
typedef mat4< double > mat4d
typedef plane< float > planef
typedef plane< double > planed
typedef quat< float > quatf
typedef quat< double > quatd
typedef ray3< float > ray3f
typedef ray3< double > ray3d
typedef vec< float, 5 > vec5f
 there are specific classes for vectors 2-4

typedef vec< float, 6 > vec6f
typedef vec< float, 7 > vec7f
typedef vec< float, 8 > vec8f
typedef vec< float, 9 > vec9f
typedef vec< float, 10 > vec10f
typedef vec< double, 5 > vec5d
typedef vec< double, 6 > vec6d
typedef vec< double, 7 > vec7d
typedef vec< double, 8 > vec8d
typedef vec< double, 9 > vec9d
typedef vec< double, 10 > vec10d
typedef vec2< char > vec2b
typedef vec2< ucharvec2ub
typedef vec2< char > vec2c
typedef vec2< ucharvec2uc
typedef vec2< short > vec2s
typedef vec2< ushortvec2us
typedef vec2< int > vec2i
typedef vec2< uintvec2ui
typedef vec2< llongvec2ll
typedef vec2< ullongvec2ull
typedef vec2< float > vec2f
typedef vec2< double > vec2d
typedef vec3< char > vec3c
typedef vec3< ucharvec3uc
typedef vec3< char > vec3b
typedef vec3< ucharvec3ub
typedef vec3< short > vec3s
typedef vec3< ushortvec3us
typedef vec3< int > vec3i
typedef vec3< uintvec3ui
typedef vec3< llongvec3ll
typedef vec3< ullongvec3ull
typedef vec3< float > vec3f
typedef vec3< double > vec3d
typedef vec4< char > vec4c
typedef vec4< ucharvec4uc
typedef vec4< char > vec4b
typedef vec4< ucharvec4ub
typedef vec4< short > vec4s
typedef vec4< ushortvec4us
typedef vec4< int > vec4i
typedef vec4< uintvec4ui
typedef vec4< llongvec4ll
typedef vec4< ullongvec4ull
typedef vec4< float > vec4f
typedef vec4< double > vec4d
typedef const _NA NA


 GutzButtonState, Mouse and Arrow Key State identifiers. More...

  GUTZ_UP_ARROW = 1 << 3, GUTZ_DOWN_ARROW = 1 << 4, GUTZ_RIGHT_ARROW = 1 << 5, GUTZ_LEFT_ARROW = 1 << 6,
  GUTZ_SHIFT = 1 << 7, GUTZ_CTRL = 1 << 8, GUTZ_ALT = 1 << 9, GUTZ_DBL_LEFT_MOUSE = 1 << 10,
  GUTZ_DBL_RIGHT_MOUSE = 1 << 11, GUTZ_DBL_MIDDLE_MOUSE = 1 << 12, GUTZ_LAST_BUTTON = 1 << 13, GUTZ_UNUSED_01 = 1 << 14,
  GUTZ_UNUSED_02 = 1 << 15, GUTZ_UNUSED_03 = 1 << 16, GUTZ_UNUSED_04 = 1 << 17, GUTZ_UNUSED_05 = 1 << 18,
  GUTZ_UNUSED_06 = 1 << 19, GUTZ_UNUSED_07 = 1 << 20
 GutzButton, Mouse and Arrow Key Identifiers and Modifiers. More...

enum  GUTZ_KEYS {
 Keyboard keys, use a GUTZ_MOUSE_BUTTONS for modifiers. More...

enum  {
 Interaction Modes supported by the gutz::Camera manipulator. More...

enum  {
 Interaction Modes supported by this class, object actions. More...


unsigned int gutzAddKey (unsigned int &keyBitVec, unsigned int keyID)
 add a key to a bit vector

unsigned int gutzDelKey (unsigned int &keyBitVec, unsigned int keyID)
 remove a key from a bit vector

bool isMouse (unsigned int keyBitVec)
 Test for specific keys.

bool isArrow (unsigned int keyBitVec)
bool isModified (unsigned int keyBitVec)
bool isCustom (unsigned int keyBitVec)
template<class T> mat4< T > look_at (const vec3< T > &eye, const vec3< T > &at, const vec3< T > &up)

template<class T> mat4< T > perspective (const T fovy, const T aspect, const T n, const T f)

template<class T> mat4< T > frustum (const T l, const T r, const T b, const T t, const T n, const T f)

template<class T> mat4< T > ortho (const T l, const T r, const T b, const T t, const T n, const T f)
template<class T> quat< T > trackball (const vec2< T > &pt1, const vec2< T > &pt2, const T trackballsize)
 The trackball function.

template<class T> quat< T > & add_quats (quat< T > &p, const quat< T > &q1, const quat< T > &q2)
template<class T> T tb_project_to_sphere (const T r, const T x, const T y)
 a helper function for the trackball

template<class SIG, class CE, class F> void connect (SIG &s, CE *callee, F fncPtr, int priority)
 Connect, use this to connect a gutz::Signal to a slot (member function of a class that has "HAS_SLOTS" declared).

template<class SIG, class CE, class F> void disconnect (SIG &s, CE *callee, F fncPtr)
 disconnect, the opposite of gutz::connect

BitVector operator~ (const BitVector &rhs)
BitVector operator & (const BitVector &lhs, const BitVector &rhs)
BitVector operator| (const BitVector &lhs, const BitVector &rhs)
BitVector operator^ (const BitVector &lhs, const BitVector &rhs)
BitVector operator- (const BitVector &lhs, const BitVector &rhs)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &ostr, const BitVector &bv)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &ostr, const BitRef &bv)
uint bitNum2wordNum (const uint bitNum)
uint bitMask (const uint bitNum)
uint bits2Words (const uint numBits)
uint fillWord (const bool initVal)
uint getBinary (const uint word, const uint bitNum)
template<class T> mat2< T > operator * (const T, const mat2< T > &)
template<class T> mat2< T > rot (const T)
template<class T> mat2< T > diag (const vec2< T > &)
template<class T> std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const mat2< T > &M)
template<class T> std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &os, mat2< T > &M)
template<class T> bool str2mat2 (const std::string &s, mat2< T > &v)
template<class T> bool str2mat2 (const std::string *, mat2< T > &)
template<class T1, class T2> mat2< T2 > mm_cast (mat2< T1 > v)
template<class T> mat3< T > operator * (const T, const mat3< T > &)
template<class T> mat3< T > skewsym (const vec3< T > &)
template<class T> mat3< T > rot (const T, const vec3< T > &)
template<class T> mat3< T > rot (const T, const T, const vec3< T > &)
template<class T> mat3< T > diag (const vec3< T > &)
template<class T> std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const mat3< T > &M)
template<class T> std::istream & operator<< (std::istream &os, mat3< T > &M)
template<class T> bool str2mat3 (const std::string &s, mat3< T > &v)
template<class T> bool str2mat3 (const std::string *, mat3< T > &)
template<class T1, class T2> mat3< T2 > mm_cast (mat3< T1 > v)
template<class T> mat4< T > operator * (const T, const mat4< T > &)
template<class T> mat4< T > diag (const vec4< T > &)
template<class T> std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const mat4< T > &M)
template<class T> std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, mat4< T > &M)
template<class T> bool str2mat4 (const std::string &s, mat4< T > &v)
template<class T> bool str2mat4 (const std::string *, mat4< T > *)
template<class T> bool str2mat4 (const std::string *s, mat4< T > &M)
template<class T1, class T2> mat4< T2 > mm_cast (mat4< T1 > v)
template<class T> T clamp (const T &x)
 clamp [0,1]

template<class L, class T, class U> T clamp (const L &c, const T &x, const U &C)
 clamp [c,C]

template<class T> T g_min (const T &x, const T &y)
 gutz min, just min, but don't want confusion

template<class T> T g_max (const T &x, const T &y)
 gutz max, just max, but don't want confusion

template<class T> T g_abs (const T &x)
 gutz abs, just abs, ...

template<class T> double g_sgn (const T &x)
 gutz sign, ...

template<class T1, class T2> bool nand (T1 a, T2 b)
template<class T1, class T2> bool nor (T1 a, T2 b)
uint zeroLeastSigOneBit (uint n)
bool isPowOfTwo (uint n)
uint numOnesInWord (unsigned int n)
uint modPowOf2 (uint val, uint powOf2)
uint mod_fast (uint a, uint b)
uint lg2 (uint v)
uint lg2_fast (int v)
template<class T> T min2 (const T x, const T y)
template<class T> int mini2 (const T x, const T y)
template<class T> T max2 (const T x, const T y)
template<class T> int maxi2 (const T x, const T y)
template<class T> T min3 (const T x, const T y, const T z)
template<class T> int mini3 (const T x, const T y, const T z)
template<class T> T max3 (const T x, const T y, const T z)
template<class T> int maxi3 (const T x, const T y, const T z)
template<class T> T min4 (const T x, const T y, const T z, const T w)
template<class T> int mini4 (const T x, const T y, const T z, const T w)
template<class T> T max4 (const T x, const T y, const T z, const T w)
template<class T> int maxi4 (const T x, const T y, const T z, const T w)
template<class T> T min5 (T x, T y, T z, T w, T u)
template<class T> int mini5 (T x, T y, T z, T w, T u)
template<class T> T max5 (T x, T y, T z, T w, T u)
template<class T> int maxi5 (T x, T y, T z, T w, T u)
template<class T> T min6 (T x, T y, T z, T w, T u, T v)
template<class T> int mini6 (T x, T y, T z, T w, T u, T v)
template<class T> T max6 (T x, T y, T z, T w, T u, T v)
template<class T> int maxi6 (T x, T y, T z, T w, T u, T v)
float nanf ()
template<class T> bool isnan (T x)
template<class T> bool str2 (const std::string &s, T *v, int n=1)
template<class T> bool str2 (const std::string *s, T *v, int n=1)
int expi (int base, int exp)
int logi (int base, int num)
template<class T1, class T2> quat< T2 > mm_cast (quat< T1 > v)
template<class T, int D> vec< T, D > vs_min (vec< T, D > &v1, const vec< T, D > &v2)
 side-effect min (no temporary created) alters the first vec in parameter list to be the min (for each element) of the two vectors

template<class T, int D> vec< T, D > vs_max (vec< T, D > &v1, const vec< T, D > &v2)
 side-effect max (no temporary created) alters the first vec in parameter list to be the max (for each element) of the two vectors

template<class T, int D> std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const vec< T, D > &v)

template<class T, int D> vec< T, D > operator+ (const T &val, const vec< T, D > &v)
 more operators

template<class T, int D> vec< T, D > operator- (const T &val, const vec< T, D > &v)
template<class T, int D> vec< T, D > operator * (const T &val, const vec< T, D > &v)
template<class T, int D> vec< T, D > operator/ (const T &val, const vec< T, D > &v)
template<class T> vec2< T > operator * (const T, const vec2< T > &)
template<class T> std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const vec2< T > &v)
template<class T> std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, vec2< T > &v)
template<class T> bool str2vec2 (const std::string &s, vec2< T > &v)
template<class T> bool str2vec2 (const std::string *, vec2< T > &)
template<class T> vec2< T > operator/ (const T c, const vec2< T > &v)
template<class T1, class T2> vec2< T2 > mm_cast (vec2< T1 > v)
template<class T> vec3< T > operator * (const T, const vec3< T > &)
template<class T> std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const vec3< T > &v)
 defined below

template<class T> std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, vec3< T > &v)
template<class T> bool str2vec3 (const std::string &s, vec3< T > &v)
template<class T> bool str2vec3 (const std::string *, vec3< T > &)
template<class T1, class T2> vec3< T2 > mm_cast (vec3< T1 > v)
template<class T> vec4< T > operator * (const T, const vec4< T > &)
template<class T> std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const vec4< T > &v)
 defined below

template<class T> std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, vec4< T > &v)
template<class T> bool str2vec4 (const std::string &s, vec4< T > &v)
template<class T> bool str2vec4 (const std::string *, vec4< T > *)
template<class T> bool str2vec4 (const std::string *s, vec4< T > &v)
template<class T1, class T2> vec4< T2 > mm_cast (vec4< T1 > v)


const uint g_BITS_PER_WORD = 8 * sizeof(uint)
const uint g_POW_OF_2_BITS_PER_WORD = log(g_BITS_PER_WORD) / log(2)
const vec2f vec2f_zero = vec2f(0)
const vec2d vec2d_zero = vec2d(0)
const vec2i vec2i_zero = vec2i(0)
const vec2f vec2f_one = vec2f(1)
const vec2d vec2d_one = vec2d(1)
const vec2i vec2i_one = vec2i(1)
const vec2f vec2f_neg_one = vec2f(-1)
const vec2d vec2d_neg_one = vec2d(-1)
const vec2i vec2i_neg_one = vec2i(-1)
const vec2f vec2f_x = vec2f(1, 0)
const vec2d vec2d_x = vec2d(1, 0)
const vec2i vec2i_x = vec2i(1, 0)
const vec2f vec2f_neg_x = vec2f(-1, 0)
const vec2d vec2d_neg_x = vec2d(-1, 0)
const vec2i vec2i_neg_x = vec2i(-1, 0)
const vec2f vec2f_y = vec2f(0, 1)
const vec2d vec2d_y = vec2d(0, 1)
const vec2i vec2i_y = vec2i(0, 1)
const vec2f vec2f_neg_y = vec2f(0, -1)
const vec2d vec2d_neg_y = vec2d(0, -1)
const vec2i vec2i_neg_y = vec2i(0, -1)
const vec2f vec2f_xy = vec2f(1, 1)
const vec2d vec2d_xy = vec2d(1, 1)
const vec2i vec2i_xy = vec2i(1, 1)
const vec2f vec2f_neg_xy = vec2f(-1, -1)
const vec2d vec2d_neg_xy = vec2d(-1, -1)
const vec2i vec2i_neg_xy = vec2i(-1, -1)
const vec3f vec3f_zero = vec3f(0)
const vec3d vec3d_zero = vec3d(0)
const vec3f vec3f_one = vec3f(1)
const vec3d vec3d_one = vec3d(1)
const vec3f vec3f_neg_one = vec3f(-1)
const vec3d vec3d_neg_one = vec3d(-1)
const vec3f vec3f_half = vec3f(.5)
const vec3d vec3d_half = vec3d(.5)
const vec3f vec3f_neg_half = vec3f(-.5)
const vec3d vec3d_neg_half = vec3d(-.5)
const vec3f vec3f_x = vec3f(1,0,0)
const vec3d vec3d_x = vec3d(1,0,0)
const vec3f vec3f_neg_x = vec3f(-1,0,0)
const vec3d vec3d_neg_x = vec3d(-1,0,0)
const vec3f vec3f_y = vec3f(0,1,0)
const vec3d vec3d_y = vec3d(0,1,0)
const vec3f vec3f_neg_y = vec3f(0,-1,0)
const vec3d vec3d_neg_y = vec3d(0,-1,0)
const vec3f vec3f_z = vec3f(0,0,1)
const vec3d vec3d_z = vec3d(0,0,1)
const vec3f vec3f_neg_z = vec3f(0,0,-1)
const vec3d vec3d_neg_z = vec3d(0,0,-1)
const vec3f vec3f_xy = vec3f(1,1,0)
const vec3d vec3d_xy = vec3d(1,1,0)
const vec3f vec3f_neg_xy = vec3f(-1,-1,0)
const vec3d vec3d_neg_xy = vec3d(-1,-1,0)
const vec3f vec3f_xz = vec3f(1,0,1)
const vec3d vec3d_xz = vec3d(1,0,1)
const vec3f vec3f_neg_xz = vec3f(-1,0,-1)
const vec3d vec3d_neg_xz = vec3d(-1,0,-1)
const vec3f vec3f_yz = vec3f(0,1,1)
const vec3d vec3d_yz = vec3d(0,1,1)
const vec3f vec3f_neg_yz = vec3f(0,-1,-1)
const vec3d vec3d_neg_yz = vec3d(0,-1,-1)
const vec3f vec3f_xyz = vec3f(1,1,1)
const vec3d vec3d_xyz = vec3d(1,1,1)
const vec3f vec3f_neg_xyz = vec3f(-1,-1,-1)
const vec3d vec3d_neg_xyz = vec3d(-1,-1,-1)
const vec3f vec3f_min = vec3f(1e-8f, 1e-8f, 1e-8f)
const vec3d vec3d_min = vec3d(1e-16f, 1e-16f, 1e-16f)
const vec3f vec3f_max = vec3f(1e8f, 1e8f, 1e8f)
const vec3d vec3d_max = vec3d(1e16f, 1e16f, 1e16f)
const vec4f vec4f_zero = vec4f(0)
const vec4d vec4d_zero = vec4d(0)
const vec4f vec4f_one = vec4f(1)
const vec4d vec4d_one = vec4d(1)
const vec4f vec4f_x = vec4f(1,0,0,0)
const vec4d vec4d_x = vec4d(1,0,0,0)
const vec4f vec4f_neg_x = vec4f(-1,0,0,0)
const vec4d vec4d_neg_x = vec4d(-1,0,0,0)
const vec4f vec4f_y = vec4f(0,1,0,0)
const vec4d vec4d_y = vec4d(0,1,0,0)
const vec4f vec4f_neg_y = vec4f(0,-1,0,0)
const vec4d vec4d_neg_y = vec4d(0,-1,0,0)
const vec4f vec4f_z = vec4f(0,0,1,0)
const vec4d vec4d_z = vec4d(0,0,1,0)
const vec4f vec4f_neg_z = vec4f(0,0,-1,0)
const vec4d vec4d_neg_z = vec4d(0,0,-1,0)
const vec4f vec4f_w = vec4f(0,0,0,1)
const vec4d vec4d_w = vec4d(0,0,0,1)
const vec4f vec4f_neg_w = vec4f(0,0,0,-1)
const vec4d vec4d_neg_w = vec4d(0,0,0,-1)
const quatf quatf_id = quatf()
const quatd quatd_id = quatd()
const mat2f mat2f_id = mat2f()
const mat2d mat2d_id = mat2d()
const mat2f mat2f_zero = mat2f(0.0f)
const mat2d mat2d_zero = mat2d(0.0)
const mat3f mat3f_id = mat3f()
const mat3d mat3d_id = mat3d()
const mat3f mat3f_zero = mat3f(0.0f)
const mat3d mat3d_zero = mat3d(0.0)
const mat4f mat4f_id = mat4f()
const mat4d mat4d_id = mat4d()
const mat4f mat4f_zero = mat4f(0.0f)
const mat4d mat4d_zero = mat4d(0.0)

Typedef Documentation

typedef arrayBase<char> gutz::arraybb

Definition at line 431 of file arrayBase.h.

typedef arrayBase<char> gutz::arraybc

Definition at line 429 of file arrayBase.h.

typedef arrayBase<double> gutz::arraybd

Definition at line 442 of file arrayBase.h.

typedef arrayBase<float> gutz::arraybf

Definition at line 441 of file arrayBase.h.

typedef arrayBase<int> gutz::arraybi

Definition at line 435 of file arrayBase.h.

typedef arrayBase<long> gutz::arraybl

Definition at line 437 of file arrayBase.h.

typedef arrayBase<llong> gutz::arraybll

Definition at line 439 of file arrayBase.h.

typedef arrayBase<short> gutz::arraybs

Definition at line 433 of file arrayBase.h.

typedef arrayBase<uchar> gutz::arraybub

Definition at line 432 of file arrayBase.h.

typedef arrayBase<uchar> gutz::arraybuc

Definition at line 430 of file arrayBase.h.

typedef arrayBase<uint> gutz::arraybui

Definition at line 436 of file arrayBase.h.

typedef arrayBase<ulong> gutz::arraybul

Definition at line 438 of file arrayBase.h.

typedef arrayBase<ullong> gutz::arraybull

Definition at line 440 of file arrayBase.h.

typedef arrayBase<ushort> gutz::arraybus

Definition at line 434 of file arrayBase.h.

typedef arrayOwn1<char> gutz::arrayo1b

Definition at line 144 of file arrayOwn1.h.

typedef arrayOwn1<char> gutz::arrayo1c

Definition at line 142 of file arrayOwn1.h.

typedef arrayOwn1<double> gutz::arrayo1d

Definition at line 155 of file arrayOwn1.h.

typedef arrayOwn1<float> gutz::arrayo1f

Definition at line 154 of file arrayOwn1.h.

Referenced by glift::CoordTrans::apply(), glift::TexTrans::operator()(), and glift::TexConst::TexConst().

typedef arrayOwn1<int> gutz::arrayo1i

Definition at line 148 of file arrayOwn1.h.

Referenced by Crank::mpsChanged(), and VolSlicer::slice().

typedef arrayOwn1<long> gutz::arrayo1l

Definition at line 150 of file arrayOwn1.h.

typedef arrayOwn1<llong> gutz::arrayo1ll

Definition at line 152 of file arrayOwn1.h.

typedef arrayOwn1<short> gutz::arrayo1s

Definition at line 146 of file arrayOwn1.h.

typedef arrayOwn1<uchar> gutz::arrayo1ub

Definition at line 145 of file arrayOwn1.h.

Referenced by glift::PrimGL::PrimGL(), and setupGrayScaleGradTex().

typedef arrayOwn1<uchar> gutz::arrayo1uc

Definition at line 143 of file arrayOwn1.h.

typedef arrayOwn1<uint> gutz::arrayo1ui

Definition at line 149 of file arrayOwn1.h.

Referenced by gutz::BitVector::BitVector().

typedef arrayOwn1<ulong> gutz::arrayo1ul

Definition at line 151 of file arrayOwn1.h.

typedef arrayOwn1<ullong> gutz::arrayo1ull

Definition at line 153 of file arrayOwn1.h.

typedef arrayOwn1<ushort> gutz::arrayo1us

Definition at line 147 of file arrayOwn1.h.

typedef arrayOwn2<char> gutz::arrayo2b

Definition at line 144 of file arrayOwn2.h.

typedef arrayOwn2<char> gutz::arrayo2c

Definition at line 142 of file arrayOwn2.h.

typedef arrayOwn2<double> gutz::arrayo2d

Definition at line 155 of file arrayOwn2.h.

typedef arrayOwn2<float> gutz::arrayo2f

Definition at line 154 of file arrayOwn2.h.

Referenced by glift::WinTexGen2D::operator()(), glift::TexTrans::operator()(), glift::TexCoordGen::operator()(), glift::TexConst::operator()(), glift::ScaleTexGen2D::operator()(), glift::QuadTexGen::operator()(), and glift::PrimGL::PrimGL().

typedef arrayOwn2<int> gutz::arrayo2i

Definition at line 148 of file arrayOwn2.h.

typedef arrayOwn2<long> gutz::arrayo2l

Definition at line 150 of file arrayOwn2.h.

typedef arrayOwn2<llong> gutz::arrayo2ll

Definition at line 152 of file arrayOwn2.h.

typedef arrayOwn2<short> gutz::arrayo2s

Definition at line 146 of file arrayOwn2.h.

typedef arrayOwn2<uchar> gutz::arrayo2ub

Definition at line 145 of file arrayOwn2.h.

typedef arrayOwn2<uchar> gutz::arrayo2uc

Definition at line 143 of file arrayOwn2.h.

typedef arrayOwn2<uint> gutz::arrayo2ui

Definition at line 149 of file arrayOwn2.h.

typedef arrayOwn2<ulong> gutz::arrayo2ul

Definition at line 151 of file arrayOwn2.h.

typedef arrayOwn2<ullong> gutz::arrayo2ull

Definition at line 153 of file arrayOwn2.h.

typedef arrayOwn2<ushort> gutz::arrayo2us

Definition at line 147 of file arrayOwn2.h.

typedef arrayOwn3<char> gutz::arrayo3b

Definition at line 146 of file arrayOwn3.h.

typedef arrayOwn3<char> gutz::arrayo3c

Definition at line 144 of file arrayOwn3.h.

typedef arrayOwn3<double> gutz::arrayo3d

Definition at line 157 of file arrayOwn3.h.

typedef arrayOwn3<float> gutz::arrayo3f

Definition at line 156 of file arrayOwn3.h.

typedef arrayOwn3<int> gutz::arrayo3i

Definition at line 150 of file arrayOwn3.h.

typedef arrayOwn3<long> gutz::arrayo3l

Definition at line 152 of file arrayOwn3.h.

typedef arrayOwn3<llong> gutz::arrayo3ll

Definition at line 154 of file arrayOwn3.h.

typedef arrayOwn3<short> gutz::arrayo3s

Definition at line 148 of file arrayOwn3.h.

typedef arrayOwn3<uchar> gutz::arrayo3ub

Definition at line 147 of file arrayOwn3.h.

typedef arrayOwn3<uchar> gutz::arrayo3uc

Definition at line 145 of file arrayOwn3.h.

typedef arrayOwn3<uint> gutz::arrayo3ui

Definition at line 151 of file arrayOwn3.h.

typedef arrayOwn3<ulong> gutz::arrayo3ul

Definition at line 153 of file arrayOwn3.h.

typedef arrayOwn3<ullong> gutz::arrayo3ull

Definition at line 155 of file arrayOwn3.h.

typedef arrayOwn3<ushort> gutz::arrayo3us

Definition at line 149 of file arrayOwn3.h.

typedef arrayOwn4<char> gutz::arrayo4b

Definition at line 149 of file arrayOwn4.h.

typedef arrayOwn4<char> gutz::arrayo4c

Definition at line 147 of file arrayOwn4.h.

typedef arrayOwn4<double> gutz::arrayo4d

Definition at line 160 of file arrayOwn4.h.

typedef arrayOwn4<float> gutz::arrayo4f

Definition at line 159 of file arrayOwn4.h.

typedef arrayOwn4<int> gutz::arrayo4i

Definition at line 153 of file arrayOwn4.h.

typedef arrayOwn4<long> gutz::arrayo4l

Definition at line 155 of file arrayOwn4.h.

typedef arrayOwn4<llong> gutz::arrayo4ll

Definition at line 157 of file arrayOwn4.h.

typedef arrayOwn4<short> gutz::arrayo4s

Definition at line 151 of file arrayOwn4.h.

typedef arrayOwn4<uchar> gutz::arrayo4ub

Definition at line 150 of file arrayOwn4.h.

typedef arrayOwn4<uchar> gutz::arrayo4uc

Definition at line 148 of file arrayOwn4.h.

typedef arrayOwn4<uint> gutz::arrayo4ui

Definition at line 154 of file arrayOwn4.h.

typedef arrayOwn4<ulong> gutz::arrayo4ul

Definition at line 156 of file arrayOwn4.h.

typedef arrayOwn4<ullong> gutz::arrayo4ull

Definition at line 158 of file arrayOwn4.h.

typedef arrayOwn4<ushort> gutz::arrayo4us

Definition at line 152 of file arrayOwn4.h.

typedef arrayOwn5<char> gutz::arrayo5b

Definition at line 149 of file arrayOwn5.h.

typedef arrayOwn5<char> gutz::arrayo5c

Definition at line 147 of file arrayOwn5.h.

typedef arrayOwn5<double> gutz::arrayo5d

Definition at line 160 of file arrayOwn5.h.

typedef arrayOwn5<float> gutz::arrayo5f

Definition at line 159 of file arrayOwn5.h.

typedef arrayOwn5<int> gutz::arrayo5i

Definition at line 153 of file arrayOwn5.h.

typedef arrayOwn5<long> gutz::arrayo5l

Definition at line 155 of file arrayOwn5.h.

typedef arrayOwn5<llong> gutz::arrayo5ll

Definition at line 157 of file arrayOwn5.h.

typedef arrayOwn5<short> gutz::arrayo5s

Definition at line 151 of file arrayOwn5.h.

typedef arrayOwn5<uchar> gutz::arrayo5ub

Definition at line 150 of file arrayOwn5.h.

typedef arrayOwn5<uchar> gutz::arrayo5uc

Definition at line 148 of file arrayOwn5.h.

typedef arrayOwn5<uint> gutz::arrayo5ui

Definition at line 154 of file arrayOwn5.h.

typedef arrayOwn5<ulong> gutz::arrayo5ul

Definition at line 156 of file arrayOwn5.h.

typedef arrayOwn5<ullong> gutz::arrayo5ull

Definition at line 158 of file arrayOwn5.h.

typedef arrayOwn5<ushort> gutz::arrayo5us

Definition at line 152 of file arrayOwn5.h.

typedef arrayWrap1<char> gutz::arrayw1b

Definition at line 123 of file arrayWrap1.h.

typedef arrayWrap1<char> gutz::arrayw1c

Definition at line 121 of file arrayWrap1.h.

typedef arrayWrap1<double> gutz::arrayw1d

Definition at line 134 of file arrayWrap1.h.

typedef arrayWrap1<float> gutz::arrayw1f

Definition at line 133 of file arrayWrap1.h.

typedef arrayWrap1<int> gutz::arrayw1i

Definition at line 127 of file arrayWrap1.h.

typedef arrayWrap1<long> gutz::arrayw1l

Definition at line 129 of file arrayWrap1.h.

typedef arrayWrap1<llong> gutz::arrayw1ll

Definition at line 131 of file arrayWrap1.h.

typedef arrayWrap1<short> gutz::arrayw1s

Definition at line 125 of file arrayWrap1.h.

typedef arrayWrap1<uchar> gutz::arrayw1ub

Definition at line 124 of file arrayWrap1.h.

Referenced by setupGrayScaleGradTex().

typedef arrayWrap1<uchar> gutz::arrayw1uc

Definition at line 122 of file arrayWrap1.h.

typedef arrayWrap1<uint> gutz::arrayw1ui

Definition at line 128 of file arrayWrap1.h.

Referenced by glift::DrawAlgImm::draw(), glift::DrawAlgArr::draw(), and glift::PrimGL::PrimGL().

typedef arrayWrap1<ulong> gutz::arrayw1ul

Definition at line 130 of file arrayWrap1.h.

typedef arrayWrap1<ullong> gutz::arrayw1ull

Definition at line 132 of file arrayWrap1.h.

typedef arrayWrap1<ushort> gutz::arrayw1us

Definition at line 126 of file arrayWrap1.h.

typedef arrayWrap2<char> gutz::arrayw2b

Definition at line 177 of file arrayWrap2.h.

typedef arrayWrap2<char> gutz::arrayw2c

Definition at line 175 of file arrayWrap2.h.

typedef arrayWrap2<double> gutz::arrayw2d

Definition at line 188 of file arrayWrap2.h.

typedef arrayWrap2<float> gutz::arrayw2f

Definition at line 187 of file arrayWrap2.h.

typedef arrayWrap2<int> gutz::arrayw2i

Definition at line 181 of file arrayWrap2.h.

typedef arrayWrap2<long> gutz::arrayw2l

Definition at line 183 of file arrayWrap2.h.

typedef arrayWrap2<llong> gutz::arrayw2ll

Definition at line 185 of file arrayWrap2.h.

typedef arrayWrap2<short> gutz::arrayw2s

Definition at line 179 of file arrayWrap2.h.

typedef arrayWrap2<uchar> gutz::arrayw2ub

Definition at line 178 of file arrayWrap2.h.

typedef arrayWrap2<uchar> gutz::arrayw2uc

Definition at line 176 of file arrayWrap2.h.

typedef arrayWrap2<uint> gutz::arrayw2ui

Definition at line 182 of file arrayWrap2.h.

typedef arrayWrap2<ulong> gutz::arrayw2ul

Definition at line 184 of file arrayWrap2.h.

typedef arrayWrap2<ullong> gutz::arrayw2ull

Definition at line 186 of file arrayWrap2.h.

typedef arrayWrap2<ushort> gutz::arrayw2us

Definition at line 180 of file arrayWrap2.h.

typedef arrayWrap3<char> gutz::arrayw3b

Definition at line 175 of file arrayWrap3.h.

typedef arrayWrap3<char> gutz::arrayw3c

Definition at line 173 of file arrayWrap3.h.

typedef arrayWrap3<double> gutz::arrayw3d

Definition at line 186 of file arrayWrap3.h.

typedef arrayWrap3<float> gutz::arrayw3f

Definition at line 185 of file arrayWrap3.h.

typedef arrayWrap3<int> gutz::arrayw3i

Definition at line 179 of file arrayWrap3.h.

typedef arrayWrap3<long> gutz::arrayw3l

Definition at line 181 of file arrayWrap3.h.

typedef arrayWrap3<llong> gutz::arrayw3ll

Definition at line 183 of file arrayWrap3.h.

typedef arrayWrap3<short> gutz::arrayw3s

Definition at line 177 of file arrayWrap3.h.

typedef arrayWrap3<uchar> gutz::arrayw3ub

Definition at line 176 of file arrayWrap3.h.

typedef arrayWrap3<uchar> gutz::arrayw3uc

Definition at line 174 of file arrayWrap3.h.

typedef arrayWrap3<uint> gutz::arrayw3ui

Definition at line 180 of file arrayWrap3.h.

typedef arrayWrap3<ulong> gutz::arrayw3ul

Definition at line 182 of file arrayWrap3.h.

typedef arrayWrap3<ullong> gutz::arrayw3ull

Definition at line 184 of file arrayWrap3.h.

typedef arrayWrap3<ushort> gutz::arrayw3us

Definition at line 178 of file arrayWrap3.h.

typedef arrayWrap4<char> gutz::arrayw4b

Definition at line 174 of file arrayWrap4.h.

typedef arrayWrap4<char> gutz::arrayw4c

Definition at line 172 of file arrayWrap4.h.

typedef arrayWrap4<double> gutz::arrayw4d

Definition at line 185 of file arrayWrap4.h.

typedef arrayWrap4<float> gutz::arrayw4f

Definition at line 184 of file arrayWrap4.h.

typedef arrayWrap4<int> gutz::arrayw4i

Definition at line 178 of file arrayWrap4.h.

typedef arrayWrap4<long> gutz::arrayw4l

Definition at line 180 of file arrayWrap4.h.

typedef arrayWrap4<llong> gutz::arrayw4ll

Definition at line 182 of file arrayWrap4.h.

typedef arrayWrap4<short> gutz::arrayw4s

Definition at line 176 of file arrayWrap4.h.

typedef arrayWrap4<uchar> gutz::arrayw4ub

Definition at line 175 of file arrayWrap4.h.

typedef arrayWrap4<uchar> gutz::arrayw4uc

Definition at line 173 of file arrayWrap4.h.

typedef arrayWrap4<uint> gutz::arrayw4ui

Definition at line 179 of file arrayWrap4.h.

typedef arrayWrap4<ulong> gutz::arrayw4ul

Definition at line 181 of file arrayWrap4.h.

typedef arrayWrap4<ullong> gutz::arrayw4ull

Definition at line 183 of file arrayWrap4.h.

typedef arrayWrap4<ushort> gutz::arrayw4us

Definition at line 177 of file arrayWrap4.h.

typedef arrayWrap5<char> gutz::arrayw5b

Definition at line 169 of file arrayWrap5.h.

typedef arrayWrap5<char> gutz::arrayw5c

Definition at line 167 of file arrayWrap5.h.

typedef arrayWrap5<double> gutz::arrayw5d

Definition at line 180 of file arrayWrap5.h.

typedef arrayWrap5<float> gutz::arrayw5f

Definition at line 179 of file arrayWrap5.h.

typedef arrayWrap5<int> gutz::arrayw5i

Definition at line 173 of file arrayWrap5.h.

typedef arrayWrap5<long> gutz::arrayw5l

Definition at line 175 of file arrayWrap5.h.

typedef arrayWrap5<llong> gutz::arrayw5ll

Definition at line 177 of file arrayWrap5.h.

typedef arrayWrap5<short> gutz::arrayw5s

Definition at line 171 of file arrayWrap5.h.

typedef arrayWrap5<uchar> gutz::arrayw5ub

Definition at line 170 of file arrayWrap5.h.

typedef arrayWrap5<uchar> gutz::arrayw5uc

Definition at line 168 of file arrayWrap5.h.

typedef arrayWrap5<uint> gutz::arrayw5ui

Definition at line 174 of file arrayWrap5.h.

typedef arrayWrap5<ulong> gutz::arrayw5ul

Definition at line 176 of file arrayWrap5.h.

typedef arrayWrap5<ullong> gutz::arrayw5ull

Definition at line 178 of file arrayWrap5.h.

typedef arrayWrap5<ushort> gutz::arrayw5us

Definition at line 172 of file arrayWrap5.h.

typedef gutz::SmartPtr<BaseManip> gutz::BaseManipSP

Definition at line 311 of file baseManip.h.

typedef gutz::SmartPtr<CameraEvent> gutz::CameraEventSP

Definition at line 44 of file cameraEvent.h.

typedef std::list<Camera *> gutz::CameraList

Definition at line 473 of file Camera.h.

typedef std::list<Camera *>::iterator gutz::CameraListIter

Definition at line 474 of file Camera.h.

typedef SmartPtr<Camera> gutz::CameraSP

List of Cameras, typedefined for convenience.

Definition at line 471 of file Camera.h.

Referenced by VolRenBase::drawDef(), gutz::Manip::getCamera(), and gutz::CameraEvent::getCamera().

typedef std::vector<Camera *> gutz::CameraVec

Definition at line 476 of file Camera.h.

typedef std::vector<Camera *>::iterator gutz::CameraVecIter

Definition at line 477 of file Camera.h.

typedef gutz::SmartPtr<EventKeyMap> gutz::EventKeyMapSP

Definition at line 71 of file gutzKeyMouse.h.

typedef gutz::SmartPtr<EventParamMap> gutz::EventParamMapSP

Definition at line 100 of file gutzKeyMouse.h.

typedef enum gutz::GUTZ_MOUSE_BUTTONS gutz::GutzButton

GutzButton, Mouse and Arrow Key Identifiers and Modifiers.

typedef enum gutz::GUTZ_BUTTON_STATES gutz::GutzButtonState

GutzButtonState, Mouse and Arrow Key State identifiers.

typedef enum gutz::GUTZ_KEYS gutz::GutzKeys

Keyboard keys, use a GUTZ_MOUSE_BUTTONS for modifiers.

typedef std::list<Light *> gutz::LightList

List of Lights, typedefined for convenience.

Definition at line 66 of file Light.h.

typedef std::list<Light *>::iterator gutz::LightListIter

Definition at line 67 of file Light.h.

typedef std::vector<Light *> gutz::LightVec

Definition at line 69 of file Light.h.

typedef std::vector<Light *>::iterator gutz::LightVecIter

Definition at line 70 of file Light.h.

typedef ManipEventBase<Manip> gutz::ManipEvent

Definition at line 27 of file ManipEvents.h.

typedef EventMap<Manip> gutz::ManipEventMap

Definition at line 37 of file Manip.h.

Referenced by gutz::Manip::Manip().

typedef gutz::SmartPtr< ManipEvent > gutz::ManipEventSP

Definition at line 28 of file ManipEvents.h.

typedef SmartPtr<Manip> gutz::ManipSP

Definition at line 442 of file Manip.h.

Referenced by VolRenBase::drawDef(), and gutz::CameraEvent::getManip().

typedef mat2< double > gutz::mat2d

Definition at line 85 of file mat2.h.

typedef mat2< float > gutz::mat2f

Definition at line 84 of file mat2.h.

typedef mat2<int> gutz::mat2i

Definition at line 82 of file mat2.h.

typedef mat2<uchar> gutz::mat2ub

Definition at line 81 of file mat2.h.

typedef mat2<uint> gutz::mat2ui

Definition at line 83 of file mat2.h.

typedef mat3< double > gutz::mat3d

Definition at line 123 of file mat3.h.

typedef mat3< float > gutz::mat3f

Definition at line 122 of file mat3.h.

Referenced by gutz::Manip::buildMatrix(), gutz::Camera::cameraRot(), gutz::Camera::cameraRotAxis(), gutz::Camera::cameraSwivel(), gutz::BaseManip::getWorldOrient(), gutz::Manip::setLocalQuat(), and gutz::Camera::tumble().

typedef mat3<int> gutz::mat3i

Definition at line 120 of file mat3.h.

typedef mat3<uchar> gutz::mat3ub

Definition at line 119 of file mat3.h.

typedef mat3<uint> gutz::mat3ui

Definition at line 121 of file mat3.h.

typedef mat4< double > gutz::mat4d

Definition at line 116 of file mat4.h.

typedef mat4< float > gutz::mat4f

Definition at line 115 of file mat4.h.

Referenced by glift::CoordTrans::apply(), ballPlane(), gutz::Manip::buildMatrix(), GLUItem::drawBar(), VolRenBase::drawDef(), gutz::Manip::getInvMatrix(), gutz::Camera::getInvMatrix(), gutz::Camera::getInvProjectMatrix(), gutz::Camera::getInvViewMatrix(), gutz::Camera::getInvViewportMatrix(), gutz::Camera::getInvWorldTransform(), gutz::Manip::getMatrix(), gutz::Camera::getProjectMatrix(), gutz::Camera::getViewMatrix(), gutz::Camera::getViewportMatrix(), gutz::Camera::getWorldTransform(), AnalyticVolRen::postSlice(), gutz::Manip::setLocalQuat(), and VolSlicer::slice().

typedef mat4<int> gutz::mat4i

Definition at line 113 of file mat4.h.

typedef mat4<uchar> gutz::mat4ub

Definition at line 112 of file mat4.h.

typedef mat4<uint> gutz::mat4ui

Definition at line 114 of file mat4.h.

typedef gutz::SmartPtr<MouseEvent> gutz::MouseEventSP

Definition at line 144 of file mouseEvent.h.

typedef gutz::SmartPtr<MouseMoveEvent> gutz::MouseMoveEventSP

Definition at line 214 of file mouseEvent.h.

typedef const _NA gutz::NA

Definition at line 40 of file signalCall.h.

typedef plane<double> gutz::planed

Definition at line 61 of file plane.h.

typedef plane<float> gutz::planef

Definition at line 60 of file plane.h.

Referenced by SurfaceWidget::getPlane(), FrameWidget::getPlane(), and SurfaceWidget::intersectPlane().

typedef quat<double> gutz::quatd

Definition at line 61 of file quat.h.

typedef quat<float> gutz::quatf

Definition at line 60 of file quat.h.

Referenced by gutz::Camera::cameraRot(), gutz::Camera::cameraRotAxis(), gutz::Camera::cameraSwivel(), gutz::Camera::cameraTrans(), gutz::Manip::getCamQuat(), gutz::Camera::getCamQuat(), gutz::Camera::getEyeQuat(), gutz::Manip::getInvCamQuat(), gutz::Manip::getLocalQuat(), gutz::RotateManipEvent::handleEvent(), trackball(), gutz::RotateManipEvent::tumble(), and gutz::Camera::tumble().

typedef ray3<double> gutz::ray3d

Definition at line 62 of file ray3.h.

typedef ray3<float> gutz::ray3f

Definition at line 61 of file ray3.h.

Referenced by gutz::Camera::getRay(), and gutz::Camera::getRayWorld().

typedef gutz::SmartPtr<RenderEvent> gutz::RenderEventSP

Definition at line 39 of file renderEvent.h.

typedef vec<double, 10> gutz::vec10d

Definition at line 283 of file vec.h.

typedef vec<float, 10> gutz::vec10f

Definition at line 276 of file vec.h.

typedef vec2<char> gutz::vec2b

Definition at line 101 of file vec2.h.

typedef vec2<char> gutz::vec2c

Definition at line 103 of file vec2.h.

typedef vec2<double> gutz::vec2d

Definition at line 112 of file vec2.h.

Referenced by minmaxFunc().

typedef vec2<float> gutz::vec2f

Definition at line 111 of file vec2.h.

Referenced by glift::CoordTrans::apply(), gutz::Camera::cameraRot(), gutz::Camera::cameraSwivel(), gutz::Camera::cameraZoom(), drawColoredTile(), drawSingleTexQuad(), SliceView::getAspect(), gutz::RotateManipEvent::handleEvent(), init(), reshapeNrroImageA(), gutz::Camera::setClips(), TFBoxItem::setDims(), SlicerWidget::setPickPos(), and SlicerWidget::setSlice().

typedef vec2<int> gutz::vec2i

Definition at line 107 of file vec2.h.

Referenced by glift::SubdivPlanarQuadS::bindQuads(), glift::TexCube::copyToTex(), glift::TexRect::copyToTex2D(), glift::Tex2D::copyToTex2D(), glift::CoreTex::CoreTex(), glift::PBuffGlift::dimen(), drawColoredTile(), drawPixels(), drawSubPixels(), TFGeneric::get2DMap(), main(), glift::RenderPass::renderDef(), reshape(), VolyCube::setDims(), SlicerWidget::setSlice(), setupGrayScaleGradTex(), glift::PlanarQuad::subDiv(), glift::SubPBuff::SubPBuff(), and TFView::TFView().

typedef vec2<llong> gutz::vec2ll

Definition at line 109 of file vec2.h.

typedef vec2<short> gutz::vec2s

Definition at line 105 of file vec2.h.

typedef vec2<uchar> gutz::vec2ub

Definition at line 102 of file vec2.h.

typedef vec2<uchar> gutz::vec2uc

Definition at line 104 of file vec2.h.

typedef vec2<uint> gutz::vec2ui

Definition at line 108 of file vec2.h.

Referenced by gutz::Manip::getScreen(), Nrro::initMembers(), Nrro::insertAxis(), VolyCube::setNrroTcoords(), and gutz::Camera::setScreen().

typedef vec2<ullong> gutz::vec2ull

Definition at line 110 of file vec2.h.

typedef vec2<ushort> gutz::vec2us

Definition at line 106 of file vec2.h.

typedef vec3<char> gutz::vec3b

Definition at line 103 of file vec3.h.

typedef vec3<char> gutz::vec3c

Definition at line 101 of file vec3.h.

typedef vec3<double> gutz::vec3d

Definition at line 112 of file vec3.h.

Referenced by NodeItem::getPoint(), NodeItem::moveBy(), EdgeItem::moveBy(), and NodeItem::setPoint().

typedef vec3<float> gutz::vec3f

Definition at line 111 of file vec3.h.

Referenced by glift::CoordTrans::apply(), gutz::Camera::cameraRot(), gutz::Camera::cameraRotAxis(), gutz::Camera::cameraSwivel(), gutz::Camera::cameraTrans(), VolytopeVec::center(), glift::CoordTrans::CoordTrans(), Nrro::crop(), GLUItem::drawBar(), VolRenBase::drawDef(), GLTFSurfaceWidget::drawDef(), GLSurfaceWidget::drawQuad(), VolRenLit::genSliceAxis(), VolytopeVec::getBoxMax(), VolytopeVec::getBoxMin(), gutz::Manip::getCenter(), gutz::MouseMoveEvent::getDel(), gutz::TransXYManipEvent::getDelta(), gutz::Camera::getEyePos(), gutz::MouseMoveEvent::getLast(), gutz::Camera::getLookAt(), gutz::MouseEvent::getPos(), gutz::Manip::getRad(), Nrro::getSizeV3(), gutz::Camera::getUpVec(), NodeWidget::getValidArea(), gutz::Camera::getViewDir(), gutz::MouseMoveEvent::getWorldDel(), gutz::MouseMoveEvent::getWorldLast(), gutz::MouseEvent::getWorldPos(), gutz::Camera::getXVec(), gutz::TransPlaneManipEvent::handleEvent(), gutz::TransZManipEvent::handleEvent(), gutz::RotateManipEvent::handleEvent(), BasicQGL::initManipulators(), SurfaceWidget::intersectPlane(), gutz::Camera::mouse(), RenderableQGL::mouseMoveEvent(), BasicQGL::mouseMoveEvent(), RenderableQGL::mousePressEvent(), FrameWidget::moveChild(), FrameWidget::nodeMoved(), AnalyticVolRen::postSlice(), EdgeWidget::setEndPoint(), VolyCube::setNrroTcoords(), VolytopeVec::setSize(), EdgeWidget::setStartPoint(), VolyCube::setTcoords(), gutz::Camera::setViewMatrix(), volumeBase::sizef(), VolSlicer::slice(), volumeBase::space(), TFGL::TFGL(), gutz::RotateManipEvent::tumble(), and gutz::Camera::tumble().

typedef vec3<int> gutz::vec3i

Definition at line 107 of file vec3.h.

Referenced by VolField::brick(), glift::EmptyTex::dimen(), drawSubPixels(), glift::CoreTex::getDataf(), glift::CoreTex::getDataub(), getNextPow2(), loadTexture1D(), loadTexture2D(), loadTexture3D(), glift::RenderPass::renderDef(), reshape(), volumeBase::sizei(), glift::SubTex::SubTex(), glift::TexDataArr1< T >::TexDataArr1(), and glift::TexDataArr2< T >::TexDataArr2().

typedef vec3<llong> gutz::vec3ll

Definition at line 109 of file vec3.h.

typedef vec3<short> gutz::vec3s

Definition at line 105 of file vec3.h.

typedef vec3<uchar> gutz::vec3ub

Definition at line 104 of file vec3.h.

typedef vec3<uchar> gutz::vec3uc

Definition at line 102 of file vec3.h.

typedef vec3<uint> gutz::vec3ui

Definition at line 108 of file vec3.h.

Referenced by getNextPow2().

typedef vec3<ullong> gutz::vec3ull

Definition at line 110 of file vec3.h.

typedef vec3<ushort> gutz::vec3us

Definition at line 106 of file vec3.h.

typedef vec4<char> gutz::vec4b

Definition at line 102 of file vec4.h.

typedef vec4<char> gutz::vec4c

Definition at line 100 of file vec4.h.

typedef vec4<double> gutz::vec4d

Definition at line 111 of file vec4.h.

Referenced by Key::Key().

typedef vec4<float> gutz::vec4f

Definition at line 110 of file vec4.h.

Referenced by glift::CoordTrans::apply(), glift::CoordGenTex::CoordGenTex(), glift::FuncTex::FuncTex(), gutz::Camera::getEyePosScreen(), gutz::Camera::getScreenPosLocal(), init(), and AnalyticVolRen::postSlice().

typedef vec4<int> gutz::vec4i

Definition at line 106 of file vec4.h.

Referenced by drawColoredTile(), and Key::Key().

typedef vec4<llong> gutz::vec4ll

Definition at line 108 of file vec4.h.

typedef vec4<short> gutz::vec4s

Definition at line 104 of file vec4.h.

typedef vec4<uchar> gutz::vec4ub

Definition at line 103 of file vec4.h.

typedef vec4<uchar> gutz::vec4uc

Definition at line 101 of file vec4.h.

typedef vec4<uint> gutz::vec4ui

Definition at line 107 of file vec4.h.

typedef vec4<ullong> gutz::vec4ull

Definition at line 109 of file vec4.h.

typedef vec4<ushort> gutz::vec4us

Definition at line 105 of file vec4.h.

typedef vec<double, 5> gutz::vec5d

Definition at line 278 of file vec.h.

typedef vec<float, 5> gutz::vec5f

there are specific classes for vectors 2-4

Definition at line 271 of file vec.h.

typedef vec<double, 6> gutz::vec6d

Definition at line 279 of file vec.h.

typedef vec<float, 6> gutz::vec6f

Definition at line 272 of file vec.h.

typedef vec<double, 7> gutz::vec7d

Definition at line 280 of file vec.h.

typedef vec<float, 7> gutz::vec7f

Definition at line 273 of file vec.h.

typedef vec<double, 8> gutz::vec8d

Definition at line 281 of file vec.h.

typedef vec<float, 8> gutz::vec8f

Definition at line 274 of file vec.h.

typedef vec<double, 9> gutz::vec9d

Definition at line 282 of file vec.h.

typedef vec<float, 9> gutz::vec9f

Definition at line 275 of file vec.h.

typedef std::vector<BitVector> gutz::VecBitVec

Definition at line 41 of file bitVector.h.

typedef std::vector<BitVector*> gutz::VecBitVecP

Definition at line 42 of file bitVector.h.

typedef std::vector<VecBitVec> gutz::VecVecBitVec

Definition at line 43 of file bitVector.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Interaction Modes supported by the gutz::Camera manipulator.

Enumeration values:
CAM_MODE_NONE  Mode not mapped.
CAM_ROT  Camera rotates about lookat point.
CAM_ZOOM  Changes frustum, no movement.
CAM_DOLLY  Camera forward & backward.
CAM_TRANS_XY  Camera space up/down left/right.
CAM_TRANS_XZ  Camera space left/right forward/back.
CAM_TRANS_ZY  Camera space up/down forward/back.
CAM_TRANS_Z  Move camera forward and back.
CAM_TRANS_Y  Move camera up and down.
CAM_TRANS_X  Move camera side to side.
CAM_ROLL  Roll, rotate around Z.
CAM_PITCH  Pitch, rotate around X.
CAM_YAW  Yaw, rotate around Y.
CAM_SWIVEL  Pitch & Yaw, rotate about eye point.

Definition at line 40 of file Camera.h.

anonymous enum

Interaction Modes supported by this class, object actions.

Enumeration values:
OBJ_MODE_NONE  Mode not mapped.
OBJ_CENT_ROT  Rotates object around its center.
OBJ_ABS_ROT  Rotates object around the origin of its space.
OBJ_STRANS_XY  Screen space object translate X,Y plane.
OBJ_STRANS_XZ  Screen space object translate X,Z plane.
OBJ_STRANS_ZY  Screen space object translate Y,Z plane.
OBJ_ATRANS_01  Translate in the plane defined by a custom vector 01.
OBJ_ATRANS_02  Translate in the plane defined by a custom vector 01.
OBJ_ATRANS_03  Translate in the plane defined by a custom vector 01.
OBJ_ATRANS_04  Translate in the plane defined by a custom vector 01.
OBJ_ATRANS_05  Translate in the plane defined by a custom vector 01.

Definition at line 42 of file Manip.h.


GutzButtonState, Mouse and Arrow Key State identifiers.

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 112 of file gutzKeyMouse.h.

enum gutz::GUTZ_KEYS

Keyboard keys, use a GUTZ_MOUSE_BUTTONS for modifiers.

Enumeration values:
GUTZ_ASCI  unsigned char keys (ASCI keys)
GUTZ_F1  Special (F) keys.
GUTZ_NLK  Num Lock.
GUTZ_CLK  Caps Lock.
GUTZ_ESC  Escape.
GUTZ_INS  Insert.
GUTZ_DEL  Delete.
GUTZ_PUP  Page up.
GUTZ_PDN  Page down.
GUTZ_AUP  Arrow up.
GUTZ_ADN  Arrow down.
GUTZ_ALF  Arrow left.
GUTZ_ART  Arrow right.
GUTZ_PSCR  Print screen.
GUTZ_SCRL  Scroll lock.
GUTZ_PSEB  Pause/break.

Definition at line 150 of file gutzKeyMouse.h.


GutzButton, Mouse and Arrow Key Identifiers and Modifiers.

Enumeration values:
GUTZ_LEFT_MOUSE  Left Mouse button.
GUTZ_MIDDLE_MOUSE  Middle Mouse button.
GUTZ_RIGHT_MOUSE  Right Mouse button.
GUTZ_UP_ARROW  Up arrow key.
GUTZ_DOWN_ARROW  Down arrow key.
GUTZ_RIGHT_ARROW  Right arrow key.
GUTZ_LEFT_ARROW  Left arrow key.
GUTZ_SHIFT  Shift key modifier.
GUTZ_CTRL  Control key modifier.
GUTZ_ALT  ALT key modifier.
GUTZ_DBL_LEFT_MOUSE  double click
GUTZ_DBL_RIGHT_MOUSE  double click
GUTZ_LAST_BUTTON  LAST button & Total number of unique combinations.
GUTZ_UNUSED_01  Use for custom events.
GUTZ_UNUSED_02  Use for custom events.
GUTZ_UNUSED_03  Use for custom events.
GUTZ_UNUSED_04  Use for custom events.
GUTZ_UNUSED_05  Use for custom events.
GUTZ_UNUSED_06  Use for custom events.
GUTZ_UNUSED_07  Use for custom events.

Definition at line 122 of file gutzKeyMouse.h.

Function Documentation

template<class T>
quat<T>& add_quats quat< T > &  p,
const quat< T > &  q1,
const quat< T > &  q2

Definition at line 40 of file vectorGraphics.h.

References gutz::vec4< T >::w, gutz::vec4< T >::x, gutz::vec4< T >::y, and gutz::vec4< T >::z.

uint gutz::bitMask const uint  bitNum  )  [inline]

Definition at line 172 of file bitVector.h.

References g_BITS_PER_WORD, g_POW_OF_2_BITS_PER_WORD, modPowOf2(), and uint.

Referenced by gutz::BitRef::BitRef(), and gutz::BitVector::BitVector().

uint gutz::bitNum2wordNum const uint  bitNum  )  [inline]

Definition at line 167 of file bitVector.h.

References g_POW_OF_2_BITS_PER_WORD, and uint.

Referenced by gutz::BitVector::operator[]().

uint gutz::bits2Words const uint  numBits  )  [inline]

Definition at line 178 of file bitVector.h.

References g_BITS_PER_WORD, and uint.

Referenced by gutz::BitVector::BitVector().

template<class L, class T, class U>
T clamp const L &  c,
const T &  x,
const U &  C

clamp [c,C]

Definition at line 123 of file mathExt.h.

References x.

template<class T>
T clamp const T &  x  )  [inline]

clamp [0,1]

Definition at line 117 of file mathExt.h.

References x.

Referenced by Nrro::cropPad(), TFEvalLin::eval(), TriRasterInfo< T, TT >::getMaxX(), TriRasterInfo< T, TT >::getMinX(), rasterize2D(), FieldProbes::setProbePos(), SlicerWidget::setSlice(), and TriRasterInfo< T, TT >::setUp().

template<class SIG, class CE, class F>
void gutz::connect SIG &  s,
CE *  callee,
int  priority = 0

Connect, use this to connect a gutz::Signal to a slot (member function of a class that has "HAS_SLOTS" declared).

    s        = the signal,                             ex: a.theSignal 
                                                           (MyClassA instance)
    callee   = instance of the class recieving signal, ex: &b          
                                                           (MyClassB instance)
    fncPtr   = the "slot",                             ex: &MyClassB::theSlot
    priority = the higher the number, the earlier it will be called

Although this is a template function, the template parameters are resolved implicitly, so you can call "connect" without specifying any template parameters, ex:

 connect(a.theSignal, &b, &myClassB::theSlot); 

Here is another, more concrete, example using connect()

      #include <signalGutz.h>
      #include <iostream>
      class MySlotClass {
        void someSlot(float f) { std::cerr << "someSlot(f): f = " << f; }
      class MySignalClass {
         gutz::Signal<float>  myFloatChanged;
         void emmitMyFloat(float f) { myFloatChanged(f); }
      ///... in some function ... (main maybe?)
      MySignalClass sigClass;
      MySlotClass   slotClass;
      /// connect sigClass.myFloatChanged to slotClass's slot "someSlot(f)"
      gutz::connect(sigClass.myFloatChanged, &slotClass, &MySlotClass::someSlot);
      /// send a signal
      /// should print "someSlot(f): f = 3.14159265" to stdout
      /// now disconnect the sig/slot combo
      gutz::disconnect(sigClass.myFloatChanged, &slotClass, &MySlotClass::someSlot);
      /// try the signal again
      /// shouldn't print anything to stdout!
see also gutz::Signal for more documetation on this API
see gutz::disconnect for the reverse of this function.
s  the signal
callee  pointer to class with slot
fncPtr  member function of "callee" (the slot)
priority  optional priority, higher = earlier called (defaults to 0)

Definition at line 87 of file signalGutz.h.

References s.

Referenced by TFWidget::conf(), SlicerWidget::conf(), FieldProperties::confFieldProps(), FrameWidget::configureFrame(), SlicerMulti::confSliceView(), GLClipPlane::GLClipPlane(), PShaderWin::PShaderWin(), EdgeWidget::setEndNode(), EdgeWidget::setStartNode(), and FrameWidget::setSurface().

template<class T>
mat4< T > gutz::diag const vec4< T > &   ) 

Definition at line 700 of file mat4.h.

References v.

template<class T>
mat3< T > gutz::diag const vec3< T > &   ) 

Definition at line 644 of file mat3.h.

References v.

template<class T>
mat2< T > gutz::diag const vec2< T > &   ) 

Definition at line 399 of file mat2.h.

References v.

template<class SIG, class CE, class F>
void gutz::disconnect SIG &  s,
CE *  callee,

disconnect, the opposite of gutz::connect

s  the signal
callee  pointer to class with slot
fncPtr  member function of "callee" (the slot)

Definition at line 98 of file signalGutz.h.

References s.

Referenced by FrameWidget::delSurface().

int expi int  base,
int  exp

Definition at line 1020 of file mm.h.

uint gutz::fillWord const bool  initVal  )  [inline]

Definition at line 183 of file bitVector.h.

References uint.

Referenced by gutz::BitVector::BitVector(), and gutz::BitVector::operator=().

template<class T>
mat4< T > gutz::frustum const T  l,
const T  r,
const T  b,
const T  t,
const T  n,
const T  f


Definition at line 117 of file vectorGraphics.h.

References n, r, and t.

Referenced by perspective(), gutz::Camera::setFrustum(), and gutz::Camera::setPerspective().

template<class T>
T g_abs const T &  x  )  [inline]

gutz abs, just abs, ...

Definition at line 143 of file mathExt.h.

References x.

Referenced by gutz::vec< int, TF_MAX_R >::abs(), EdgeWidget::getValidArea(), gutz::Camera::handleCamera(), and gutz::RotateManipEvent::tumble().

template<class T>
T g_max const T &  x,
const T &  y

gutz max, just max, but don't want confusion

Definition at line 136 of file mathExt.h.

References x, and y.

Referenced by VolField::genTexture(), VolytopeVec::getBoxMax(), gutz::Camera::handleCamera(), minmaxFunc(), Nrro::setNrrd(), SourceObj::setNumOutputs(), and Volytope::setSizes().

template<class T>
T g_min const T &  x,
const T &  y

gutz min, just min, but don't want confusion

Definition at line 130 of file mathExt.h.

References x, and y.

Referenced by ballPlaneRot(), VolFieldVec::checkField(), TFElementBox::eval(), VolField::genBrick(), VolytopeVec::getBoxMin(), minmaxFunc(), Crank::mpsChanged(), Volytope::setSizes(), and gutz::vec< T, V_DIM >::vec().

template<class T>
double g_sgn const T &  x  )  [inline]

gutz sign, ...

Definition at line 150 of file mathExt.h.

References x.

uint gutz::getBinary const uint  word,
const uint  bitNum

Definition at line 188 of file bitVector.h.

References uint.

Referenced by operator<<().

unsigned int gutzAddKey unsigned int &  keyBitVec,
unsigned int  keyID

add a key to a bit vector

Definition at line 188 of file gutzKeyMouse.h.

unsigned int gutzDelKey unsigned int &  keyBitVec,
unsigned int  keyID

remove a key from a bit vector

Definition at line 198 of file gutzKeyMouse.h.

bool isArrow unsigned int  keyBitVec  )  [inline]

Definition at line 218 of file gutzKeyMouse.h.


Referenced by gutz::Camera::mouse().

bool isCustom unsigned int  keyBitVec  )  [inline]

Definition at line 237 of file gutzKeyMouse.h.

References GUTZ_LAST_KEY.

bool isModified unsigned int  keyBitVec  )  [inline]

Definition at line 228 of file gutzKeyMouse.h.


bool isMouse unsigned int  keyBitVec  )  [inline]

Test for specific keys.

Definition at line 209 of file gutzKeyMouse.h.


Referenced by gutz::Camera::mouse().

template<class T>
bool isnan x  )  [inline]

Definition at line 968 of file mm.h.

References x.

bool isPowOfTwo uint  n  )  [inline]

Definition at line 138 of file mm.h.

References n, and zeroLeastSigOneBit().

Referenced by glift::SubdivPlanarQuadS::bindQuads().

uint lg2 uint  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 176 of file mm.h.

References uint, and v.

uint lg2_fast int  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 200 of file mm.h.

References uint, and v.

int logi int  base,
int  num

Definition at line 1031 of file mm.h.

References num.

template<class T>
mat4< T > gutz::look_at const vec3< T > &  eye,
const vec3< T > &  at,
const vec3< T > &  up


Definition at line 73 of file vectorGraphics.h.

References gutz::vec3< T >::dot(), gutz::vec3< T >::x, x, gutz::vec3< T >::y, y, gutz::vec3< T >::z, and z.

Referenced by gutz::Camera::Camera(), gutz::Camera::cameraRot(), gutz::Camera::cameraRotAxis(), gutz::Camera::cameraSwivel(), gutz::Camera::cameraTrans(), gutz::Camera::setEyePos(), gutz::Camera::setLookAt(), gutz::Camera::setUpVec(), and gutz::Camera::tumble().

template<class T>
T max2 const T  x,
const T  y

Definition at line 272 of file mm.h.

References x, and y.

template<class T>
T max3 const T  x,
const T  y,
const T  z

Definition at line 372 of file mm.h.

References x, y, and z.

Referenced by TriRasterInfo< T, TT >::setUp().

template<class T>
T max4 const T  x,
const T  y,
const T  z,
const T  w

Definition at line 484 of file mm.h.

References w, x, y, and z.

template<class T>
T max5 x,

Definition at line 620 of file mm.h.

References w, x, y, and z.

template<class T>
T max6 x,

Definition at line 822 of file mm.h.

References v, w, x, y, and z.

template<class T>
int maxi2 const T  x,
const T  y

Definition at line 296 of file mm.h.

References x, and y.

template<class T>
int maxi3 const T  x,
const T  y,
const T  z

Definition at line 398 of file mm.h.

References x, y, and z.

Referenced by TriRasterInfo< T, TT >::setUp().

template<class T>
int maxi4 const T  x,
const T  y,
const T  z,
const T  w

Definition at line 514 of file mm.h.

References w, x, y, and z.

template<class T>
int maxi5 x,

Definition at line 658 of file mm.h.

References w, x, y, and z.

template<class T>
int maxi6 x,

Definition at line 885 of file mm.h.

References v, w, x, y, and z.

template<class T>
T min2 const T  x,
const T  y

Definition at line 224 of file mm.h.

References x, and y.

template<class T>
T min3 const T  x,
const T  y,
const T  z

Definition at line 320 of file mm.h.

References x, y, and z.

Referenced by TriRasterInfo< T, TT >::setUp().

template<class T>
T min4 const T  x,
const T  y,
const T  z,
const T  w

Definition at line 424 of file mm.h.

References w, x, y, and z.

template<class T>
T min5 x,

Definition at line 544 of file mm.h.

References w, x, y, and z.

template<class T>
T min6 x,

Definition at line 696 of file mm.h.

References v, w, x, y, and z.

template<class T>
int mini2 const T  x,
const T  y

Definition at line 248 of file mm.h.

References x, and y.

template<class T>
int mini3 const T  x,
const T  y,
const T  z

Definition at line 346 of file mm.h.

References x, y, and z.

Referenced by TriRasterInfo< T, TT >::setUp().

template<class T>
int mini4 const T  x,
const T  y,
const T  z,
const T  w

Definition at line 454 of file mm.h.

References w, x, y, and z.

template<class T>
int mini5 x,

Definition at line 582 of file mm.h.

References w, x, y, and z.

template<class T>
int mini6 x,

Definition at line 759 of file mm.h.

References v, w, x, y, and z.

template<class T1, class T2>
vec4<T2> mm_cast vec4< T1 >  v  ) 

Definition at line 471 of file vec4.h.

References v.

template<class T1, class T2>
vec3<T2> mm_cast vec3< T1 >  v  ) 

Definition at line 482 of file vec3.h.

References v.

template<class T1, class T2>
vec2<T2> mm_cast vec2< T1 >  v  ) 

Definition at line 474 of file vec2.h.

References v.

template<class T1, class T2>
quat<T2> mm_cast quat< T1 >  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 217 of file quat.h.

References v.

template<class T1, class T2>
mat4<T2> mm_cast mat4< T1 >  v  ) 

Definition at line 747 of file mat4.h.

template<class T1, class T2>
mat3<T2> mm_cast mat3< T1 >  v  ) 

Definition at line 685 of file mat3.h.

template<class T1, class T2>
mat2<T2> mm_cast mat2< T1 >  v  ) 

Definition at line 437 of file mat2.h.

uint mod_fast uint  a,
uint  b

Definition at line 169 of file mm.h.

References uint.

Referenced by glift::SubdivPlanarQuadS::bindQuads().

uint modPowOf2 uint  val,
uint  powOf2

Definition at line 160 of file mm.h.

References uint.

Referenced by bitMask(), and operator<<().

template<class T1, class T2>
bool nand T1  a,
T2  b

Definition at line 118 of file mm.h.

float nanf  )  [inline]

Definition at line 947 of file mm.h.

template<class T1, class T2>
bool nor T1  a,
T2  b

Definition at line 123 of file mm.h.

uint numOnesInWord unsigned int  n  )  [inline]

Definition at line 145 of file mm.h.

References B, n, and uint.

Referenced by gutz::BitVector::numTrueBits(), and glift::TexConst::TexConst().

BitVector operator & const BitVector &  lhs,
const BitVector &  rhs

Definition at line 446 of file bitVector.cpp.

References gutz::BitVector::size().

template<class T>
vec4< T > gutz::operator * const  T,
const vec4< T > & 

Definition at line 440 of file vec4.h.

References v.

template<class T>
vec3< T > gutz::operator * const  T,
const vec3< T > & 

Definition at line 443 of file vec3.h.

References v.

template<class T>
vec2< T > gutz::operator * const  T,
const vec2< T > & 

Definition at line 443 of file vec2.h.

References v.

template<class T, int D>
vec<T,D> operator * const T &  val,
const vec< T, D > &  v

Definition at line 356 of file vec.h.

References v.

template<class T>
mat4< T > gutz::operator * const  T,
const mat4< T > & 

Definition at line 690 of file mat4.h.

References gutz::mat4< T >::m.

template<class T>
mat3< T > gutz::operator * const  T,
const mat3< T > & 

Definition at line 602 of file mat3.h.

References gutz::mat3< T >::m.

template<class T>
mat2< T > gutz::operator * const  T,
const mat2< T > & 

Definition at line 381 of file mat2.h.

References gutz::mat2< T >::m.

template<class T, int D>
vec<T,D> operator+ const T &  val,
const vec< T, D > &  v

more operators

Definition at line 340 of file vec.h.

References v.

template<class T, int D>
vec<T,D> operator- const T &  val,
const vec< T, D > &  v

Definition at line 348 of file vec.h.

References v.

BitVector operator- const BitVector &  lhs,
const BitVector &  rhs

Definition at line 470 of file bitVector.cpp.

References gutz::BitVector::size().

template<class T>
vec2<T> operator/ const T  c,
const vec2< T > &  v

Definition at line 298 of file vec2.h.

References v.

template<class T, int D>
vec<T,D> operator/ const T &  val,
const vec< T, D > &  v

Definition at line 364 of file vec.h.

References v.

template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const vec4< T > &  v

defined below

Definition at line 137 of file vec4.h.

References v.

template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const vec3< T > &  v

defined below

Definition at line 139 of file vec3.h.

References v.

template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const vec2< T > &  v

Definition at line 140 of file vec2.h.

References v.

template<class T, int D>
std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const vec< T, D > &  v


Definition at line 324 of file vec.h.

References v.

template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const mat4< T > &  M

Definition at line 132 of file mat4.h.

template<class T>
std::istream& operator<< std::istream &  os,
mat3< T > &  M

Definition at line 166 of file mat3.h.

template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const mat3< T > &  M

Definition at line 156 of file mat3.h.

template<class T>
std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  os,
const mat2< T > &  M

Definition at line 108 of file mat2.h.

ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  ostr,
const BitRef &  bv

Definition at line 497 of file bitVector.cpp.

References gutz::BitRef::m_mask, and gutz::BitRef::m_wordPtr.

ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  ostr,
const BitVector &  bv

Definition at line 476 of file bitVector.cpp.

References g_BITS_PER_WORD, getBinary(), gutz::BitVector::m_numBits, gutz::BitVector::m_vec, modPowOf2(), num, uint, and w.

template<class T>
std::istream& operator>> std::istream &  is,
vec4< T > &  v

Definition at line 145 of file vec4.h.

References v.

template<class T>
std::istream& operator>> std::istream &  is,
vec3< T > &  v

Definition at line 147 of file vec3.h.

References v.

template<class T>
std::istream& operator>> std::istream &  is,
vec2< T > &  v

Definition at line 148 of file vec2.h.

References v.

template<class T>
std::istream& operator>> std::istream &  is,
mat4< T > &  M

Definition at line 148 of file mat4.h.

References gutz::mat4< T >::m.

template<class T>
std::istream& operator>> std::istream &  os,
mat2< T > &  M

Definition at line 117 of file mat2.h.

References gutz::mat2< T >::m.

BitVector operator^ const BitVector &  lhs,
const BitVector &  rhs

Definition at line 462 of file bitVector.cpp.

References gutz::BitVector::size().

BitVector operator| const BitVector &  lhs,
const BitVector &  rhs

Definition at line 454 of file bitVector.cpp.

References gutz::BitVector::size().

BitVector operator~ const BitVector &  rhs  ) 

Definition at line 438 of file bitVector.cpp.

References gutz::BitVector::not().

template<class T>
mat4< T > gutz::ortho const T  l,
const T  r,
const T  b,
const T  t,
const T  n,
const T  f

Definition at line 164 of file vectorGraphics.h.

References n, r, and t.

Referenced by gutz::Camera::setOrtho().

template<class T>
mat4< T > gutz::perspective const T  fovy,
const T  aspect,
const T  n,
const T  f


Definition at line 146 of file vectorGraphics.h.

References frustum(), M_PI, and n.

template<class T>
mat3< T > gutz::rot const  T,
const  T,
const vec3< T > & 

Definition at line 633 of file mat3.h.

References gutz::vec3< T >::x, gutz::vec3< T >::y, and gutz::vec3< T >::z.

template<class T>
mat3< T > gutz::rot const  T,
const vec3< T > & 

Definition at line 620 of file mat3.h.

References gutz::vec3< T >::x, gutz::vec3< T >::y, and gutz::vec3< T >::z.

template<class T>
mat2< T > gutz::rot const  T  ) 

Definition at line 389 of file mat2.h.

template<class T>
mat3< T > gutz::skewsym const vec3< T > &   ) 

Definition at line 611 of file mat3.h.

References gutz::vec3< T >::x, gutz::vec3< T >::y, and gutz::vec3< T >::z.

template<class T>
bool str2 const std::string s,
T *  v,
int  n = 1

Definition at line 996 of file mm.h.

References n, s, and v.

template<class T>
bool str2 const std::string s,
T *  v,
int  n = 1

Definition at line 979 of file mm.h.

References n, s, v, and z.

template<class T>
bool gutz::str2mat2 const std::string ,
mat2< T > & 

Definition at line 407 of file mat2.h.

References s, and str2mat2().

template<class T>
bool str2mat2 const std::string s,
mat2< T > &  v

Definition at line 126 of file mat2.h.

References s, v, w, and z.

Referenced by str2mat2().

template<class T>
bool gutz::str2mat3 const std::string ,
mat3< T > & 

Definition at line 653 of file mat3.h.

References s, and str2mat3().

template<class T>
bool str2mat3 const std::string s,
mat3< T > &  v

Definition at line 176 of file mat3.h.

References s, v, w, and z.

Referenced by str2mat3().

template<class T>
bool str2mat4 const std::string s,
mat4< T > &  M

Definition at line 710 of file mat4.h.

References s, and str2mat4().

template<class T>
bool str2mat4 const std::string ,
mat4< T > * 

template<class T>
bool str2mat4 const std::string s,
mat4< T > &  v

Definition at line 159 of file mat4.h.

References s, v, w, and z.

Referenced by str2mat4().

template<class T>
bool gutz::str2vec2 const std::string ,
vec2< T > & 

Definition at line 450 of file vec2.h.

References s, str2vec2(), and v.

template<class T>
bool str2vec2 const std::string s,
vec2< T > &  v

Definition at line 157 of file vec2.h.

References s, v, w, and z.

Referenced by str2vec2().

template<class T>
bool gutz::str2vec3 const std::string ,
vec3< T > & 

Definition at line 450 of file vec3.h.

References s, str2vec3(), and v.

template<class T>
bool str2vec3 const std::string s,
vec3< T > &  v

Definition at line 157 of file vec3.h.

References s, v, w, and z.

Referenced by str2vec3().

template<class T>
bool str2vec4 const std::string s,
vec4< T > &  v

Definition at line 447 of file vec4.h.

References s, str2vec4(), and v.

template<class T>
bool str2vec4 const std::string ,
vec4< T > * 

template<class T>
bool str2vec4 const std::string s,
vec4< T > &  v

Definition at line 156 of file vec4.h.

References s, v, w, and z.

Referenced by str2vec4().

template<class T>
T tb_project_to_sphere const T  r,
const T  x,
const T  y

a helper function for the trackball

Definition at line 195 of file vectorGraphics.h.

References r, t, x, y, and z.

Referenced by trackball().

template<class T>
quat< T > gutz::trackball const vec2< T > &  pt1,
const vec2< T > &  pt2,
const T  trackballsize

The trackball function.

Definition at line 211 of file vectorGraphics.h.

References gutz::vec3< T >::cross(), gutz::vec3< T >::norm(), quatf, t, tb_project_to_sphere(), gutz::vec2< T >::x, and gutz::vec2< T >::y.

Referenced by gutz::Camera::cameraRot(), gutz::Camera::cameraSwivel(), and gutz::RotateManipEvent::handleEvent().

template<class T, int D>
vec<T,D> vs_max vec< T, D > &  v1,
const vec< T, D > &  v2

side-effect max (no temporary created) alters the first vec in parameter list to be the max (for each element) of the two vectors

Definition at line 311 of file vec.h.

Referenced by TFElement::getMaxBox().

template<class T, int D>
vec<T,D> vs_min vec< T, D > &  v1,
const vec< T, D > &  v2

side-effect min (no temporary created) alters the first vec in parameter list to be the min (for each element) of the two vectors

Definition at line 297 of file vec.h.

Referenced by TFElement::getMinBox().

uint zeroLeastSigOneBit uint  n  )  [inline]

Definition at line 131 of file mm.h.

References n, and uint.

Referenced by isPowOfTwo().

Variable Documentation

const uint gutz::g_BITS_PER_WORD = 8 * sizeof(uint)

Definition at line 22 of file bitVector.cpp.

Referenced by bitMask(), bits2Words(), gutz::BitVector::BitVector(), operator<<(), and gutz::BitVector::trueBits().

const uint gutz::g_POW_OF_2_BITS_PER_WORD = log(g_BITS_PER_WORD) / log(2)

Definition at line 23 of file bitVector.cpp.

Referenced by bitMask(), and bitNum2wordNum().

const mat2d gutz::mat2d_id = mat2d()

Definition at line 206 of file vecConst.h.

const mat2d gutz::mat2d_zero = mat2d(0.0)

Definition at line 210 of file vecConst.h.

const mat2f gutz::mat2f_id = mat2f()

Definition at line 205 of file vecConst.h.

const mat2f gutz::mat2f_zero = mat2f(0.0f)

Definition at line 209 of file vecConst.h.

const mat3d gutz::mat3d_id = mat3d()

Definition at line 218 of file vecConst.h.

const mat3d gutz::mat3d_zero = mat3d(0.0)

Definition at line 222 of file vecConst.h.

const mat3f gutz::mat3f_id = mat3f()

Definition at line 217 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by gutz::Manip::buildMatrix().

const mat3f gutz::mat3f_zero = mat3f(0.0f)

Definition at line 221 of file vecConst.h.

const mat4d gutz::mat4d_id = mat4d()

Definition at line 229 of file vecConst.h.

const mat4d gutz::mat4d_zero = mat4d(0.0)

Definition at line 233 of file vecConst.h.

const mat4f gutz::mat4f_id = mat4f()

Definition at line 228 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by gutz::Camera::Camera(), gutz::Manip::getInvProjection(), gutz::Manip::getInvScreenTransform(), gutz::Manip::getProjection(), gutz::Manip::getScreenTransform(), and gutz::Manip::Manip().

const mat4f gutz::mat4f_zero = mat4f(0.0f)

Definition at line 232 of file vecConst.h.

const quatd gutz::quatd_id = quatd()

Definition at line 198 of file vecConst.h.

const quatf gutz::quatf_id = quatf()

Definition at line 197 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by gutz::RotateManipEvent::endEvent(), gutz::Camera::getInvWorldQuat(), gutz::Camera::getWorldQuat(), gutz::Manip::Manip(), gutz::Camera::mouse(), gutz::RotateManipEvent::RotateManipEvent(), gutz::Manip::setMatrix(), gutz::RotateManipEvent::startEvent(), and gutz::Camera::tumble().

const vec2d gutz::vec2d_neg_one = vec2d(-1)

Definition at line 51 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2d gutz::vec2d_neg_x = vec2d(-1, 0)

Definition at line 61 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2d gutz::vec2d_neg_xy = vec2d(-1, -1)

Definition at line 81 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2d gutz::vec2d_neg_y = vec2d(0, -1)

Definition at line 71 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2d gutz::vec2d_one = vec2d(1)

Definition at line 46 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2d gutz::vec2d_x = vec2d(1, 0)

Definition at line 56 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2d gutz::vec2d_xy = vec2d(1, 1)

Definition at line 76 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2d gutz::vec2d_y = vec2d(0, 1)

Definition at line 66 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2d gutz::vec2d_zero = vec2d(0)

Definition at line 41 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2f gutz::vec2f_neg_one = vec2f(-1)

Definition at line 50 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2f gutz::vec2f_neg_x = vec2f(-1, 0)

Definition at line 60 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2f gutz::vec2f_neg_xy = vec2f(-1, -1)

Definition at line 80 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2f gutz::vec2f_neg_y = vec2f(0, -1)

Definition at line 70 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2f gutz::vec2f_one = vec2f(1)

Definition at line 45 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by reshapeNrroImageA(), and SlicerWidget::setPickPos().

const vec2f gutz::vec2f_x = vec2f(1, 0)

Definition at line 55 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2f gutz::vec2f_xy = vec2f(1, 1)

Definition at line 75 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2f gutz::vec2f_y = vec2f(0, 1)

Definition at line 65 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2f gutz::vec2f_zero = vec2f(0)

Definition at line 40 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by SliceView::SliceView().

const vec2i gutz::vec2i_neg_one = vec2i(-1)

Definition at line 52 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by TFGeneric::get2DMap().

const vec2i gutz::vec2i_neg_x = vec2i(-1, 0)

Definition at line 62 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2i gutz::vec2i_neg_xy = vec2i(-1, -1)

Definition at line 82 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2i gutz::vec2i_neg_y = vec2i(0, -1)

Definition at line 72 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2i gutz::vec2i_one = vec2i(1)

Definition at line 47 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2i gutz::vec2i_x = vec2i(1, 0)

Definition at line 57 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2i gutz::vec2i_xy = vec2i(1, 1)

Definition at line 77 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2i gutz::vec2i_y = vec2i(0, 1)

Definition at line 67 of file vecConst.h.

const vec2i gutz::vec2i_zero = vec2i(0)

Definition at line 42 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_half = vec3d(.5)

Definition at line 102 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_max = vec3d(1e16f, 1e16f, 1e16f)

Definition at line 154 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_min = vec3d(1e-16f, 1e-16f, 1e-16f)

Definition at line 152 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_neg_half = vec3d(-.5)

Definition at line 106 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_neg_one = vec3d(-1)

Definition at line 98 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_neg_x = vec3d(-1,0,0)

Definition at line 112 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_neg_xy = vec3d(-1,-1,0)

Definition at line 130 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_neg_xyz = vec3d(-1,-1,-1)

Definition at line 148 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_neg_xz = vec3d(-1,0,-1)

Definition at line 136 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_neg_y = vec3d(0,-1,0)

Definition at line 118 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_neg_yz = vec3d(0,-1,-1)

Definition at line 142 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_neg_z = vec3d(0,0,-1)

Definition at line 124 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_one = vec3d(1)

Definition at line 94 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_x = vec3d(1,0,0)

Definition at line 110 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_xy = vec3d(1,1,0)

Definition at line 128 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_xyz = vec3d(1,1,1)

Definition at line 146 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_xz = vec3d(1,0,1)

Definition at line 134 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_y = vec3d(0,1,0)

Definition at line 116 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_yz = vec3d(0,1,1)

Definition at line 140 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_z = vec3d(0,0,1)

Definition at line 122 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3d gutz::vec3d_zero = vec3d(0)

Definition at line 90 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by TFBoxItem::moveNode().

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_half = vec3f(.5)

Definition at line 101 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_max = vec3f(1e8f, 1e8f, 1e8f)

Definition at line 153 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_min = vec3f(1e-8f, 1e-8f, 1e-8f)

Definition at line 151 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_neg_half = vec3f(-.5)

Definition at line 105 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by VolyCube::VolyCube().

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_neg_one = vec3f(-1)

Definition at line 97 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by VolyCube::readState(), and VolyCube::setNrroDims().

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_neg_x = vec3f(-1,0,0)

Definition at line 111 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_neg_xy = vec3f(-1,-1,0)

Definition at line 129 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_neg_xyz = vec3f(-1,-1,-1)

Definition at line 147 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_neg_xz = vec3f(-1,0,-1)

Definition at line 135 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_neg_y = vec3f(0,-1,0)

Definition at line 117 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by gutz::Camera::handleCamera().

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_neg_yz = vec3f(0,-1,-1)

Definition at line 141 of file vecConst.h.

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_neg_z = vec3f(0,0,-1)

Definition at line 123 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by VolRenBase::drawDef(), VolRenLit::genSliceAxis(), and VolRenAlgBase::updateShader().

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_one = vec3f(1)

Definition at line 93 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by VolyCube::setNrroTcoords(), VolytopeVec::setSize(), and VolyCube::VolyCube().

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_x = vec3f(1,0,0)

Definition at line 109 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by gutz::Manip::getRad(), gutz::Camera::handleCamera(), gutz::Camera::mouse(), and VolyCube::setDims().

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_xy = vec3f(1,1,0)

Definition at line 127 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by VolyCube::setDims().

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_xyz = vec3f(1,1,1)

Definition at line 145 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by VolyCube::setDims().

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_xz = vec3f(1,0,1)

Definition at line 133 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by VolyCube::setDims().

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_y = vec3f(0,1,0)

Definition at line 115 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by gutz::Camera::handleCamera(), gutz::Camera::mouse(), and VolyCube::setDims().

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_yz = vec3f(0,1,1)

Definition at line 139 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by VolyCube::setDims().

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_z = vec3f(0,0,1)

Definition at line 121 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by GLUItem::drawBar(), VolRenLit::genSliceAxis(), gutz::Manip::getLocalViewDir(), gutz::Camera::handleCamera(), gutz::TransZManipEvent::handleEvent(), VolyCube::setDims(), and VolRenAlgBase::VolRenAlgBase().

const vec3f gutz::vec3f_zero = vec3f(0)

Definition at line 89 of file vecConst.h.

Referenced by gutz::Manip::buildMatrix(), gutz::Camera::cameraRotAxis(), gutz::TransXYManipEvent::endEvent(), Nrro::getSizeV3(), gutz::Camera::handleCamera(), Nrro::initMembers(), gutz::Manip::Manip(), gutz::TransXYManipEvent::operator=(), Nrro::setNrrd(), VolyCube::setNrroTcoords(), gutz::TransPlaneManipEvent::startEvent(), gutz::TransXYManipEvent::startEvent(), SurfaceWidget::SurfaceWidget(), gutz::TransXYManipEvent::TransXYManipEvent(), gutz::TransXYManipEvent::tumble(), and VolyCube::VolyCube().

const vec4d gutz::vec4d_neg_w = vec4d(0,0,0,-1)

Definition at line 190 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4d gutz::vec4d_neg_x = vec4d(-1,0,0,0)

Definition at line 172 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4d gutz::vec4d_neg_y = vec4d(0,-1,0,0)

Definition at line 178 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4d gutz::vec4d_neg_z = vec4d(0,0,-1,0)

Definition at line 184 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4d gutz::vec4d_one = vec4d(1)

Definition at line 166 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4d gutz::vec4d_w = vec4d(0,0,0,1)

Definition at line 188 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4d gutz::vec4d_x = vec4d(1,0,0,0)

Definition at line 170 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4d gutz::vec4d_y = vec4d(0,1,0,0)

Definition at line 176 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4d gutz::vec4d_z = vec4d(0,0,1,0)

Definition at line 182 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4d gutz::vec4d_zero = vec4d(0)

Definition at line 162 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4f gutz::vec4f_neg_w = vec4f(0,0,0,-1)

Definition at line 189 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4f gutz::vec4f_neg_x = vec4f(-1,0,0,0)

Definition at line 171 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4f gutz::vec4f_neg_y = vec4f(0,-1,0,0)

Definition at line 177 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4f gutz::vec4f_neg_z = vec4f(0,0,-1,0)

Definition at line 183 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4f gutz::vec4f_one = vec4f(1)

Definition at line 165 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4f gutz::vec4f_w = vec4f(0,0,0,1)

Definition at line 187 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4f gutz::vec4f_x = vec4f(1,0,0,0)

Definition at line 169 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4f gutz::vec4f_y = vec4f(0,1,0,0)

Definition at line 175 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4f gutz::vec4f_z = vec4f(0,0,1,0)

Definition at line 181 of file vecConst.h.

const vec4f gutz::vec4f_zero = vec4f(0)

Definition at line 161 of file vecConst.h.

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