/trunk/src Developers: harman

Login name:
Total Commits:
1425 (18.3%)
Lines of Code:
49047 (30.7%)
Most Recent Commit:
2008-12-29 18:04

Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for harman

Activity by Day of Week for harman

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 1425 (100.0%) 49047 (100.0%) 34.4
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches/ 396 (27.8%) 29306 (59.8%) 74.0
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Models/FluidsBased/ 34 (2.4%) 6853 (14.0%) 201.5
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/OnTheFlyAnalysis/ 17 (1.2%) 1554 (3.2%) 91.4
Packages/Uintah/R_Tester/ 79 (5.5%) 1097 (2.2%) 13.8
Packages/Uintah/orderAccuracy/framework_scripts/ 31 (2.2%) 1062 (2.2%) 34.2
Packages/Uintah/orderAccuracy/test_config_files/ICE/ 40 (2.8%) 924 (1.9%) 23.1
Packages/Uintah/R_Tester/helpers/ 38 (2.7%) 828 (1.7%) 21.7
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE/EOS/ 39 (2.7%) 826 (1.7%) 21.1
Packages/Uintah/R_Tester/toplevel/ 15 (1.1%) 775 (1.6%) 51.6
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE/ 92 (6.5%) 744 (1.5%) 8.0
Packages/Uintah/StandAlone/tools/compare_mms/ 18 (1.3%) 665 (1.4%) 36.9
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches/Radiation/ 30 (2.1%) 533 (1.1%) 17.7
Packages/Uintah/Test/helpers/ 46 (3.2%) 484 (1.0%) 10.5
Packages/Uintah/orderAccuracy/test_config_files/MPMICE/ 12 (0.8%) 345 (0.7%) 28.7
Packages/Uintah/orderAccuracy/test_config_files/MPM/ 5 (0.4%) 316 (0.6%) 63.2
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Examples/ 33 (2.3%) 294 (0.6%) 8.9
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Models/test/ 55 (3.9%) 250 (0.5%) 4.5
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPM/ 35 (2.5%) 241 (0.5%) 6.8
Packages/Uintah/Test/ 56 (3.9%) 212 (0.4%) 3.7
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches/Mixing/ 31 (2.2%) 199 (0.4%) 6.4
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE/Docs/ 6 (0.4%) 195 (0.4%) 32.5
Packages/Uintah/orderAccuracy/comparisonUtils/ 3 (0.2%) 193 (0.4%) 64.3
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPM/HeatConduction/ 7 (0.5%) 188 (0.4%) 26.8
Packages/Uintah/scripts/ 9 (0.6%) 184 (0.4%) 20.4
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE/CustomBCs/ 18 (1.3%) 136 (0.3%) 7.5
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE/Advection/ 23 (1.6%) 95 (0.2%) 4.1
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Models/HEChem/ 17 (1.2%) 82 (0.2%) 4.8
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches/docs/ 6 (0.4%) 70 (0.1%) 11.6
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE/ 10 (0.7%) 69 (0.1%) 6.9
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE/Matlab/ 1 (0.1%) 57 (0.1%) 57.0
Packages/Uintah/StandAlone/ 5 (0.4%) 44 (0.1%) 8.8
Packages/Uintah/Test/toplevel/ 11 (0.8%) 42 (0.1%) 3.8
Packages/Uintah/Core/Labels/ 8 (0.6%) 25 (0.1%) 3.1
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPM/ConstitutiveModel/ 17 (1.2%) 24 (0.0%) 1.4
Packages/Uintah/StandAlone/tools/extractors/ 3 (0.2%) 21 (0.0%) 7.0
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Ports/ 2 (0.1%) 16 (0.0%) 8.0
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPM/Contact/ 9 (0.6%) 16 (0.0%) 1.7
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/ 3 (0.2%) 14 (0.0%) 4.6
Packages/Uintah/orderAccuracy/test_config_files/ 5 (0.4%) 12 (0.0%) 2.4
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPM/Crack/ 10 (0.7%) 11 (0.0%) 1.1
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Models/ 4 (0.3%) 8 (0.0%) 2.0
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Solvers/ 7 (0.5%) 7 (0.0%) 1.0
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPM/ParticleCreator/ 7 (0.5%) 5 (0.0%) 0.7
Packages/Uintah/scripts/LLNL_scripts/ 11 (0.8%) 4 (0.0%) 0.3
Packages/Uintah/Core/Grid/BoundaryConditions/ 5 (0.4%) 4 (0.0%) 0.8
Packages/Uintah/Core/Grid/ 12 (0.8%) 3 (0.0%) 0.2
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ProblemSpecification/ 4 (0.3%) 3 (0.0%) 0.7
Packages/Uintah/R_Tester/users/worthen/ 4 (0.3%) 2 (0.0%) 0.5
Packages/Uintah/R_Tester/users/amy/ 4 (0.3%) 2 (0.0%) 0.5
Packages/Uintah/Core/Grid/Variables/ 1 (0.1%) 2 (0.0%) 2.0
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMArches/ 2 (0.1%) 2 (0.0%) 1.0
Packages/Uintah/StandAlone/tools/puda/ 7 (0.5%) 1 (0.0%) 0.1
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPM/ThermalContact/ 2 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 0.5
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE/Matlab/ShockTube1D/ 19 (1.3%) 1 (0.0%) 0.0
Packages/Uintah/tools/ 4 (0.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Packages/Uintah/Dataflow/Modules/Operators/ 2 (0.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Packages/Uintah/Core/Parallel/ 2 (0.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Packages/Uintah/Core/GeometryPiece/ 2 (0.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Packages/Uintah/Core/Exceptions/ 4 (0.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/SwitchingCriteria/ 6 (0.4%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Schedulers/ 1 (0.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Parent/ 1 (0.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches/fortran/ 28 (2.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches/TabProps/ 6 (0.4%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Packages/Uintah/ 1 (0.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
/ 4 (0.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity of harman

Most Recent Commits

harman 2008-12-29 18:04 Rev.: 42800

- spacing
- removed extra L2 & Linfinity calculation from the cell-centered scalar section.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: ExplicitSolver.cc (new)
harman 2008-12-29 12:10 Rev.: 42796

added missing ;

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: BoundaryCondition.cc (changed)
harman 2008-12-29 11:55 Rev.: 42795

- elminated nested loops over each face, now using boundary face iterator and face Iterator

20 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: BoundaryCondition.cc (+20 -86)
harman 2008-12-26 17:28 Rev.: 42791

replaced nested loops with cell iterators.
This should not change the answers

179 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: BoundaryCondition.cc (+2), MomentumSolver.cc (+113 -128), ReactiveScalarSolver.cc (+19 -22), SmagorinskyModel.cc (+32 -41), Source.cc (new)
harman 2008-12-26 15:41 Rev.: 42790

Code consolidation:
moved code from (u,v,w)velocityBC() into velocityBC()

This should not change the answers

14 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: BoundaryCondition.cc (+14 -74), BoundaryCondition.h (-23)
harman 2008-12-26 15:12 Rev.: 42789

deleted mm(u,v,w)VelocityBC()

consolidation: moved all of the mm(u,v,w)VelocityBC code into mmVelocityBC()

This shouldn't change the answers.

17 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: BoundaryCondition.cc (+17 -43), BoundaryCondition.h (-19)
harman 2008-12-26 14:54 Rev.: 42788

- removed Tau timing statements.
- removed switch/case statements and loop over x,y.z, it just is not needed.
- consolidated "get" statements

velocityBC(), mmvelocityBC(), calculateVelRhoHat_mm(), mmsvelocityBC(),
- removed switch/case statements, consolidated common code.

calculateVelocitySource(), modifyVelMassSource(), computeMomentumSource()
- removed switch/case statements, consolidated common code.

calculateVelocityCoeff(), calculateVelDiagonal()
- removed switch/case statements

- removed switch/case statements

742 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: BoundaryCondition.cc (+77 -121), BoundaryCondition.h (+1 -4), Discretization.cc (+130 -145), Discretization.h (-2), MomentumSolver.cc (+286 -359), RHSSolver.cc (new), RHSSolver.h (-1), Source.cc (+107 -144), Source.h (-4)
harman 2008-12-26 12:03 Rev.: 42785

buildLinearMatrix() and sched_buildLinearMatrix()
- eliminated loop over x,y,z. Now just scheduling the task once for all 3 dirs.
- cleanup computes/requires

calculateVelocityPred_mm() & addPresGradVeolcityOutletPressureBC()
-elimiated switch/case statements, no longer looping over x,y,z.

- added loop over x,y,z. This is temporary until this routine can be overhauled.

-elimiated switch/case statements, no longer looping over x,y,z.

This should not change the answers

396 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: BoundaryCondition.cc (+335 -353), BoundaryCondition.h (-3), MomentumSolver.cc (+39 -89), MomentumSolver.h (-2), RHSSolver.cc (+22 -34), RHSSolver.h (-1)
harman 2008-12-22 18:18 Rev.: 42770

removed all
-#include <sgi_stl_warnings_off.h>
-#include <sgi_stl_warnings_on.h>
statements. No longer using SGI machines

0 lines of code changed in 25 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: Arches.h (new), BoundaryCondition.h (-2), ExtraScalarSrcFactory.h (new), MixingRxnTable.h (-2), Properties.h (new)
  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches/Mixing: ColdflowMixingModel.h (new), InletStream.h (new), MOMColdflowMixingModel.h (-2), MixingModel.h (-2), NewStaticMixingTable.h (-2), StandardTable.h (-2), Stream.h (new)
  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches/Radiation: RadiationModel.h (new)
harman 2008-12-22 18:02 Rev.: 42769

removed excess
#include <Core/Geometry/IntVector.h>
#include <Packages/Uintah/Core/Grid/Variables/ComputeSet.h>


0 lines of code changed in 22 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: Arches.h (-1), ExplicitSolver.h (-1), ExtraScalarSolver.h (new), ExtraScalarSrc.h (-1), Filter.h (-2), NonlinearSolver.h (new), PicardNonlinearSolver.h (-1), PressureSolver.h (new), Properties.h (-1), ReactiveScalarSolver.h (new), ScalarSolver.h (new)
  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches/Radiation: RadiationSolver.h (new)
harman 2008-12-22 17:53 Rev.: 42768

removed excess
#include <Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches/TurbulenceModel.h>
#include <Core/Containers/OffsetArray1.h>
#include <Core/Containers/Array1.h>


0 lines of code changed in 15 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: ExplicitSolver.cc (-1), ExtraScalarSolver.cc (new), MomentumSolver.cc (-1), PicardNonlinearSolver.cc (-1), RHSSolver.cc (-2), ScalarSolver.cc (-1)
  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches/Radiation: DORadiationModel.cc (new), RadHypreSolver.cc (new), RadLinearSolver.cc (-2)
harman 2008-12-22 17:41 Rev.: 42767

removed extra

-#include <Packages/Uintah/Core/Grid/Variables/CCVariable.h>

0 lines of code changed in 28 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: Arches.cc (new), CompDynamicProcedure.cc (-1), CompLocalDynamicProcedure.cc (-1), Discretization.cc (-1), EnthalpySolver.cc (new), ExplicitSolver.cc (-1), ExtraScalarSolver.cc (-1), Filter.cc (new), OdtClosure.cc (new), PicardNonlinearSolver.cc (-1), Properties.cc (-1), RHSSolver.cc (-1), ReactiveScalarSolver.cc (-1), ScalarSolver.cc (-1), ScaleSimilarityModel.cc (-1), SmagorinskyModel.cc (-1), TurbulenceModel.cc (new)
  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches/Radiation: RadHypreSolver.cc (-1), RadLinearSolver.cc (-1)
harman 2008-12-22 17:30 Rev.: 42766

removed excess
#include <Packages/Uintah/Core/Grid/Variables/SFC(X,Y,Z)Variable.h>

0 lines of code changed in 17 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: Arches.cc (-3), Discretization.cc (-3), EnthalpySolver.cc (-3), ExplicitSolver.cc (-3), ExtraScalarSolver.cc (-3), PicardNonlinearSolver.cc (-3), RHSSolver.cc (-3), ReactiveScalarSolver.cc (-3), SO2RateSrc.cc (-3), ScalarSolver.cc (-3), ScaleSimilarityModel.cc (-3), TurbulenceModel.cc (-3), ZeroExtraScalarSrc.cc (new)
  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches/Radiation: RadHypreSolver.cc (-3), RadLinearSolver.cc (-3)
harman 2008-12-22 16:59 Rev.: 42765

Trying to get some momentum.
- 2 space indentation
- {} surrounding conditional statements
- cleaned up the #includes.
Will not change the answers

57 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: MomentumSolver.cc (+57 -64)
harman 2008-12-19 18:25 Rev.: 42754

- 2 space indentation
- initial guess is now P_L = DBL_EPSILON and P_R = 1.0/DBL_EPSILON
- The updated guesses for P_L and P_R now mimic what's in Numerical Methods by Hornbeck.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: MPMICE.cc (new)
harman 2008-12-17 17:21 Rev.: 42738

eliminated MaxIteration exception.

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/Core/Exceptions: MaxIteration.cc (del), MaxIteration.h (del), sub.mk (new)
harman 2008-12-17 17:16 Rev.: 42737

Eliminated ICE::Message()
- this was a silly routine

- dump out more diagnostic information when an invalid value has been detected.
No longer using maxIteration exception.

77 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/ICE: ICE.cc (new), ICE.h (-3), ICEDebug.cc (new)
  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/MPMICE: MPMICE.cc (+39 -31)
harman 2008-12-17 15:27 Rev.: 42736

arches.cc: ProblemSetup()
- added {} around conditionals

CO2/SO2RateSrc.cc: problemSetup()
- added bulletproofing. The sulfur/carbon balance flags must be
must be set to true in <Arches> <BoundaryCondition> section of the input file.

34 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches: Arches.cc (+16 -9), CO2RateSrc.cc (+6 -3), SO2RateSrc.cc (+12 -3)
harman 2008-12-17 11:16 Rev.: 42732

updated outputProblemSpec() so restarts now work.
changed variable name rate->d_rate

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Models/FluidsBased: TestModel.cc (new), TestModel.h (changed)
harman 2008-12-16 13:32 Rev.: 42724

changed directory names /Models/test -> /Models/FluidsBased

6862 lines of code changed in 49 files:

  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Arches/Mixing: StandardTable.cc (new)
  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Models: ModelFactory.cc (+6 -6), sub.mk (+1 -1)
  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Models/FluidsBased: AdiabaticTable.cc (new), ArchesTable.cc (+1108), ArchesTable.h (new), MaterialProperties.cc (new), Mixing.cc (new), Mixing.h (new), Mixing2.cc (new), Mixing3.cc (new), NonAdiabaticTable.cc (+893), PassiveScalar.cc (+758), SimpleRxn.cc (+657), TableFactory.cc (new), TableInterface.cc (new), TestModel.cc (+256), flameSheet_rxn.cc (+518), sub.mk (+26)
  • Packages/Uintah/CCA/Components/Models/test: AdiabaticTable.cc (del), ArchesTable.cc (del), ArchesTable.h (del), Mixing.cc (del), Mixing2.cc (del), Mixing3.cc (del), NonAdiabaticTable.cc (del), PassiveScalar.cc (del), SimpleRxn.cc (del), TestModel.cc (del), TestModel.h (del), VorticityConfinement.cc (del), VorticityConfinement.h (del), flameSheet_rxn.cc (del), sub.mk (del)

(295 more)

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