/trunk/src Developers: harman

Login name:
Total Commits:
758 (6.4%)
Lines of Code:
21,268 (12.7%)
Most Recent Commit:
2014-12-29 10:32
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Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for harman

Activity by Day of Week for harman

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 758 (100.0%) 21268 (100.0%) 28.0
CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/floatRMCRT/ 21 (2.8%) 4453 (20.9%) 212.0
CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT/ 124 (16.4%) 4002 (18.8%) 32.2
CCA/Components/ICE/Docs/Blueprint/ 6 (0.8%) 2308 (10.9%) 384.6
CCA/Components/OnTheFlyAnalysis/ 38 (5.0%) 1888 (8.9%) 49.6
scripts/ICE/ 10 (1.3%) 1213 (5.7%) 121.3
Core/Grid/ 21 (2.8%) 784 (3.7%) 37.3
CCA/Components/Examples/ 31 (4.1%) 724 (3.4%) 23.3
CCA/Components/ReduceUda/ 15 (2.0%) 699 (3.3%) 46.6
CCA/Components/Schedulers/ 9 (1.2%) 658 (3.1%) 73.1
CCA/Components/DataArchiver/ 20 (2.6%) 627 (2.9%) 31.3
CCA/Components/PatchCombiner/ 20 (2.6%) 591 (2.8%) 29.5
/ 5 (0.7%) 505 (2.4%) 101.0
StandAlone/tools/puda/ 29 (3.8%) 440 (2.1%) 15.1
CCA/Components/Regridder/ 13 (1.7%) 420 (2.0%) 32.3
CCA/Components/SimulationController/ 16 (2.1%) 289 (1.4%) 18.0
scripts/ 13 (1.7%) 285 (1.3%) 21.9
CCA/Components/ICE/Docs/Blueprint/Overview/ 3 (0.4%) 276 (1.3%) 92.0
CCA/Components/ICE/ 31 (4.1%) 182 (0.9%) 5.8
Core/DataArchive/ 6 (0.8%) 149 (0.7%) 24.8
CCA/Components/Arches/SourceTerms/ 48 (6.3%) 126 (0.6%) 2.6
CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/ 25 (3.3%) 91 (0.4%) 3.6
CCA/Components/MPM/ 1 (0.1%) 91 (0.4%) 91.0
R_Tester/ 15 (2.0%) 89 (0.4%) 5.9
R_Tester/helpers/ 14 (1.8%) 85 (0.4%) 6.0
StandAlone/ 6 (0.8%) 43 (0.2%) 7.1
Core/Grid/BoundaryConditions/ 3 (0.4%) 38 (0.2%) 12.6
Core/OS/ 5 (0.7%) 32 (0.2%) 6.4
CCA/Ports/ 4 (0.5%) 30 (0.1%) 7.5
CCA/Components/Arches/ 14 (1.8%) 26 (0.1%) 1.8
R_Tester/toplevel/ 6 (0.8%) 24 (0.1%) 4.0
scripts/udaTransferScripts/ 9 (1.2%) 23 (0.1%) 2.5
build_scripts/ 1 (0.1%) 19 (0.1%) 19.0
CCA/Components/MPM/ConstitutiveModel/ 4 (0.5%) 10 (0.0%) 2.5
CCA/Components/Wasatch/Expressions/ 5 (0.7%) 9 (0.0%) 1.8
StandAlone/tools/compare_mms/ 3 (0.4%) 3 (0.0%) 1.0
CCA/Components/MPMICE/ 7 (0.9%) 3 (0.0%) 0.4
orderAccuracy/test_config_files/Examples/ 13 (1.7%) 2 (0.0%) 0.1
Core/Math/ 8 (1.1%) 2 (0.0%) 0.2
Core/Grid/Variables/ 27 (3.6%) 2 (0.0%) 0.0
CCA/Components/Parent/ 3 (0.4%) 2 (0.0%) 0.6
CCA/Components/ICE/CustomBCs/ 5 (0.7%) 2 (0.0%) 0.4
CCA/Components/Arches/ChemMix/ 2 (0.3%) 2 (0.0%) 1.0
testprograms/TestFastMatrix/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
testprograms/RegionTest/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
testprograms/PatchBVH/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
testprograms/IteratorTest/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
testprograms/BNRRegridder/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
testprograms/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
include/sci_defs/ 2 (0.3%) 1 (0.0%) 0.5
StandAlone/tools/uda2nrrd/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
StandAlone/tools/tracker/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
StandAlone/tools/pfs/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
StandAlone/tools/graphview/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
StandAlone/tools/extractors/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
StandAlone/tools/dumpfields/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
StandAlone/tools/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
StandAlone/Benchmarks/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
Core/Parallel/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
Core/Geometry/ 4 (0.5%) 1 (0.0%) 0.2
Core/Datatypes/ 3 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 0.3
CCA/Components/Models/HEChem/ 4 (0.5%) 1 (0.0%) 0.2
CCA/Components/MPM/ThermalContact/ 2 (0.3%) 1 (0.0%) 0.5
CCA/Components/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
tools/ 2 (0.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
orderAccuracy/postProcessTools/ 4 (0.5%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Core/ProblemSpec/ 4 (0.5%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Core/Labels/ 4 (0.5%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Core/GeometryPiece/ 4 (0.5%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Core/Basis/ 2 (0.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
CCA/Components/Wasatch/ 1 (0.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
CCA/Components/Solvers/ 3 (0.4%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/fortran/ 27 (3.6%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
CCA/Components/Models/ 2 (0.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
CCA/Components/ICE/WallShearStressModel/ 2 (0.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
CCA/Components/ICE/TurbulenceModel/ 2 (0.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
CCA/Components/ICE/SpecificHeatModel/ 6 (0.8%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
CCA/Components/ICE/EOS/ 4 (0.5%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
CCA/Components/Arches/TransportEqns/ 1 (0.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity of harman

Most Recent Commits

harman 2014-12-29 10:32 Rev.: 52902

- The user can specify RMCRT:float or RMCRT:double.
- added BC_bulletproofing
- added bulletproofing to catch if the the user is trying to save abskg but
it doesn't exist. The component hands RMCRT abskg but internally RMCRT:float
uses abskgRMCRT.

Ray.cc & RMCRTCommon.cc
Added an additional template parameter. This parameter is used to fake out
the BC infrastructure when CCVariable<float> are being passed in. The infrastructure
doesn't handle floats. Thanks James.

0 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • CCA/Components/Examples: RMCRT_Test.cc (new)
  • CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT: RMCRTCommon.cc (new), RMCRTCommon.h (new), Ray.cc (new), Ray.h (new)
harman 2014-12-29 09:54 Rev.: 52901

- added sched_DoubleToFloat() for the type conversion of abskg.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/OnTheFlyAnalysis: radiometer.cc (changed)
harman 2014-12-29 09:35 Rev.: 52899

Added method to Search through the saved labels in the ups:DataArchive section and return true if variable is found
This is useful for subcomponents & models.

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • Core/ProblemSpec: ProblemSpec.cc (new), ProblemSpec.h (changed)
harman 2014-12-22 12:57 Rev.: 52880

Multi-level RMCRT:
- removed maxLevels == 1 from the conditional.

This won't change the answers.

4 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches/SourceTerms: RMCRT.cc (+1 -1)
  • CCA/Components/Examples: RMCRT_Test.cc (+3 -3)
harman 2014-12-22 11:38 Rev.: 52879

- Removed global variables/methods that aren't being used.

- No longer computing sigmaT4 or cellType on non-arches levels
That's handled by RMCRT.

This won't change the answers.

24 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches/SourceTerms: RMCRT.cc (+19 -57), RMCRT.h (+5 -29)
harman 2014-12-19 16:44 Rev.: 52833

DataArchive: Added
// Does a variable exist on a patch at this timestep?
bool exists( const std::string& varname,
const Patch* patch,
const int timeStep );

- Added bulletproofing to catch if a variable doesn't exist in both udas
on a timestep. This plugs a hole/bug that existed when
was set and the variables saved in the udas differed during t0000.

60 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • Core/DataArchive: DataArchive.cc (+29), DataArchive.h (+4 -7)
  • StandAlone: compare_uda.cc (+27)
harman 2014-12-19 14:26 Rev.: 52832

Global d_sigmaT4_label -> d_sigmaT4Label (consistency with the rest of the global labels)

- component defines either float or dbl RMCRT
- d_abskgLabel -> d_comp(onent)AbskgLabel
- No longer recomputing the abskg, temperature and cellType every timestep. Compute once in initialize()
and carryForward every timestep.
- Added DoublToFloat() task to scheduleTimeAdvance()

- cleaned out DQMONEqnFac .h files
- component defines either float or dbl RMCRT
- scheduleTimeAdvance()
added calls to DoubleToFloat() task
- computeSource()
removed cellType carryForward. That's handled by RMCRT

- component defines either float or dbl RMCRT
- Added DoublToFloat() task to scheduleTimeAdvance() to schedule_ray_tracing

- now using d_comp(onent)AbskgLabel and d_comp(onent)TempLabel
- Component now decides if communicated variables are doubles or floats
Added logic where appropriate.
More templates
- Added DoubleToFloat() task. This simply casts the CCVariable< double> -> CCVariable<float>

- Component now decides if communicated variables are doubles or floats
Added logic where appropriate.
More templates

- now using d_comp(onent)AbskgLabel and d_comp(onent)TempLabel
- Component now decides if communicated variables are doubles or floats
Added logic where appropriate.
More templates
- coarsen_Q(): This task carries forward coarse level variables on non-radCalc timesteps
- Added coarsen_cellType()task: This task computes cellType on the coarse levels, needs additional logic.

d_sigmaT4_label -> d_sigmaT4Label (consistency with the rest of the labels)

- Component now decides if communicated variables are doubles or floats

Failed: ARCHES-opt tests <<<< These tests fail due to an new material set for abskg. The answers are the same >>>

:rmcrt_bm1_ML: test failed comparison tests
:rmcrt_bm1_ML: (restart) test failed comparison tests
:rmcrt_bm1_DO: test failed comparison tests
:rmcrt_bm1_DO: (restart) test failed comparison tests
:rmcrt_bm1_ML_thread: test failed comparison tests
:rmcrt_bm1_DO_thread: test failed comparison tests

Failed: Examples-opt tests <<<< This commit drastically improves the answers >>>
:RMCRT_bm1_DO: test failed comparison tests
:RMCRT_bm1_DO: (restart) test failed comparison tests
:RMCRT_ML: test failed comparison tests
:RMCRT_ML: (restart) test failed comparison tests
Passed: Wasatch-opt tests!

496 lines of code changed in 17 files:

  • CCA/Components/Arches/SourceTerms: RMCRT.cc (+29 -33)
  • CCA/Components/Examples: RMCRT_Test.cc (+133 -186), RMCRT_Test.h (+1 -1)
  • CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT: RMCRTCommon.cc (+106 -34), RMCRTCommon.h (+25 -7), Radiometer.cc (new), Radiometer.h (new), Ray.cc (+148 -81), Ray.h (+14 -4), RayGPU.cc (+2 -2)
  • CCA/Components/OnTheFlyAnalysis: radiometer.cc (+1 -1)
  • CCA/Components/Wasatch/Expressions: RadiationSource.cc (+7 -3)
harman 2014-12-17 15:17 Rev.: 52827

Added patch IDs to dbg.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Core/Grid: DbgOutput.cc (new)
harman 2014-12-15 13:57 Rev.: 52816

removed floatRMCRT/

There's a few missing pieces before the component is able to choose between float/double

108 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • CCA/Components/Examples: RMCRT_Test.cc (+8 -81), RMCRT_Test.h (+1 -7)
  • CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT: RMCRTCommon.cc (+99 -95)
  • CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/floatRMCRT: Ray.cc (del), Ray.h (del), RayGPU.cc (del), RayGPU.cuh (del), RayGPUKernel.cu (del), sub.mk (del)
harman 2014-12-15 13:13 Rev.: 52814

Removed floatRMCRT from build this fixes the cuda build.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Models/Radiation: sub.mk (new)
harman 2014-12-15 12:38 Rev.: 52812

Templated more tasks/methods/variables on the type double/float.

153 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • CCA/Components/Examples: RMCRT_Test.cc (-4), RMCRT_Test.h (-1)
  • CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT: RMCRTCommon.cc (+1), Ray.cc (+48 -15), Ray.h (+2), RayGPU.cc (+48 -13), RayGPU.cuh (new), RayGPUKernel.cu (+38 -6)
harman 2014-12-10 13:37 Rev.: 52799

Added a temporary method for scheduling the radiometer task. This version is not using
spatially scheduling.

Increased the number of processes used in a nightly RT test.

89 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT: Radiometer.cc (+85 -11), Radiometer.h (+2 -1)
  • R_Tester: Examples.py (new)
harman 2014-11-29 14:20 Rev.: 52766

Templated the DataOnion/AdaptiveMesh task and updateSum()

64 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT: Ray.cc (+61 -6), Ray.h (+3 -1)
harman 2014-11-29 12:53 Rev.: 52765

Added prism and cyrus to the list of machines that have gpus.

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • R_Tester/helpers: runSusTests.py (new)
  • R_Tester/toplevel: generateGoldStandards.py (new)
harman 2014-11-24 17:41 Rev.: 52757

Started templating tasks/functions. This will allow for either double or float RMCRT
when complete. Hardwired for double.

* this won't change the answers.

90 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT: RMCRTCommon.cc (+36 -5), RMCRTCommon.h (+11 -4), Radiometer.cc (+26 -7), Radiometer.h (+3 -1), Ray.cc (+13 -6), Ray.h (+1 -1)
harman 2014-11-23 15:48 Rev.: 52750

- if a timestep restart has been requeste upstream don't do the analysis

- remove duplicate entries if they exist

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • CCA/Components/OnTheFlyAnalysis: momentumAnalysis.cc (new)
  • scripts/ICE: MomentumAnalysis.m (new)
harman 2014-11-20 15:40 Rev.: 52743

RMCRT_Test: scheduleTimeAdvance()
- For 2 level approach changed looping limits for sched_Refine_Q()

Ray.cc: sched_Refine_Q()
- Now using ghosts:AroundCells 1 for requires of divQ from the coarse level. *** Key

Converted input file into a multipatch 2L problem with Refinement ratio = 4

Now using 8 cores for nightly RT tests.

5 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • CCA/Components/Examples: RMCRT_Test.cc (+2 -2)
  • CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT: Ray.cc (+1 -1)
  • R_Tester: Examples.py (+2 -2)
harman 2014-11-19 12:26 Rev.: 52732

# cat_OnTheFly:
# This script concatenates a series of "dat" files to a masterUda
# Usage:
# cat_OnTheFly < list of uda files >
# Notes:
# - Each dat file is sorted using the first column
# - It assumes that the directory "masterUda" has been created

80 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • scripts: cat_datFiles (new 80)
harman 2014-11-09 16:00 Rev.: 52672

added blueprint for ICE_MM. It's outdated but is better than a blank piece of paper....maybe.

2584 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • CCA/Components/ICE/Docs/Blueprint: ICE_MM.bib (new 99), ICE_MM.pdf (new), ICE_MM.tex (new 2029), Makefile (new 17), bibtexlog.txt (new 5), newcommands.tex (new 158)
  • CCA/Components/ICE/Docs/Blueprint/Overview: Makefile (new 13), overview.pdf (new), overview.tex (new 263)
harman 2014-11-05 09:19 Rev.: 52633

kill any test that exceeds the maximum run time

debug: 30 minutes
optimized: 15 minutes

22 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • R_Tester/toplevel: generateGoldStandards.py (+22)

(178 more)

Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0