Directory [root]

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

    directory in repo CCA (1 files, 36 lines)
        directory in repo Components (3 files, 240 lines)
            directory in repo Arches (65 files, 34115 lines)
                directory in repo ChemMix (10 files, 5442 lines)
                directory in repo CoalModels (28 files, 8709 lines)
                    directory in repo fortran (1 files, 37 lines)
                directory in repo DigitalFilter (2 files, 2022 lines)
                directory in repo LagrangianParticles (11 files, 213 lines)
                directory in repo Operators (3 files, 160 lines)
                directory in repo ParticleModels (13 files, 116 lines)
                directory in repo PropertyModels (8 files, 1073 lines)
                directory in repo PropertyModelsV2 (12 files, 677 lines)
                directory in repo Radiation (14 files, 4785 lines)
                    directory in repo fortran (27 files, 3364 lines)
                directory in repo SourceTerms (31 files, 6866 lines)
                directory in repo Task (13 files, 109 lines)
                directory in repo Transport (13 files, 150 lines)
                directory in repo TransportEqns (15 files, 6239 lines)
                directory in repo Utility (15 files, 77 lines)
                directory in repo WallHTModels (2 files, 1047 lines)
                directory in repo fortran (47 files, 3731 lines)
            directory in repo DataArchiver (3 files, 2824 lines)
            directory in repo Examples (41 files, 8694 lines)
            directory in repo ICE (19 files, 16488 lines)
                directory in repo Advection (12 files, 2880 lines)
                directory in repo CustomBCs (15 files, 5827 lines)
                directory in repo Docs (0 files, 0 lines)
                    directory in repo Blueprint (6 files, 2308 lines)
                        directory in repo Overview (3 files, 276 lines)
                directory in repo EOS (29 files, 4071 lines)
                directory in repo PressureSolve (0 files, 0 lines)
                    directory in repo HypreStandAlone (33 files, 5769 lines)
                directory in repo SpecificHeatModel (13 files, 1077 lines)
                directory in repo TurbulenceModel (9 files, 1317 lines)
                directory in repo WallShearStressModel (7 files, 629 lines)
            directory in repo LoadBalancers (23 files, 6466 lines)
            directory in repo MPM (29 files, 21628 lines)
                directory in repo CohesiveZone (5 files, 819 lines)
                directory in repo ConstitutiveModel (72 files, 42175 lines)
                    directory in repo Biswajit (9 files, 8717 lines)
                        directory in repo ElasticityModels (30 files, 2526 lines)
                        directory in repo Models (53 files, 8587 lines)
                    directory in repo PlasticityModels (126 files, 17421 lines)
                    directory in repo UnusedCM (39 files, 24515 lines)
                    directory in repo fortran (5 files, 1739 lines)
                directory in repo Contact (21 files, 3891 lines)
                directory in repo Crack (29 files, 10527 lines)
                directory in repo HeatConduction (5 files, 1811 lines)
                directory in repo MMS (3 files, 435 lines)
                directory in repo ParticleCreator (13 files, 2280 lines)
                directory in repo PhysicalBC (19 files, 2782 lines)
                directory in repo ThermalContact (9 files, 743 lines)
            directory in repo MPMArches (9 files, 6433 lines)
                directory in repo fortran (15 files, 3422 lines)
            directory in repo MPMICE (4 files, 4200 lines)
            directory in repo Models (3 files, 344 lines)
                directory in repo FluidsBased (29 files, 9253 lines)
                directory in repo HEChem (23 files, 9000 lines)
                directory in repo Radiation (2 files, 166 lines)
                    directory in repo RMCRT (10 files, 4612 lines)
                        directory in repo randomNums (3 files, 795 lines)
                    Folder removed from repo floatRMCRT (0 files, 0 lines)
                    Folder removed from repo fortran (0 files, 0 lines)
                directory in repo SolidReactionModel (23 files, 2009 lines)
            directory in repo OnTheFlyAnalysis (26 files, 7263 lines)
            directory in repo Parent (9 files, 2062 lines)
            Folder removed from repo PatchCombiner (0 files, 0 lines)
            directory in repo ProblemSpecification (3 files, 2154 lines)
            directory in repo ReduceUda (3 files, 53 lines)
            directory in repo Regridder (10 files, 2276 lines)
            directory in repo Schedulers (42 files, 19853 lines)
            directory in repo SimulationController (5 files, 2454 lines)
            directory in repo Solvers (11 files, 3646 lines)
                directory in repo AMR (10 files, 2871 lines)
                    directory in repo HyprePreconds (13 files, 1181 lines)
                    directory in repo HypreSolvers (19 files, 1981 lines)
            directory in repo SwitchingCriteria (13 files, 1291 lines)
            directory in repo Wasatch (43 files, 10965 lines)
                directory in repo Expressions (66 files, 11612 lines)
                    directory in repo BoundaryConditions (13 files, 1574 lines)
                    directory in repo EmbeddedGeometry (6 files, 897 lines)
                    directory in repo MMS (7 files, 2382 lines)
                    directory in repo PBE (8 files, 1730 lines)
                        directory in repo Precipitation (14 files, 2580 lines)
                    directory in repo Particles (11 files, 0 lines)
                    directory in repo PostProcessing (10 files, 1598 lines)
                    directory in repo Turbulence (11 files, 1674 lines)
                directory in repo Operators (8 files, 1181 lines)
                directory in repo Transport (27 files, -5408 lines)
                Folder removed from repo transport (0 files, 0 lines)
        directory in repo Ports (31 files, 6749 lines)
    directory in repo Core (1 files, 72 lines)
        directory in repo Basis (42 files, 10437 lines)
        directory in repo Containers (26 files, 10880 lines)
            directory in repo doc (5 files, 432 lines)
        directory in repo DataArchive (3 files, 1931 lines)
        directory in repo Datatypes (48 files, 12260 lines)
            directory in repo doc (2 files, 592 lines)
        directory in repo Disclosure (5 files, 788 lines)
        directory in repo Exceptions (39 files, 2909 lines)
        directory in repo Geometry (22 files, 5328 lines)
        directory in repo GeometryPiece (53 files, 9108 lines)
        directory in repo Grid (66 files, 21100 lines)
            directory in repo BoundaryConditions (29 files, 5595 lines)
            directory in repo PatchBVH (9 files, 821 lines)
            directory in repo Variables (91 files, 12763 lines)
        directory in repo IO (6 files, 537 lines)
        directory in repo Labels (7 files, 2088 lines)
        directory in repo Malloc (8 files, 2573 lines)
        directory in repo Math (58 files, 10099 lines)
            directory in repo TntJama (26 files, 7810 lines)
            directory in repo doc (2 files, 99 lines)
        directory in repo OS (8 files, 1511 lines)
        directory in repo Parallel (19 files, 6052 lines)
        directory in repo Persistent (7 files, 3537 lines)
        directory in repo ProblemSpec (4 files, 2257 lines)
        directory in repo Thread (56 files, 10550 lines)
        directory in repo Tracker (7 files, 630 lines)
        directory in repo Util (43 files, 7097 lines)
    directory in repo R_Tester (6 files, 1015 lines)
        directory in repo helpers (6 files, 1360 lines)
        directory in repo toplevel (2 files, 749 lines)
    directory in repo StandAlone (9 files, 4823 lines)
        directory in repo Benchmarks (2 files, 228 lines)
        directory in repo tools (2 files, 922 lines)
            directory in repo compare_mms (11 files, 1301 lines)
            directory in repo dumpfields (28 files, 5142 lines)
            directory in repo extractors (9 files, 5648 lines)
            directory in repo fsspeed (1 files, 56 lines)
            directory in repo graphview (8 files, 1636 lines)
            directory in repo makedot (2 files, 240 lines)
            directory in repo mpi_test (4 files, 974 lines)
            directory in repo pfs (5 files, 1730 lines)
            directory in repo puda (36 files, 4745 lines)
            directory in repo radiusMaker (2 files, 318 lines)
            directory in repo tracker (2 files, 103 lines)
            directory in repo uda2nrrd (18 files, 3111 lines)
            directory in repo uda2vis (3 files, 951 lines)
    directory in repo Teem (1 files, 38 lines)
        directory in repo StandAlone (1 files, 34 lines)
            directory in repo convert (2 files, 148 lines)
    directory in repo VisIt (1 files, 39 lines)
        directory in repo Molecule (1 files, 65 lines)
        directory in repo udaReaderMTMD (2 files, 258 lines)
    directory in repo build_scripts (21 files, 1644 lines)
    directory in repo include (12 files, 752 lines)
        directory in repo compat (1 files, 56 lines)
        directory in repo sci_defs (52 files, 1859 lines)
    directory in repo orderAccuracy (0 files, 0 lines)
        directory in repo postProcessTools (2 files, 436 lines)
        directory in repo test_config_files (0 files, 0 lines)
            directory in repo Examples (6 files, 437 lines)
    directory in repo scripts (10 files, 1530 lines)
        directory in repo ICE (3 files, 449 lines)
        directory in repo MPM (2 files, 0 lines)
        directory in repo udaTransferScripts (3 files, 518 lines)
    directory in repo testprograms (3 files, 455 lines)
        Folder removed from repo BNRRegridder (0 files, 0 lines)
        directory in repo CubeRootTest (1 files, 52 lines)
        directory in repo IteratorTest (2 files, 127 lines)
        directory in repo Malloc (15 files, 1000 lines)
        directory in repo PatchBVH (2 files, 262 lines)
        directory in repo RegionTest (3 files, 310 lines)
        directory in repo Regridders (6 files, 953 lines)
        directory in repo SFCTest (2 files, 273 lines)
        directory in repo TestBoxGrouper (9 files, 743 lines)
        directory in repo TestConsecutiveRangeSet (3 files, 382 lines)
        directory in repo TestFastMatrix (3 files, 376 lines)
        directory in repo TestMatrix3 (3 files, 644 lines)
        directory in repo TestRangeTree (4 files, 655 lines)
        directory in repo TestSuite (7 files, 655 lines)
        directory in repo Thread (4 files, 532 lines)
    directory in repo tools (2 files, 87 lines)
        directory in repo StackTrace (2 files, 381 lines)

Lines of Code

Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 126 (100.0%) 9171 (100.0%) 72.7
dav 60 (47.6%) 4701 (51.3%) 78.3
jthornoc 2 (1.6%) 1375 (15.0%) 687.5
jas 24 (19.0%) 1295 (14.1%) 53.9
ahumphrey 25 (19.8%) 1259 (13.7%) 50.3
harman 5 (4.0%) 505 (5.5%) 101.0
jholmen 3 (2.4%) 17 (0.2%) 5.6
jsutherland 5 (4.0%) 12 (0.1%) 2.4
cam 2 (1.6%) 7 (0.1%) 3.5

Most Recent Commits

jholmen 2014-12-16 14:08 Rev.: 52820

Updated environmentalFlags to include variables for setting and debugging CPU thread affinity

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • environmentalFlags.txt (new)
jholmen 2014-12-15 21:04 Rev.: 52818

Updated list of scheduler related environmental flags
Added documentation to clarify Exectimes and execsummary output

17 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • environmentalFlags.txt (+17 -6)
ahumphrey 2014-11-16 23:14 Rev.: 52719

* In input files (<Scheduler> section), only accept Scheduler values that are in the UPS_Spec.
* Better error handling for 'command line/input file' scheduler parameters, specifically for the Unified Scheduler.
* Update environmentalFlags list

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • environmentalFlags.txt (-2)
dav 2014-11-14 15:08 Rev.: 52718

M CCA/Components/Parent/

- Needed to #include Arches.h (if Arches is specified). Apparently it
was previously brought in indirectly through MPMArches. This fixes
builds where only the Arches component is specified to configure.


- Fix informational message on location of svn_info.h

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • (new)
dav 2014-11-13 21:24 Rev.: 52714

- Fixes for OP X Yosemite and a few minor other fixes. Tested on old OSX and 3 flavors of Linux including GPUs.

M configure

- Fix excess spew from clang compiler during configure.
- Check for version 14 of OS x (Yosemite).
- Removed 'atlas' check under Darwin as it was actually a blas check.
- Put in checks for Blas and Lapack for old and new (yosemite) OS X.

M aclocal.m4

- Fix shell script output error when used in configure to show the results of `basename $1`.
- Clang compiler uses both stderr and stdout (sigh), and outputs in a different order then
other compilers (for --version). This commit handles this.
- Quote a few variables so that if they are blank, the shell doesn't give warning messages.

M include/sci_defs/

- Fix to handle new/old OS X and other OSes in a cleaner manner.

M CCA/Components/Parent/

- Arches now uses Boost (in Arches.h), so Parent needs to know to compile against boost.

M CCA/Components/Arches/Arches.h

- Move #if guards for multiple inclusion to the top of file so that the compiler has to do less work.
- Alphabetize #includes so I can see what is there.
- #include boost/shared_prt as it is used in this file.

M CCA/Components/Arches/Transport/URHS.h

- One of our compilers errored on the excessive use of 'typename', so trimmed back a little.

M CCA/Components/Arches/

- Remove tabs, lined up, alphabetized, removed old crud.

M Core/Thread/ThreadLock.h

- Move #if guard for multiple inclusion to the top of file so that the compiler has to do less work.
- Fixed spelling in #if guard: Threadlock updated to ThreadLock (capital L).
- Lined things up a little.

M Core/DataArchive/DataArchive.h

- Cosmetic lineup of variables.

M Core/DataArchive/

- Cosmetic white space and coding standards update,
don't use "std::" if using "using namespace std".

1078 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • aclocal.m4 (new), configure (new), (new)
jsutherland 2014-11-13 18:09 Rev.: 52713

Revert Jeremy's commit that changed the build system for Yosemite.
This caused build failures on several existing systems.

6 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+2 -1329), (+4 -46)
jthornoc 2014-11-13 17:44 Rev.: 52711

** Dav **
Fixes to the build system to get Uintah building under Yosemite. Changed:

** Dav **
Fixed a typo:

1375 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+1329 -2), (+46 -4)
jsutherland 2014-11-11 10:32 Rev.: 52685

Minor reformatting of misc. stuff.

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • environmentalFlags.txt (+4 -4)
dav 2014-10-17 11:18 Rev.: 52589

M Core/Util/

Fix a strange linking error on Prism@CHPC (linux box) where the
tracker program would not link correctly due to missing symbols in
Core/Util (which are found in Core/Malloc) when SCI Malloc is turned
on. While this fix is valid (Core/Util does rely on Core/Malloc), it
should not be necessary as Core/Malloc is linked in other locations.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • (+1)
dav 2014-10-14 16:32 Rev.: 52577


The Mac is a little temperamental with the SVN info command... this fixes it.

M StandAlone/

Removed tabs from incorrect locations.

20 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • (+20 -8)
dav 2014-10-14 15:19 Rev.: 52576

Two main fixes: Checkpointing (parsing of UPS file) fixed. Outputting
of correct SVN revision number for sus runs.

A + include/svn_info.h.template
D include/svn_info.h

Place accurate SVN information in svn_info.h each time 'make' is run.
This uses the 'svn info' command and populates the svn_info.h file
(bin/include/) using the svn_info.h.template file (src/include/).

M StandAlone/

- sus.o depends on the svn_info.h file being created.

M CCA/Components/DataArchiver/

- Fix checkpointing. Now both walltimeInterval and walltimeIntervalHours work.

- Updated the checkpointing code to try to open the checkpoint file
multiple times if the 'open' system call fails. This issues was
seen (at least) once on vulcan@llnl (bgq machine), and probably
occurred due to a file system glitch. It is likely that this 'fix'
will never be utilized, but it is there just in case.

19 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • (+19)
ahumphrey 2014-10-13 15:11 Rev.: 52568

* Fix static build for IPM library support. For dynamic linking with IPM, report configure message about using LD_PRELOAD
* Generate new configure script
* No headers for IPM, so removed #include from

* Remove a few straggler pieces of windows support in build_scripts directory

36 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • (+5 -4), configure (+23 -60), (+8 -3)
ahumphrey 2014-10-10 10:35 Rev.: 52566

Add build system support for IPM profiling library (
Also generate new configure script.

603 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • (+5 -3), configure (+551), (+47)
dav 2014-10-02 16:14 Rev.: 52532

Updated configure to match from previous commit.

53 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • configure (+53 -57)
dav 2014-10-02 16:13 Rev.: 52531

I am not committing configure at this time as this work was done on a
computer without a new enough version of autoconf. I'll create the
configure soon and commit it. -Dd


- Fix configure to handle finding fortran library correctly
(specifically when using mpif77). Previously it assumed the gcc
compiler with mpif77, now it checks for intel compiler before
defaulting to gcc.

- Require hypre for Arches and Wasatch now.

- Removed some empty code.

- Properly indented a section.

- Fixed a few AC_MSG_WARN so that the ',' in the output (and following
text) would actually display correctly.

39 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • (+39 -42)
cam 2014-09-30 08:52 Rev.: 52516

update --with-pidx to support latest version

7 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+5 -5), (+2 -2)
dav 2014-09-29 14:44 Rev.: 52514

M configure

- Give a more informative message (ie, which check is being called) when
checking for the fortran compiler.
- Remove the trailing / (if any) from boost include. This allows us to
remove /usr/include (or /usr/include/) if it is specified, as these
are compiler defaults and should not be used in a -I flag.

M StandAlone/

- Remove duplicate "extern Mutex cerrLock;" statement.

114 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+96 -91), (+18 -13)
ahumphrey 2014-08-30 23:05 Rev.: 52377

Remove REDSTORM artifacts.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • (-1)
dav 2014-07-31 14:30 Rev.: 52225

The Example components are always built (unlike other components (eg:
Arches) that must be explicitly turned on). However, at least one
example component needs to have the radiation models turned
on... therefore turn on MODELS_RADIATION all the time. -Per Todd's

M configure

22 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+10 -20), (+12 -22)
dav 2014-07-31 13:49 Rev.: 52224

Per Jeremy's direction, require building Wasatch if Arches is built.

330 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+319 -244), (+11 -6)
dav 2014-07-16 13:49 Rev.: 52168

Fix lib64/lib32/lib test when no lib given.

22 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • aclocal.m4 (+22 -17)
dav 2014-07-15 16:45 Rev.: 52165

Few minor cleanups...

M configure

- Fix test to raise error if fortran turned off but Arches is requested.
- Update configure with error when a bad path is given.

M Core/Grid/Variables/ParticleSubset.h

- Number of particles should be an "unsigned int", not a particleIndex.
- Use "unsigned int" in other locations where is needed.
- Clean up constructors... Use "unsigned int" and make arguments readable.
- Add in some whitespace for easier reading.

M Core/Grid/Variables/

- Add in {} to some 'for' and 'if' statements.
- Add in some whitespace for easier reading.
- Fix use of "unsigned int" for d_numParticles.
- Indent arguments so they can be more easily read.

M Core/DataArchive/DataArchive.h

- Fix findPatchAndIndex() declaration so it is readable.
- Make 'const' parameters that are not updated by function
so that it is more clear to the user what parameters'
values are changing.

M Core/DataArchive/

- Make findPatchAndIndex() function parameters readable.
- Remove int vs unsigned int warnings.
- Add in {} to some 'for' and 'if' statements.

M Core/ProblemSpec/ProblemSpec.h

- Added in appendElement() for unsigned int.
- Alphabetized the appendElements() to make parsing easier.

M Core/ProblemSpec/

- Added in appendElement() for unsigned int.

72 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+71 -141), (+1 -1)
dav 2014-07-08 12:49 Rev.: 52113

M CCA/Components/Wasatch/Expressions/PBE/QMOM.h
M CCA/Components/Wasatch/Expressions/

- Use the FIX_NAME macro to provide the correct underscoring for fortran
utility names. FIX_NAME resides in uintah_defs.h.


- Alphabetize some variables.

M aclocal.m4

- If a bad path is given, it is an error, not a warning.

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • aclocal.m4 (+1 -1), (+2 -2)
dav 2014-07-08 12:36 Rev.: 52112

Updating configure such that you are now required to explicitly list
the components you want to turn on at configure time. Use something




The old use of setting variables such as "USE_WASATCH=yes" or
"USE_ICE=no" is now deprecated.

If you do not turn on any component, Uintah will build the Core and

M configure

- Updates for above.

M CCA/Components/Models/

- When all components are turned on, then some files
(accidentally) provide the lists of libs needed for other
directories... Now that you can turn off components, this shows up
with missing libraries... hence Components/Models relies on LAPACK
so I have to add it explicitly to this

M StandAlone/tools/

- Likewise, now that Arches requires the Wasatch3P, if it is turned
on, but Wasatch was not, then the Wasatch 3P libs were not linked by
these tools, so we need to list them with the other LIBS.

306 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+173 -73), (+133 -65)
dav 2014-06-19 19:58 Rev.: 52002

Of course, if you make changes to or aclocal.m4, you have
to generate a new configure script to be checked in...

M configure

- Add the -O2 to the nvcc compilation to avoid the missing symbols problem
that occurs with dlink of a debug build.

9 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • configure (+9 -2)
dav 2014-06-19 17:30 Rev.: 52001

This should fix the problem with the Uintah code in a CUDA enabled
build not linking if it is in debug mode. This is somewhat a hack, in
that all I do is replace the -O0 in the NVCC_CXXFLAGS with -O2 for
debug builds... which means that they will be use both -g and -O2 and
be an optimized debug. This should still allow for debugging as
necessary. However, if not, we will have to look at an alternative


- Add in target "cleancuda" which just removes the .o files associated
with .cu files. Used for debugging.

M aclocal.m4

- Change -O0 to -O2 to fix bug in nvcc linking.

13 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • (+4), aclocal.m4 (+9 -2)
dav 2014-06-19 00:35 Rev.: 51998

Fixes for the CUDA linking for non-static builds. For CUDA builds, we
need to link in all libraries for executables (eg: sus, test programs,
etc) because Core_Util has CUDA in it and thus the extra dlink object
file must be linked against anything that uses Core/Util, but the
dlink file also has code from many other libraries (they all have to link
together to get the full dlink file). It might be possible to
separate all the CUDA linking out, but at least for now this will work.

Created ALL_STATIC_PSE_LIBS and ALL_PSE_LIBS variables in
that can be used to link executables.

Placed a list of all cuda files (.o version) in the variable
DLINK_FILES (it is added to in each Then, once all libraries
are built, this list of files is linked with -dlink (previously was
just linking all the archive (.a) files together, but nvcc won't let
you do this with shared (.so) libs.

Updated a number of files to specify the complete list of libs
necessary to link and added in the CUDA_LIBRARY.

Alphabetized and removed duplicates in a lot of files.

M CCA/Components/Models/

- Don't use the RadiationDriver if radation was not turned on.

M CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT/
M CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/
M CCA/Components/MPM/
M CCA/Components/Wasatch/Transport/
M CCA/Components/Wasatch/
M CCA/Components/Wasatch/Expressions/
M CCA/Components/Wasatch/Expressions/Turbulence/
M CCA/Components/Wasatch/Operators/
M CCA/Components/
M CCA/Components/Schedulers/
M CCA/Components/Arches/
M CCA/Components/Examples/
M Core/Util/
M StandAlone/
M StandAlone/tools/mpi_test/
M StandAlone/tools/pfs/
M StandAlone/tools/fsspeed/
M StandAlone/tools/puda/
M StandAlone/tools/tracker/
M StandAlone/tools/dumpfields/
M StandAlone/tools/graphview/
M StandAlone/tools/extractors/
M StandAlone/tools/
M StandAlone/tools/compare_mms/
M StandAlone/Benchmarks/
M testprograms/CubeRootTest/
M testprograms/TestFastMatrix/
M testprograms/RegionTest/
M testprograms/TestMatrix3/
M testprograms/IteratorTest/
M testprograms/Regridders/
M testprograms/
M testprograms/PatchBVH/
M testprograms/Malloc/
M testprograms/Thread/
M testprograms/BNRRegridder/

126 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • (+126 -14)
dav 2014-06-18 17:21 Rev.: 51996

Fix for static build when GPU (NVCC) is turned on. If you have
external device specific functions in .cu files, then you need to link
them with the -dc (in addition to the -c) flag. Then you have to link
all of these files together in a separate step using the nvcc
compiler's -dlink flag. This update removes the compilation of .cu
files in multiple other files (which thus created multiple definitions
of the same symbols).

I've created a new faux library lib/libgpu_extra_link.a that holds the
output from the -dlink command, and this is linked into sus.


- Added "-dc" to the nvcc link line.


- Build lib/libgpu_extra_link.a if Static and CUDA.

M StandAlone/

- Sus now depends on lib/libgpu_extra_link.a (if Static/CUDA).

M include/sci_defs/

- Cosmetic fixes: cleaned up indentation and a few comments.

M CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT/

- No longer include the .cu files, just include the .h file.

M CCA/Components/Solvers/

- Cosmetic fixes: Alphabetize, remove duplicate libs, consolidate if's.

M CCA/Components/Schedulers/GPUDataWarehouse.h

- Cosmetic fixes, clean up spacing, make easier to read.
- Remove unnecessary ;'s after constructor/destructor.

M CCA/Components/Schedulers/

- Indent.
- Group common variables.

M CCA/Components/Arches/

- Cosmetic fixes: Cleanup, Indentation, consolidate if's.

M Core/Util/GPU.h

- Fix namespace: uintah -> Uintah
- isThread0_Blk0() is an external function, declare it as such.

M Core/Util/

- Fix namespace: uintah -> Uintah
- Fix function specification layout.

30 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • (+28 -1), (+2 -2)
ahumphrey 2014-06-16 13:58 Rev.: 51988

* Prepare build system CUDA support for separate CUDA compilation and device code linking (Titan static builds)
* need NVCC flag -arch=sm_* to work with NVCC flags: -dc and -dlink
* Generate new configure script
* Cleanup Examples - remove old lines refering to non-existent GPU example components
* Add temporary fix for CPU/GPU RMCRT carry forward issue

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • aclocal.m4 (+1 -5), configure (+1 -5)
jas 2014-06-11 15:41 Rev.: 51959

Squashed commit of the following:

commit be6e7652561b8d5cc85fb4cc6fe6bf3a178b9330
Author: John Schmidt <>
Date: Wed Jun 11 15:51:31 2014 -0600

Initial incorporation of PIDX.

1196 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • (+10), configure (+1102), (+84)
jsutherland 2014-06-03 17:15 Rev.: 51928

Remove configure's search for a now obsolete header.

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+1 -1), (+1 -1)
dav 2014-05-16 14:20 Rev.: 51848

M configure

Added '--with-math=' to allow specificiation of math library.
Currently this is only used on Vulcan. (Without this configure flag,
-lm will be used.) This replaces the hard coded path to the math
library for BGQ machines that was previously in configure.

74 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+49 -11), (+25 -5)
dav 2014-05-15 14:29 Rev.: 51842

Fix check for boost filesystem v3 namespace (displayed on Vulcan).

6 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+4 -5), (+2 -2)
ahumphrey 2014-05-12 11:38 Rev.: 51833

Excise Windows support from build system.
Also delete MS Visual Studio related files.
Generate new configure script.

29 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • (-14), (+10 -18), configure (+10 -1240), (+9 -200)
dav 2014-05-07 01:41 Rev.: 51812

Fix the case where the user adds a superfluous trailing / to "/usr/" when
specifying the location of boost. This should fix the problem with
the nightly RT.

M configure

- Strip trailing / from --with-boost DIR (if there is one.
- Remove invalid , from print statement.


- In some strange cases (usually on a Mac but could be anywhere),
the XML2_LIBRARY flag includes -lz which points to a different
libz then Uintah finds. If we place the Z_LIBRARY flag at the
beginning of the XML2_LIBRARY flag, this fixes the problems
(and thus we don't get half of Uintah linked vs line libz, and
the other half linked vs a different one.) Note, even without
this fix, the make system detects this problem and prints out
an error message.

M aclocal.m4

- Strip traling / as necessary from include directories.

114 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • aclocal.m4 (+3), (+1 -1), configure (+106 -1), (+4 -1)
dav 2014-05-06 17:04 Rev.: 51811

Need to generate boost_defs.h regardless of whether boost is found.

4 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+2 -1), (+2 -1)
harman 2014-05-06 17:03 Rev.: 51810

Tweaking for boost configure check. Turns out that the mt lib version
check, if told to look in a non-standard place, in the mt libs do not
exist in the non-standard place, can find the mt libraries in the
standard location. Need to check for this and stop it from happening if

M src/
M src/configure

- Make sure the boost library is found in the requested location.

M src/StandAlone/tools/
M src/StandAlone/tools/compare_mms/

- A number of utility programs need to link vs Boost...

35 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+21 -7), (+14 -1)
harman 2014-05-06 16:27 Rev.: 51809

Fix for inconsistencies with the namespace boost uses for its
filesystem utilities. I had originally seen this on Vulcan, but have
duplicated it on Todd's Debian system Fin. On Fin there are two
versions of boost installed. While the both claim to be using the
boost filesystem version 3, only one of them actually uses the
namespace boost::filesystem3... The other, and the default on many
machines, is boost::filesystem.

I have added a test in configure to determine which namespace to use
and then updated the code to make the correct choice. I have tested
this on Fin, and will verify that it works on other systems after
this commit (in addition to letting the RT take a swing at it too).

- Dav

M src/
M src/configure

- Remove the include dir with_boost/include/boost as the '/boost'
comes from the #include line.
- Added check for namespace boost::filesystem3.

M src/build_scripts/

- If boost in in the default /usr location, then don't use CMAKE boost

M src/include/sci_defs/

- Add "#define UINTAH_BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE_V3 1" as necessary to this file.

M src/Core/OS/

- #include sci_defs/boost_defs.h to determine which boost filesystem namespace to use.

469 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+454 -5), (+15 -5)
dav 2014-05-05 11:13 Rev.: 51803

Add missing test to validate --with-mkl directory.

16 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+8 -1), (+8 -1)
dav 2014-04-25 11:44 Rev.: 51771

M configure

Somehow in the previous commit I deleted the list of boost libraries
and includes... putting them back.

Also moved the test for Altivec to be after the spot where CC is set
so that the test can actually be run.

26 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • configure (+13 -8), (+13 -8)

(19 more)

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