Directory Sizes

Total Directories:

Lines of Code Per Directory

Directory Statistics

Directory Changes Lines of Code
Totals 8453 (100.0%) 737341 (100.0%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ConstitutiveModel/ 227 (2.7%) 44233 (6.0%)
CCA/Components/Arches/ 270 (3.2%) 40254 (5.5%)
CCA/Components/Schedulers/ 218 (2.6%) 33001 (4.5%)
CCA/Components/MPM/ 78 (0.9%) 26261 (3.6%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ConstitutiveModel/UnusedCM/ 117 (1.4%) 24525 (3.3%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ConstitutiveModel/QuocAnh/ 46 (0.5%) 21834 (3.0%)
Core/Grid/ 212 (2.5%) 20893 (2.8%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ConstitutiveModel/PlasticityModels/ 399 (4.7%) 19228 (2.6%)
Core/Grid/Variables/ 282 (3.3%) 13441 (1.8%)
CCA/Components/OnTheFlyAnalysis/ 167 (2.0%) 12762 (1.7%)
CCA/Components/ICE/ 56 (0.7%) 12654 (1.7%)
CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT/ 78 (0.9%) 12448 (1.7%)
CCA/Components/Arches/CoalModels/ 65 (0.8%) 10624 (1.4%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Crack/ 87 (1.0%) 10552 (1.4%)
Core/GeometryPiece/ 223 (2.6%) 10513 (1.4%)
CCA/Components/PhaseField/Applications/ 51 (0.6%) 9748 (1.3%)
CCA/Components/Models/FluidsBased/ 94 (1.1%) 9704 (1.3%)
VisIt/libsim/ 66 (0.8%) 9549 (1.3%)
Core/Math/ 163 (1.9%) 9517 (1.3%)
CCA/Components/Models/HEChem/ 74 (0.9%) 8822 (1.2%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ConstitutiveModel/Biswajit/ 27 (0.3%) 8707 (1.2%)
CCA/Components/Examples/ 121 (1.4%) 8579 (1.2%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ConstitutiveModel/Biswajit/Models/ 159 (1.9%) 8571 (1.2%)
CCA/Ports/ 97 (1.1%) 8219 (1.1%)
CCA/Components/ICE/CustomBCs/ 51 (0.6%) 7821 (1.1%)
Core/Math/TntJama/ 78 (0.9%) 7780 (1.1%)
CCA/Components/Arches/ParticleModels/ 138 (1.6%) 7759 (1.1%)
CCA/Components/Heat/ 92 (1.1%) 7500 (1.0%)
Core/Util/ 130 (1.5%) 7280 (1.0%)
CCA/Components/Arches/fortran/ 111 (1.3%) 6594 (0.9%)
CCA/Components/Arches/PropertyModelsV2/ 178 (2.1%) 6592 (0.9%)
CCA/Components/PhaseField/BoundaryConditions/detail/ 61 (0.7%) 6369 (0.9%)
CCA/Components/MPMArches/ 31 (0.4%) 6366 (0.9%)
Core/Grid/BoundaryConditions/ 95 (1.1%) 6255 (0.8%)
CCA/Components/LoadBalancers/ 64 (0.8%) 6043 (0.8%)
CCA/Components/ICE/PressureSolve/HypreStandAlone/ 99 (1.2%) 5772 (0.8%)
Core/Containers/ 35 (0.4%) 5733 (0.8%)
StandAlone/tools/extractors/ 27 (0.3%) 5703 (0.8%)
CCA/Components/DataArchiver/ 24 (0.3%) 5627 (0.8%)
CCA/Components/Wasatch/ 26 (0.3%) 5465 (0.7%)
CCA/Components/Arches/Transport/ 132 (1.6%) 5450 (0.7%)
CCA/Components/Arches/SourceTerms/ 51 (0.6%) 5299 (0.7%)
StandAlone/tools/dumpfields/ 84 (1.0%) 5152 (0.7%)
Core/Datatypes/ 51 (0.6%) 5139 (0.7%)
CCA/Components/Arches/ChemMix/ 42 (0.5%) 4967 (0.7%)
StandAlone/ 29 (0.3%) 4829 (0.7%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/Contact/ 76 (0.9%) 4812 (0.7%)
StandAlone/tools/puda/ 110 (1.3%) 4702 (0.6%)
CCA/Components/MPMICE/ 16 (0.2%) 4283 (0.6%)
CCA/Components/Wasatch/Expressions/ 32 (0.4%) 4094 (0.6%)
CCA/Components/ICE/EOS/ 87 (1.0%) 4075 (0.6%)
CCA/Components/MPM/PhysicalBC/ 79 (0.9%) 3996 (0.5%)
CCA/Components/Arches/TurbulenceModels/ 112 (1.3%) 3967 (0.5%)
CCA/Components/Arches/Radiation/ 55 (0.7%) 3966 (0.5%)
CCA/Components/PhaseField/AMR/detail/ 49 (0.6%) 3904 (0.5%)
Core/Parallel/ 53 (0.6%) 3902 (0.5%)
scripts/ 30 (0.4%) 3823 (0.5%)
CCA/Components/Solvers/ 40 (0.5%) 3483 (0.5%)
CCA/Components/Wasatch/Transport/ 24 (0.3%) 3441 (0.5%)
CCA/Components/MPMArches/fortran/ 45 (0.5%) 3422 (0.5%)
Core/DataArchive/ 11 (0.1%) 3327 (0.5%)
Core/Geometry/ 42 (0.5%) 3277 (0.4%)
VisIt/interfaces/ 37 (0.4%) 3217 (0.4%)
R_Tester/helpers/ 29 (0.3%) 3216 (0.4%)
CCA/Components/Arches/Utility/ 83 (1.0%) 3189 (0.4%)
CCA/Components/Arches/Radiation/fortran/ 60 (0.7%) 3188 (0.4%)
CCA/Components/Models/MultiMatlExchange/ 35 (0.4%) 3135 (0.4%)
/ 20 (0.2%) 3012 (0.4%)
CCA/Components/ICE/Advection/ 43 (0.5%) 2915 (0.4%)
CCA/Components/FVM/ 39 (0.5%) 2905 (0.4%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Core/ 39 (0.5%) 2879 (0.4%)
CCA/Components/PhaseField/DataWarehouse/detail/ 58 (0.7%) 2871 (0.4%)
CCA/Components/Solvers/AMR/ 30 (0.4%) 2842 (0.4%)
CCA/Components/Arches/WallHTModels/ 10 (0.1%) 2819 (0.4%)
CCA/Components/SimulationController/ 27 (0.3%) 2773 (0.4%)
CCA/Components/Arches/Task/ 68 (0.8%) 2722 (0.4%)
Core/Exceptions/ 108 (1.3%) 2718 (0.4%)
parametricStudies/postProcessTools/ 36 (0.4%) 2639 (0.4%)
Core/Malloc/ 24 (0.3%) 2580 (0.3%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ParticleCreator/ 38 (0.4%) 2541 (0.3%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ConstitutiveModel/Biswajit/ElasticityModels/ 90 (1.1%) 2526 (0.3%)
CCA/Components/Regridder/ 28 (0.3%) 2511 (0.3%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/Diffusion/DiffusionModels/ 34 (0.4%) 2498 (0.3%)
CCA/Components/ProblemSpecification/ 9 (0.1%) 2368 (0.3%)
Core/ProblemSpec/ 15 (0.2%) 2313 (0.3%)
CCA/Components/Arches/TransportEqns/ 9 (0.1%) 2301 (0.3%)
CCA/Components/Arches/SourceTermsV2/ 40 (0.5%) 2280 (0.3%)
CCA/Components/Application/ 18 (0.2%) 2156 (0.3%)
CCA/Components/PhaseField/ 13 (0.2%) 2015 (0.3%)
CCA/Components/Solvers/AMR/HypreSolvers/ 57 (0.7%) 2003 (0.3%)
CCA/Components/Models/SolidReactionModel/ 69 (0.8%) 1949 (0.3%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Solver/ 24 (0.3%) 1934 (0.3%)
CCA/Components/MPMFVM/ 27 (0.3%) 1923 (0.3%)
CCA/Components/Arches/BoundaryConditions/ 18 (0.2%) 1798 (0.2%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ConstitutiveModel/ViscoElastic/ 7 (0.1%) 1777 (0.2%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ConstitutiveModel/fortran/ 15 (0.2%) 1748 (0.2%)
CCA/Components/Parent/ 20 (0.2%) 1739 (0.2%)
StandAlone/tools/pfs/ 16 (0.2%) 1711 (0.2%)
CCA/Components/PhaseField/AMR/ 51 (0.6%) 1706 (0.2%)
CCA/Components/SwitchingCriteria/ 45 (0.5%) 1672 (0.2%)
CCA/Components/MPM/HeatConduction/ 17 (0.2%) 1662 (0.2%)
StandAlone/tools/graphview/ 24 (0.3%) 1640 (0.2%)
R_Tester/ 52 (0.6%) 1596 (0.2%)
CCA/Components/ICE/Core/ 20 (0.2%) 1542 (0.2%)
CCA/Components/ICE/TurbulenceModel/ 27 (0.3%) 1361 (0.2%)
StandAlone/tools/compare_mms/ 33 (0.4%) 1304 (0.2%)
CCA/Components/PhaseField/DataTypes/ 13 (0.2%) 1264 (0.2%)
CCA/Components/PhaseField/Views/detail/ 22 (0.3%) 1236 (0.2%)
Core/OS/ 18 (0.2%) 1217 (0.2%)
CCA/Components/Solvers/AMR/HyprePreconds/ 39 (0.5%) 1180 (0.2%)
CCA/Components/PhaseField/Util/ 9 (0.1%) 1177 (0.2%)
R_Tester/toplevel/ 12 (0.1%) 1160 (0.2%)
CCA/Components/Arches/ChemMixV2/ 21 (0.2%) 1100 (0.1%)
scripts/buildbot/ 18 (0.2%) 1096 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/PostProcessUda/ 21 (0.2%) 1085 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/ICE/SpecificHeatModel/ 39 (0.5%) 1079 (0.1%)
Core/Lockfree/impl/ 12 (0.1%) 1007 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/ICE/WallShearStressModel/ 27 (0.3%) 1003 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/PhaseField/BoundaryConditions/ 25 (0.3%) 987 (0.1%)
StandAlone/tools/mpi_test/ 12 (0.1%) 954 (0.1%)
StandAlone/tools/ 6 (0.1%) 951 (0.1%)
include/sci_defs/ 70 (0.8%) 947 (0.1%)
parametricStudies/framework_scripts/ 18 (0.2%) 914 (0.1%)
StandAlone/tools/VisIt/ 6 (0.1%) 905 (0.1%)
Core/Lockfree/ 9 (0.1%) 870 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/Diffusion/DiffusionInterfaces/ 21 (0.2%) 847 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/RMCRT/randomNums/ 9 (0.1%) 840 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/MPM/CohesiveZone/ 15 (0.2%) 840 (0.1%)
Core/Grid/PatchBVH/ 27 (0.3%) 821 (0.1%)
build_scripts/ 43 (0.5%) 812 (0.1%)
Core/Disclosure/ 19 (0.2%) 808 (0.1%)
parametricStudies/test_config_files/ICE/Couette-Poiseuille/ 11 (0.1%) 792 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ 10 (0.1%) 775 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/PhaseField/DataWarehouse/ 17 (0.2%) 764 (0.1%)
testprograms/TestMatrix3/ 12 (0.1%) 761 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/MPM/ThermalContact/ 27 (0.3%) 750 (0.1%)
testprograms/Malloc/ 42 (0.5%) 748 (0.1%)
testprograms/TestBoxGrouper/ 27 (0.3%) 733 (0.1%)
Core/IO/ 15 (0.2%) 662 (0.1%)
testprograms/TestSuite/ 21 (0.2%) 654 (0.1%)
testprograms/TestRangeTree/ 12 (0.1%) 653 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/ICE/Materials/ 9 (0.1%) 544 (0.1%)
parametricStudies/test_config_files/ICE/ 22 (0.3%) 507 (0.1%)
testprograms/ 9 (0.1%) 464 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/MPM/MMS/ 9 (0.1%) 441 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/Arches/LagrangianParticles/ 13 (0.2%) 427 (0.1%)
testprograms/TestFastMatrix/ 9 (0.1%) 404 (0.1%)
Core/Util/Timers/ 3 (0.0%) 398 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/Diffusion/ConductivityModels/ 21 (0.2%) 390 (0.1%)
testprograms/TestConsecutiveRangeSet/ 9 (0.1%) 378 (0.1%)
CCA/Components/Models/ 9 (0.1%) 351 (0.0%)
tools/StackTrace/ 3 (0.0%) 336 (0.0%)
CCA/Components/PhaseField/Factory/ 3 (0.0%) 332 (0.0%)
scripts/udaTransferScripts/ 3 (0.0%) 326 (0.0%)
testprograms/RegionTest/ 9 (0.1%) 306 (0.0%)
parametricStudies/test_config_files/Examples/ 4 (0.0%) 296 (0.0%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/Diffusion/ 15 (0.2%) 294 (0.0%)
testprograms/SFCTest/ 6 (0.1%) 293 (0.0%)
testprograms/PatchBVH/ 6 (0.1%) 260 (0.0%)
scripts/Scaling/ 9 (0.1%) 253 (0.0%)
scripts/MPM/ 6 (0.1%) 252 (0.0%)
StandAlone/tools/makedot/ 6 (0.1%) 239 (0.0%)
parametricStudies/test_config_files/Arches/ 14 (0.2%) 238 (0.0%)
StandAlone/Benchmarks/ 6 (0.1%) 228 (0.0%)
CCA/Components/MPMICE/Core/ 9 (0.1%) 213 (0.0%)
CCA/Components/PhaseField/Exceptions/ 9 (0.1%) 204 (0.0%)
CCA/Components/MPM/Materials/ConstitutiveModel/PortableTongeRamesh/ 3 (0.0%) 204 (0.0%)
parametricStudies/postProcessTools/debugNodes/ 4 (0.0%) 199 (0.0%)
StandAlone/tools/fsspeed/ 6 (0.1%) 199 (0.0%)
CCA/Components/ 4 (0.0%) 130 (0.0%)
testprograms/IteratorTest/ 6 (0.1%) 125 (0.0%)
CCA/Components/PhaseField/Views/ 2 (0.0%) 105 (0.0%)
Core/Math/doc/ 6 (0.1%) 99 (0.0%)
CCA/Components/Arches/DigitalFilter/ 3 (0.0%) 99 (0.0%)
testprograms/Regridders/ 3 (0.0%) 72 (0.0%)
tools/ 6 (0.1%) 71 (0.0%)
build_scripts/Wasatch3PStandalone/ 3 (0.0%) 65 (0.0%)
Core/ 3 (0.0%) 62 (0.0%)
scripts/ICE/ 3 (0.0%) 56 (0.0%)
parametricStudies/postProcessTools/functions/ 4 (0.0%) 55 (0.0%)
testprograms/CubeRootTest/ 3 (0.0%) 52 (0.0%)
VisIt/ 3 (0.0%) 42 (0.0%)
CCA/Components/Arches/CoalModels/fortran/ 3 (0.0%) 37 (0.0%)
CCA/ 3 (0.0%) 36 (0.0%)
CCA/Components/Models/Radiation/ 3 (0.0%) 35 (0.0%)
parametricStudies/test_config_files/ 4 (0.0%) 21 (0.0%)
scripts/ConfigScripts/ 2 (0.0%) 6 (0.0%)
scripts/BuildDependencyScripts/ 1 (0.0%) 3 (0.0%)

Directory Sizes

Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0